
24 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L050

Geometrijski motivi i optičke varke su popularni motivi na pločicama za pečatiranje i Born Pretty Store ne zaostaje za drugim proizvođačima kada su ovakve slike u pitanju.

Geometric images and optical illusions are fairly popular designs on stamping plates and Born Pretty Store does not lag behind other manufacturers when it comes to these motifs.

20 December 2016

Misslyn Edgy

Misslyn je italijanski brend koji se trenutno nalazi u vlasništvu firme ArtDeco. Mada im se neki proizvodi u ponudi poklapaju, kada su lakovi u pitanju Misslyn nesporno ima originalniju ponudu, što me je i privuklo. Misslyn lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 10 ml i mogu se nabaviti u više zemalja širom sveta u Müller, Douglas i drugim drogerijama. U našem bližem okruženju ih ima u Hrvatskoj, Bosni, Rumuniji i Mađarskoj.

Misslyn is an Italian brand of cosmetics, currently owned by ArtDeco. While these two companies share some of the products, Misslyn undoubtedly has more original range of polishes, which is what had drawn me to them. Misslyn polishes come in 10 ml bottles and can be found in many countries worldwide in Müller, Douglas and other stores.

18 December 2016

Matching Manicures - Winter Wonderland

Današnja tema za nedeljni manikir je prava sezonska i predstavlja zimsku čaroliju. Prva pomisao mi je bila miran planinski krajolik, pokriven snegom, ali pošto je to van mojih sposobnosti ipak sam završila sa daleko jednostavnijim i diskretnijim manikirom. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

This weeks matching manicures theme is a true seasonal theme. My first thoughts when I saw that we're doing winter wonderland were of a peaceful snowed in mountain scenery, but since that is beyond my abilities, I ended up with far more simple and delicate mani. I hope you'll like it.

16 December 2016

Flormar 399

U poslednjih nekoliko godina retko kupujem Flormar lakove. Ne zbog onog uvoznika već zbog nepostojanja uzbudljivih novih boja na našem tržištu. I pored toga sam proletos uzela dva, više zbog toga što su pametno postavljeni pored kase u DM-u i zato što su bili 99 dinara nego zato što mi je neki zaista trebao. Realno, da li mi ijedan lak više treba? Sve u svemu, računala sam da neću propasti za toliko i da mogu da isprobam još koji Flormar. Redovna cena u DMu im je oko 140 dinara, a bočice su od 11 ml.

I haven't been buying Flormar polishes much these last several years. Not because of that importer, but because there are no new and exciting colours on the market. Despite all that, I did get a couple this spring, more thanks to their smart position next to the POS in DM than because I needed them. To be honest, do I need any more polish? Anyhow, I knew that the world won't end because of it and that I could give Flormar a go again.

14 December 2016

Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red

Pre nekoliko godina sam bila u Milanu i tamo sam posetila Layla Land. Uzela sam nekoliko njihovih lakova i narednih par godina žalila što nisam uzela još jedan. Srećom, iskoristila sam drugaričino putovanje da ipak ispravim taj propust i sada vam konačno pokazujem Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red. Layla lakovi nažalost nisu dostupni kod nas, ali se mogu naručiti sa njihovog sajta, a ima ih i kod nekih online prodavaca. Ceramic Effect linija je spakovana u bočice od 10 ml, a lakovi koštaju oko 8 €. Ukoliko putujete u Milano, od srca preporučujem da posetite njihovu prodavnicu Layla Land, koja se nalazi veoma blizu ključnih znamenitosti, jer tamo imaju tester za svaki lak, a možete i na licu mesta da dobijete profesionalni manikir.

Several years ago I went to Milan, where I visited Layla Land. I got several of their polishes and lamented over not getting one more for the next two years. Fortunately, a friend was going there so I had taken that opportunity to get it and now I am finally showing you Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red. Layla polishes can be ordered from their website, but some e-tailers carry them too. Ceramic Effect line comes in 10 ml bottles, with price tag of around 8 €. I honestly recommend you to visit their store Layla Land in Milan if you happen to travel there. It is situated quite near the key monuments, they have testers for all polishes and you can get a professional manicure on the spot.

