
01 January 2013

Liebster award/That's who I am

Ranije sam spomenula da ne volim piramidalne šeme, lance svetog Antuna i slične stvari, ali nemam spreman post za danas, pa sam odlučila da na svoj način odgovorim na Liebster nagradu koju mi je dodelio Fitzy (Lacquer Lad). U suštini, nagradu i ja treba da dodelim blogovima koji imaju manje od 200 sledbenika i da postavim svoj set pitanja za njih, što neću učiniti, ali ću svakoga pozvati da pregleda blogove koje pratim i da vidi da li se možda među njima nalazi neki blog za koji nisu znali ranije, a koji im je možda zanimljiv. Pošto kroz odgovore na pitanja predstavljam sebe, taman ću kao mali Mujo poći za ostalim Turcima i dodati nekoliko That's who I am sličica.

I've mentioned in one of my earlier posts (only in Serbian, though), that I don't like chain letters/emails, pyramid schemes, awards that are designed in such manner and similar stuff. While I do understand that blog awards are a way of giving acknowledgement to the blogs and bloggers you like and promoting them, I don't like that system. But I haven't prepared a post for today so I'll respond to the questions Fitzy (Lacquer Lad) asked when he awarded me among other bloggers Liebster award. I am supposed to nominate 11 other blogs and ask my own set of questions, which I won't do, but I invite you all to check out blogs I'm following because maybe there's a blog you don't know about that you may like among them. And since I'll tell you a bit about myself through answers on Fitzy's questions, I'll just jump on the bandwagon and include several That's who I am pics.

1. What is your favorite dessert or sweet food?

My favourite dessert is somewhere between dark chocolate and tahin helva, but since I had to drastically change my diet, I'll have to go with dark chocolate.

2. Cremes or jellies? Why?

Cremes. I don't feel very comfortable with jellies because I have a feeling they look messy on my nails, but I have only modest experience with them.

3. Shimmer or glitter? Why?

Shimmer only because I think it is more wearable than glitter, but I love them both. I love sparkly stuff on my nails.

4. How do you organize your polish stash?

I used to organize it by colour, but now I organize it by brand, and I put brands that have bottles of similar shape and size next to each other. I keep my favourite polishes in Dr. Martens shoe box, some of the polishes got their separate nail polish boxes thanks to the lovely girls that work at my favourite perfume shop, where I buy my Golden Rose and Flormar polishes, who gave me lots of boxes they get their stock in. I keep my nail art supplies in a separate box and that may be the reason I don't do as much nail art as I could. I also keep another box for nail supplies that I buy during the month so I don't forget any of them when I do my monthly buys posts.

5. What are you doing for the holidays?

Studying for my exams.

6. What is a nail trend (crackle, matte, magnetic, glitter bomb, etc.) that you just can't stand, and why?

There's no nail trend I can't stand, but the one I really don't get is the gold leaf top coat. It just seems to me like a huge waste of gold.

7. What is your favorite mythical creature?

Ouroboros with dragon as a very close second.

8. How do you like your eggs?

I like my eggs in any possible way. I can eat them raw, boiled (I prefer hard boiled eggs), fried, scrambled...

9. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?


10. What is your favorite drugstore nail (or makeup) brand?

According to my stash, it's Essence. I do like their nail polishes and toppers, not to mention their Better Than Gel Nails Top Coat, that sadly can no longer be bought in Serbia.

11. What is the color of your soul?

My best friend claims I have no soul.


  1. fino, fino. simpatični su mi ovi postići, saznaš ponešto interesantno. sad mi se jede alva :D


Hvala vam što ste izdvojili vreme da pogledate moje slike, pročitate članak i što želite da podelite sa mnom i drugima svoje mišljenje. Molim vas da mi ne ostavljate linkove ka svojim blogovima, sajtovima, slikama kučića i mačića i ostalim lepotama. Sama ću kliknuti na vaš profil ako mi ostavite smislen ili zanimljiv komentar, a komentare sa linkovima tretiram kao spam.

Thank you for taking time to look at my photos, read the article and share your opinion on the subject. Plese, don't link to your websites, blogs, puppy and kitty pictures and other stuff in comments. I'll check out your profile on my own as long as you leave a sensible or interesting comment and I'll treat comments with links as spam.