Davnijeh dana sam lakove sa kojima nisam znala šta da radim nudila za razmenu na Krpicama, a u zamenu sam uzimala lakove koje verovatno ne bih nikada sama kupila, čisto da ih isprobam. Tako sam došla do para Flormar Matte lakova. Pošto su mat i bez šimera, nisam ih nosila dok me jedna lakoholičarka nije podsetila da bih mogla da ubijem dve muve jednim udarcem - da isprobam lak koji još nisam nosila i toper koji nisam nosila.
A long time ago I used to swap polishes that I didn't know what to do with, and I would take polishes that I normally wouldn't buy on my own, just to give them a try. That is how I came to own two Flormar Matte polishes. Since they are just plain matte, I didn't wear them until a polishaholic reminded me that I could kill two birds with one stone - try an untried polish with a topper I haven't worn.
30 April 2021
28 April 2021
A England Tristam Revisited
Plavi lakovi su nam trenutna tema za usklađene manikire na Ani. Plavo nije moja boja, ali volim teget i odmah sam suzila izbor na dva laka - omiljeni mi China Glaze Strap on your Moonboots ili A England Tristam, koji nisam prošlog puta mogla lepo da uhvatim jer nije bilo sunca. Zato danas dobija čestite slike.
Our current theme for manicures is blue polishes. Blue is not my colour, but I do like navy blues and I immediately got my selection down to two polishes - a favourite of mine China Glaze Strap on your Moonboots or A England Tristam, which I couldn't capture well because there was no sun. That is why today it is finally getting some decent photos.
24 April 2021
Avon Nailwear Pro Mandarin Magic
Prošle nedelje smo, pošto je vreme bilo prilično sumorno, nosile lakove da rasteramo sivilo. Meni je narandžasta najveselija boja i uz žutu odličan antidepresiv. Lak koji sam za ovu priliku odabrala je bio Avon lak koji sam dobila od Male Palčice kada smo se pre pet godina upoznale. Avon ne kupujem te ne mogu reći sa sigurnošću, ali verujem da se ova boja, verovatno cela ova linija, više ne proizvodi. Možda imaju nešto slično u ponudi.
Last week we wore our favourite antidepressant polishes to help us cope with bad weather. I find orange the happiest colour, and it has been an antidepressant for me along with yellow. The polish I picked for this theme is and Avon Polish I got from Mala Palčica when we met five years ago. I am not an Avon customer so I can't say for certain, but I believe that this colour, possibly this whole line, has been discontinued.
11 April 2021
ILNP Reminisce H
Od svih boutique brendova, ILNP mi je omiljen. Sećam se kada su izbacili kolekciju Ultra Chrome™ lakova, a potom i unapređene verzije sa holo česticama. Obe kolekcije su bile toliko uspešne da su ovi lakovi i dalje u ponudi i mogu se nabaviti direktno sa proizvođačevog sajta ili kod bilo kog od mnogih distributera.
Our of all the boutique nail polish brands, ILNP is my favourite. I remember when they first launched their Ultra Chrome™ collection, and then holo versions of those polishes. Both collections were so successfull that those polishes are still available on their website and from any of their distributors.
08 April 2021
Galaxy 43 Magnetic Fields
Od jednog tematskog petka da drugog, nekako se stvorila spontana veza. Od prošlog petka na noktima nosimo djupove poznatih Chanel nijansi, a ja sam odabrala zamenu za Rouge Noir jer imam dve još uvek neisporbane. Odmah sam znala koji ću nositi - Galaxy Magnetic Fields. Galaxy lakovi imaju 12 ml, koštaju 250 dinara (mada su trenutno neke nijanse na sniženju i koštaju svega 200 dinara) i mogu se nabaviti u Alexandar Cosmetics i kod njihovih distributera.
A spontaneous connection developed beteen two thematic Fridays. Last Friday's theme is dupes of famous Chanel shades, and I chose a Rouge Noir substitute, because I have two of those still untried. And I knew right away which one of the two I was going to wear.
01 April 2021
Chanel Mimosa
Postoje brendovi koji kod mene izazivaju averziju i na vrhu te liste je Chanel. Ne samo lakovi - odeća, asesoari, šminka, štagod. Dovoljno mi je da vidim ili čujem ime i da ne želim ništa da znam o proizvodu. Iracionalno je, ne tražite objašnjenje. No pre tri godine sam od drage mi Jelene dobila Mimozu na poklon, jer Jelena zna da volim žute lakove. Zašto je tri godine stajao neisproban? Pa, ta averzija nije nestala sa posedovanjem. No prošlog petka smo za tematski manikir mazale nasumično odabrane lakove iz kolekcije, a ja sam imala poseban uslov da taj lak bude do sada neisproban. Otud Chanel na mojim noktima i blogu.
There are brands that I have a very strong aversion to, and on the top of that list is Chanel. Not just polishes - clothes, accessories, makeup, whatever. As soson as I hear the brand name, I don't want to know anything about the product. It is irrational, don't look for an explanation. However, three years ago, my dear Jelena gave me Mimosa as a gift, because she knows I like yellow polishes. Well, the aversion didn't go with owning of a product. But last friday we had a theme of a randomly chosen polish from our collection, and I had an additional condition of choosing from my untrieds. That is how a Chanel polish ended up on my nails and on my blog.