12 December 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Pinterest

Još jedan manikir čija se tema ponavlja je na redu ove nedelje. Inspiraciju tražimo na Pinterestu, a plašim se da sam ja malo preterala i skoro u potpunosti iskopirala manikir koji mi je privukao pažnju.

We have another repeat for a theme this week. We're looking for inspiration on Pinterest, and I am afraid I overdid it and nearly completely copied the mani that had caught my eye.

10 December 2016

Born Pretty BPX-l012 Exoticism

Već neko vreme sam bila u potrazi za pločicom sa dobrim izborom slika plamena, a ova pločica mi je došla kao naručena. Ne samo što ima plamenove, nego ima i nekoliko feniksa, što znači da sam mogla da na bolji način uradim manikir inspirisan natprirodnim koji smo radili pre nekoliko meseci, a kojim nisam bila zadovoljna.

I've been looking for a stamping plate with good selection of flame images for some time now, and this plate was just what I had in mind. Not only does it have flames, but it also has some phoenix designs, which means that I could remake Inspired by Supernatural Matching Manicure we had done several months ago, that I was not pleased with.

Obično za predstavljanje pločica uradim četiri manikira sa po jednom slikom, ali ovom prilikom sam iskoristila četiri motiva za jedan manikir. Nadam se da vam se rezultat sviđa.

I usually do four manis using one image for each when I do stamping plate reviews, but this time I used four designs for a single mani. I do hope you like the end result.

08 December 2016

Essie Bahama Mama

Zimski praznici su nam već na vratima, a ja još uvek nisam isprobala ni sve lakiće koje sam prošle godine dobila od drage Suzane, ni one koje sam od nje dobila proletos za rođendan. Jedan mi je bio pravo iznenađenje, jer bih rekla da je boja koju ne bih sama odabrala (naravno to nije sasvim tačno jer već imam skoro isti ovaj lak od istog proizvođača), ali ovo je boja koju Suzi tako dobro nosi da čak i ja poželim da nosim nešto slično. Essie Bahama Mama je deo stalne postavke i stalno se može naći u drogerijama koje drže Essie, te se neću baviti nedostupnim duplićem koji imam. Essie lakovi su trenutno na sniženju i u DM-u i u Liliju i koštaju 699 dinara.

Winter holidays are upon us, and I haven't Even tried all of the polishes I got last year from my dear Suzana, nor those that were part of my birthday gift this spring. One of those was a true surprise because it is a colour that Suzy wear so well that even I wish to wear it, even though on its own it may not be my colour (this is actually not entirely true because I have a near dupe for this one, by the same brand). Essie Bahama Mama is part of permanent range and is available at any drugstore that carries Essie polishes.

06 December 2016

ILNP The Road To Awe

Poslednjom nabavkom indie i boutique lakova dominirali su ILNP lakovi, a po prvi put sam uzela i nekoliko Ultra Chrome ljuspastih lakova. The Road To Awe je jedan od njih. Pakovanje je od 12 ml i košta €12,3 i na Hypnotic Polish i na NailLand.

ILNP polishes dominated my last order of indie and boutique polishes, and for the first time I got several Ultra Chrome Flakies polishes. The Road To Awe is one of them. It comes in 12 ml bottle and retails for €12.3 both on Hypnotic Polish and NailLand.

04 December 2016

Matching Manicures - V Manicure

Ovonedeljna tema je već bila na tapetu za usklađene manikire i plašim se da mi mi ovog puta nije mnogo uspešnija od prethodnog.

This weeks theme has already been a theme for matching manicures and I am afraid that this time was not more successful than the previous one.

03 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L049

Od momenta kada se pojavila, BP-L049 pločica mi je privukla pažnju i morala sam da je posedujem. Već sam spomenula da studiram turski jezik pa mi je pločica sa bliskoistočnim motivima bila prirodan izbor. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.

From the moment it first showed up, BP-L049 image plate had caught my eye and I just had to own it. I have already mentioned that I study Turkish language and literature, so a stamping plate with middle eastern designs was a natural choice for me.

