
30 May 2012

Nega noktiju

Prvo sam htela da napravim jedan post pod nazivom "Alat, oblikovanje, nega i održavanje", ali imam toliko materijala da ću morati ipak da podelim pisanije po sekcijama. U ovoj poruci ću se pozabaviti negom noktiju i preparatima koje sam koristila i koje koristim za negu. Link u nazivu proizvoda vodi do spiska sastojaka i uloge svakog sastojka u tom proizvodu.

At first I wanted to write a long post on nail care, but there is so much to write about that I'll have to split it into several sections. In this post I'll deal with the nail care products I've used or that I still use. Link in the product name will take you to its ingredients list.

Golden Rose Nail Care Marina Nail Spa - Golden Rose Nail Care Regenerating and Hydrating Oil - Šenemil ulje za nokte i zanoktice - Oriflame Nail and Cuticle Vitamin Cream

Kako se izboriti sa suvim, krtim noktima sklonim listanju? Pošto su meni i listanje i krtost bili posledica suvoće, problem sam u velikoj meri rešila uljima i mastima. Sada se više ne lome zbog stalnog stresa kojem su izloženi, ali desi se da napuknu. Pukotina se vidi, ali ona pokriva nekoliko slojeva nokta, ne sve, i nokat se ne lomi. U velikoj meri su prestali da se listaju otkako posle skraćivavnja i oblikovanja nokta zapečatim slobodnu ivicu najfinijim stranama polir-bloka. A otkako ih sužavam (mada ne sve u istoj meri), ne zacepljuju se. Ali ulja i masti su ključna stvar jer mi nokti više nisu suvi i samim tim su manje skloni pucanju. Ja koristim Golden Rose Nail Care Regenerating and Hydrating Oil, Šenemil ulje za nokte i zanoktice, Oriflame Nail and Cuticle Vitamin Cream i Golden Rose Nail Care Marina Nail Spa. Mislim da se Oriflame krema ne može više nabaviti, ostalo je dostupno. Ranije sam koristila Oriflame Growth Booster. Više ga nema u ponudi, ali postoji unapređena verzija Oriflame Nail Boost Advanced Growth Reviver. Takođe preporučujem Hemel kremu za nokte, mada bi i njihova krema za ruke ili ona za pete sasvim dobro obavila posao.

How to deal with dry, brittle, peeling nails? My brittleness and peeling were due to dryness and I sorted that out by using oils and creams. They aren't breaking because of the constant stress they endure any more. They crack sometimes and the crack goes down several layers of the nail plate, but not through all of them. They have largely stopped peeling since I started sealing my nail plate with the finest side of buffing block after filing and shaping my nails. And since I'm also taking down the width, my nails stopped catching onto stuff and breaking. But oils are the main thing because my nails are no longer dry and therefore less prone to breaking. I use Golden Rose Nail Care Regenerating and Hydrating Oil, Šenemil oil for nails and cuticles, Oriflame Nail and Cuticle Vitamin Cream and Golden Rose Nail Care Marina Nail Spa. I think that the Oriflame cream has been discontinued, other products are available. I used to use Oriflame Growth Booster. It is no longer available, but there is an improved version called Oriflame Nail Boost Advanced Growth Reviver. I also recommend Hemel nail cream, although their hand cream or heel balm should do the trick just as well.
Oriflame Growth Booster

Oriflame Growth Booster je prvi gel za negu noktiju koji sam koristila. Nisam ga koristila kontinuirano do pre nekoliko meseci, a i tada sam to učinila samo da bih ga što pre potrošila i imala izgovor da kupim neki drugi proizvod za negu. Kao što se iz imena da pretpostaviti, ovaj proizvod je namenjen ubrzavanju rasta noktiju. Ja ne verujem u sredstva za brži rast, posebno ne u lakove za brži rast. Ovo nije lak već proizvod  koji se utrljava u površinu nokta i zanoktice. Nisam primetila da mi nokti rastu brže, ali sam primetila da su elastičniji. Ovo sredstvo sadrži 5 ovlaživača koji su uticali na poboljšanje kvaliteta mojih noktiju. Brzo se upijao i ostavljao blago lepljiv sloj na noktu, ali i ta lepljivost bi ubrzo prošla.

Oriflame Growth Booster is the first nail gel I've used. I haven't used it regularly until several months ago, and even then I did so only in order to use the bottle up and get an excuse to by another product for nail care. As the name suggests, this product is meant to make your nails grow faster. I don't believe in stuff that allegedly boost the nail growth, especially the ones in form of polish. This isn't a polish, but a product that should be massaged into nail plate and cuticle. I haven't noticed that my nails grow any faster, but I did notice that they gained elasticity. This product contains 5 moisturizers that increased the quality of my nails. My nails would absorb it easily. It would leave a bit of sticky film on my nail, but the stickiness would soon wear off.

