
29 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Jewellery

Nakit je jedna od stvari koje mnogo volim. Godinama nisam mogla da nabavim nakit kakav mi se sviđa pa sam počela sama da ga pravim (Cajkin kovčežić sa blagom). Danas ipak imamo daleko veću ponudu nakita i prošle godine sam naišla na ženu koja pravi zaista fantastične stvar od stakla, plemenitih minerala i mesinga, pod imenom Art Manufaktura Gea. Brzo sam skupila pravu malu kolekciju i znala sam da će mi ovaj nakit biti inspiracija za današnju temu. Ukoliko se i vama sviđa, možete ga stalno naći na Katapultu u Knez Mihailovoj 5.

Jewellery is on of the things I really like a lot. For years I've been unable to find pieces to my taste so I started making it myself (Cajkin kovčežić sa blagom). These days however we have much wider variety of jewellery and last year I found a woman who is making these amazing pieces from glass, minerals and brass, called Art Manufaktura Gea. I have easily created quite a nice collection and I knew that this jewellery will be my inspiration for today.

22 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Skittlette

Po ko zna koji put radimo Skittlette, ali na svu sreću ovo je tema koju mogu da radim iznova i iznova i iznova, a da mi ne dosadi.

We've been doing Skittlette manis time and time again, but fortunately this is the theme I can do over and over again without getting bored with it.

16 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Red

Po treći put za temu usklađenog manikira imamo crvenu boju. Iako mi je crvena jedna od najdražih boja i prikladnih lakova mi ne manjka, s obzirom na to da smo već dva puta radile crvene manikire malo je teže smisliti atraktivan manikir kakav nije već prikazan. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

This is the third time we have colour red as theme for our matching manis. Even though red is one of my favourite colours and I don't lack appropriate polishes, I found it a bit difficult to come up with an attractive mani that we haven't done before considering that we've already done this theme twice before. I hope you'll like my take on it.

14 January 2017

Born Pretty BP-L054

Kada pomislim na pločice sa geometrijskim dezenima, nešto poput ove pločice mi nije baš prva pomisao. To je dobro jer znači da nisu u pitanju baš česti motivi.

When I think of stamping plates with geometric designs, something like this image plate does not exactly spring to mind, which is good because it means that there are not many like it out there.

12 January 2017

Literary Lacquers Camazotz

Letos sam se opskrbila Literary Lacquers lakovima jer mi je bilo nemoguće da odolim sjajnoj ponudi i činjenici da je svaki lak inspirisan književnim delom. Literary Lacquers lakovi su ručno pravljeni, a mogu se nabaviti u autorkinoj Etsy radnji, koja se ponovo otvara u februaru. Pakovanje je od 15 ml, a cene variraju od laka do laka.

This summer I got myself several Literary Lacquers because it was an irresistible offer and polishes are inspired by literature. Literary Lacquers are made by hand and can be purchased from creator's Etsy store, which is on hiatus until February. Polishes come in 15 ml bottles adn prices vary from polish to polish.

10 January 2017

Catrice Hyde In The Park

Catrice nam je sada dostupan u odabranim DM prodavnicama, a nadam se da nas sezonske kolekcije neće zaobilaziti jer u njima mogu da se nađu zbilja zanimljivi proizvodi, a dovoljno smo do sada propustili. Takav je bio slučaj sa Check & Tweed kolekcijom za jesen 2014. godine iz koje je ovaj lak. Naravno, više se ne može nabaviti sem ako, poput mene, ne naletite na njega na nekom sajtu poput Krpica.

Catrice is now available in Serbia and I hope that limited editions will be arriving regularly because they tend to contain truly interesting products and we have already missed so much. That was the case with Check & Tweed collection from autumn 2014. that this polish comes from. Off course, it is unavailable now unless, like me, you run into it on Ebay or similar website.

08 January 2017

Matching Manicures - Blobbicure

Blobbicure po drugi put među Matching Manicures temama. Da, ponovo radimo ovaj simpatični manikir, nadam se sa više uspeha nego prošli put.

For the second time as a Matching Manicures theme - I give you blobbicure. Yes, we're doing this cute mani again, hopefully with more success than the last time.

06 January 2017

Matching Manicures - New Year, Old Me, New Manicure

Oh hai! Dobro došle na moj stari blog i u novoj godini. Kako ste mi? Još u prazničnom raspoloženju? Mene još uvek drži sezonska bezvoljnost, koja je uzrokovala i ovu poslednju pauzu u blogovanju, ali vreme je da se vratim na tematske zadatke.

Oh hai! Welcome to my old blog in new year. How have you been? I'm still going through my seasonal listlessness, which had caused this last break from blogging, but it is time to come back, with another theme mani.