01 December 2016

Novembarski noviteti

Ni novembar, poput septembra, nije bio nešto bogat noktonovitetima, ali to nije tako loše jer ionako planiram da dobrano skrešem kolekciju.

Like September, November was not rich in new nail products, but that's not a bad thing since I intend to do a major destash anyway.

29 November 2016

Essence I ♥ Trends The Metals Rebel at Heart

Sve ređe kupujem Essence lakove, a i kada ih uzmem obično ih koristim za nail art te im red za predstavljanje neretko dođe kada ih već nema u prodaji. Ovog puta nije tako. Otkad se letos/jesenas pojavio, ovaj I ♥ Trends lakić mi je privlačio pažnju. Napokon sam poklekla i uzela ga. Cena mu je 239 dinara i još uvek se može naći u Lilly i DM drogerijama.

I seldom by Essence polishes these days, and when I do, I use them for nail art so by the time they get their blogpost they are often sold out or discontinued. Not this time. I've been drawn to this I ♥ Trends polish since it had arrived in our stores this summer/autumn. I finally caved in and got it. It should still be available at drugstores that have even a single Essence counter.

27 November 2016

Matching Manicures - Match Your Outfit

Danas manikire usklađujemo sa odevnom kombinacijom. Nešto nisam danas raspoložena da nosim crno niti crveno (moje glavne boje), i na GamesCon danas idem u jednostavnoj kombinaciji ljubičaste pletene majice i plavih farmerki. Otud su mi i nokti u plavo-ljubičastom izdanju, sa motivom tkanine.

Today we're matching our manis to our outfits. I am not in the mood to wear black or red toady (my go to colours), and I am going to GamesCon in a simple combination of purple knitted shirt and blue jeans. That's why my nails are in purple-blue, with textile pattern.

25 November 2016

Alessandro Striplac Care & Gloss Finish Pen

Ove jeseni je Alessandro umesto mazalica za nokte u preslatkim kutijicama (poput ove i ovih) ponudio nešto prefinjeniju, a podjednako praktičnu negu za nokte i zanoktice. Osim činjenice da je u pitanju nova mazalica i da je pakovanje veoma elegantno, podatak da je ovo proizvod ograničene edicije je meni bio prelomni razlog da je uopšte kupim. Olovka je poskupa, na sajmu je koštala 800 dinara za 2,8 ml, ali sam pogled na nju mi je dovoljan da ne zažalim zbog tog izdatka.

This autumn, instead of nail care products in cute tins (like this one and these), Alessandro placed a more refined and just as practical nail and cuticle care product. Besides the fact that this a new nail care item and slick packaging, the selling point for me was the information that this is a limited edition product. The pen is on the pricey side, retailing for about €7 for 2.8 ml of product, but a glance at it makes it worth wile.

23 November 2016

CND Vinylux Gilded Pleasure

Štand na sajmu kozmetike sa kog se ne vraćam praznih ruku je Unitech, bilo zato što sam sama uzela nešto, bilo zato što mi dobra vila Verica napravi paketić. Ovog puta je odabrala zaista lep set i ubacila mi dva Vinylux laka. Jedan je bio po mom izboru, a ja ću danas pričati o Gilded Pleasure, laku koji je ona odabrala. Vinylux sistem možete kupiti u Unitech radnjama i preko njihovog sajta. I lakovi i nadlak koštaju po 1117 dinara.

Cosmetics expo booth that I am not leaving empty-handed is Unitech, be it because I got myself something nice, or because Verica, my CND fairy godmother, makes me a package. This time she made a really nice set, with two Vinylux polishes - one of my choice and the other one that she had picked herself. Today I am writing about her pick - Gilded Pleasure.

21 November 2016

OPI Give Me Moor

Pre neki dan sam se videla sa drugaricama lakoholičarkama i povela se priča o skoro crnim lakovima te sam se setila jednog takvog koji mi dugo stoji među neisprobanima. OPI Give Me Moor već neko vreme nije u OPI ponudi i ja sam ga iskopala pre par godina na sjamu kozmetike iz korpice sa lakovima na sniženju. Možda je neka bočica ostala u Primi na rasprodaji ili u Nail Line-u iz Subotice.