Golden Rose Nail Care Marine Nail Spa

Golden Rose Nail Care Marine Nail Spa je gel koji sam uzela u trenutku kada nisam mogla da nađem Golden Rose ulje, koje sam želela da isprobam, a potrošila sam Oriflame Growth Booster. Gel prijatno miriše na alge i lako i lepo se upija. Kada sam ga uzela, koristila sam ga dva puta dnevno i bila sam prilično razočarana što nisam odmah videla rezultate kao sa Oriflame Growth Boosterom. Sada mi je drago što od njega nisam odustala jer je sasvim sigurno doprineo povećanju elastičnosti mojih noktiju. Koristim ga kada skinem lak sa noktiju (1 do 2 puta nedeljno), obično ujutru. Namažem ga po celoj nokatnoj ploči i zanokticama i lepo ga utrljam. Nemam utisak da deluje dovoljno snažno na nokatnu ploču (zato i nisam mogla videti iste rezultate kao sa prethodnim sredstvom), ali deluje jer su mi izrasli delovi noktiju iz vremena kada sam koristila samo ovaj proizvod bili vidno elastičniji, mada i dalje krti. Nokti rastu brzinom od otprilike 1 mm nedeljno pa se lako može izračunati kada je izrasli deo nokta bio u korenu i obratno - kada će preći jagodicu nokat koji se u datom trenutku neguje u korenu. Pakovanje je od 12 ml i košta oko 200 dinara.

Golden Rose Nail Care Marine Nail Spa is a gel I bought when I was unable to get Golden Rose oil I wanted to try out, and after I spent Oriflame Growth Booster. Gel smells pleasantly of algae and was easily and nicely absorbed. When I first bought it I used to use it twice a day and I was rather disappointed because I couldn't see the results immediately, unlike Oriflame Growth Boosterom. I'm glad now I didn't give it up because it certainly contributed to my nails' increased elasticity. I use it once or twice a week, after I remove polish, usually in the morning. I apply it all over my nail and cuticle and massage it into them. I don't think it has strong enough effect compared to the Growth Booster, but it is working, I can tell. The bottle contains 12 ml of product and it costs about 200 dinars (less than 2 €).

Golden Rose Nail Care Regenerating and Hydrating Oil

Golden Rose Nail Care Regenerating and Hydrating Oil je divno ulje za negu noktiju koje miriše na agrume. Sadrži ulje jojobe, ulje slatkog badema i limunovo ulje i još dva ovlaživača - ekstrakt aloje i acetat vitamina E. Koristim ga kada skinem lak sa noktiju (1 do 2 puta nedeljno), obično uveče. Namažem ga po celoj nokatnoj ploči i zanokticama i lepo ga utrljam. Pošto je masno, volim da, kada se malo upije, preko njega namažem neku masnu kremu u tankom sloju kako bi se sva ta ulja zapečatila. Ranije sam koristila bilo koju kremu za ruke, ali pošto je većina njih na bazi glicerina, a on mi ostalja lepljiv sloj, sada sam se vratila Hemelu i njihovoj Kremi za pete. Pakovanje ulja od 12 ml košta oko 200 dinara.

Golden Rose Nail Care Regenerating and Hydrating Oil is a gorgeous nail care oil that smells of citruses. It contains jojoba ouil, sweet almond oil, lemon oil and two more moisturizers - aloe extract and vitamin E acetate. I use it once or twice a week, after I remove polish, usually at night. I apply it all over my nail and cuticle and massage it into them. Since it is greasy, I like to put a heavy cream over it, something that'll seal all these oils in. I used to use any hand cream, but as most of them contain glycerin, and it leaves sticky residue on my hands, I returned to Hemel's heel balm. The bottle contains 12 ml of product and it costs about 200 dinars (less than 2 €).

Šenemil ulje za nokte i zanoktice

Šenemil ulje za nokte i zanoktice koristim više puta dnevno. Kada mažem ruke dodam nekoliko kapi ovog ulja u kremu i utrljam po celim šakama, posebno obraćajući pažnju na zanoktice jer su mi one u užasnom stanju. Pakovanje mi se ne dopada jer mi uvek iscuri ili manje ili više ulja nego što bih želela. Samo ulje miriše na razne trave i veoma je masno. I njega sam nedavno počela da koristim u kombinaciji sa Hemel Kremom za pete. Pakovanje je od 20 ml i u prodavnicama zdrave hrane košta oko 150 dinara.

I use Šenemil nail and cuticle oil several times a day. Whenever I use hand cream I add several drops of it, massaging it into my hands, paying special attention to my cuticles as they are in horrendous state. I don't like the packaging because I always squeeze out either too much or to little oil. The oil itself smells of different herbs and it is very greasy. I started to use it with Hemel heel balm recently. The bottle contains 20 ml and it costs about 150 dinars (less than 1.5 €).

O ovlaživačima, uljima i mastima u sredstvima za negu noktiju je Ana napisala mnogo, mnogo korisnih članaka.

Ana wrote many, many useful articles on moisturizers and oils in nail care products.

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