Several days ago I met with my fellow polishaholics and among other things we talked about nearly black polishes, so I remembered one untried that I've had for years. OPI Give Me Moor has been discontinued for some time now and I only dug it out a couple of years ago from a discount bin at a cosmetics expo, but a bottle emerges from time to time on Ebay.

19 November 2016

Born Pretty BP 104 & Cotton Claw

Veoma me radije što Born Pretty Store prati trendove u pečatiranju i ne samo da konstantno nude nove pločice za pečatiranje, nego i prateću opremu. Na BPS i njihovim podagentskim sajtovima se nedavno pojavila i napravica koju sam dugo, dugo iščekivala - hvataljka za vatu, koja olakšava čišćenje pločica.

17 November 2016

ILNP Masquerade (H)

Među onih nekoliko ILNP lakova koje sam letos nabavila našao se i par duohroma u mojoj omiljenoj kombinaciji boja -zeleno-ljubičasto. Od svih njih jedino za ovaj smatram da mi zaista nije bio potreban jer suviše slične lakove već imam. Pakovanje je od 12 ml i košta €12,3 i na Hypnotic Polish i na NailLand.

There was a couple of duochrome polishe in my favourite colour shift (purple to green) among those ILNP polishes that I got this summer, This is the only one I think that I could give a miss, because it is too similar to other polishes I already have. It comes in 12 ml bottle and retails for €12.3 both on Hypnotic Polish and NailLand.

15 November 2016

Kiko Smart Rame Metallico

U Rimu sam svratila i do Kiko radnje jer sam želela da uzmem jedan od njihovih lakova koji mi je u prethodnim nabavkama promakao, ali sam se neprijatno iznenadila kada sam videla da su svoju klasičnu liniju zamenili novom linijom Smart lakova. Ovi lakovi su brzosušeći, ima ih u 48, prilično neinspirativnih boja. I pored toga sam uzela dva, da vidim da li ćemo se bolje slagati (nisam bila preterano zadovoljna ranijim kolekcijama). Lakovi su u pakovanju od 7 ml, a redovna cena im je 2,5 €.

I paid a visit to a Kiko store in Rome, because I wanted to get one of their polishes that I had previously missed, but I was unpleasantly surprised to find that their classic nail polish line had been discontinued and substituted for Smart line of polishes. These are fast-drying polishes that come in 48, rather uninspiring shades. Despite that I got two of them, to see if we'd get along better (I was not too happy with previous collections). Polishes come in 7 ml bottles and retail for € 2.5.

13 November 2016

Matching Manicures - Delicate Print

Danas po drugi put ove godine za temu imamo nežni print (prethodni možete videti ovde). Ovog puta nisam išla na očekivane motive čipke već sam se okrenula orijentalnim motivima, što i nije neočekivano s obzirom na to da nisam odustala (još uvek) od studija turskog jezika (i književnosti i kulture).

Today is the second time this year that we are doing fine print for our Matching Manicures (you can have a look at the previous one here. This time I did not go for the obvious lace prints, but opted for Oriental motifs, which is not unexpected considering that I have not (yet) given up on my Turkish language (literature and culture as well) studies.

12 November 2016

Born Pretty BP-L040

U poslednje vreme sve više viđam pločice sa geometrijskim motivima, ali uglavnom se drže poznatih motiva optičkih varki. Ova pločica, s druge strane, iako se donekle drži tog puta, ipak pravi iskorak sa njega, čime mi je privukla pažnju.

Lately I've been seeing more and more image plates with geometric designs, but they mostly keep to well know optical illusion motifs. This stamping plate, on the other hand, even though it is along the same lines to an extent, steps out of it, which is why it had caught my eye.

10 November 2016

MoYou Nails 432

MoYou Nails s vremena na vreme organizuje takmičenje/izazov za blogere i ovog puta sam se i ja priključila i mogu reći da zaista jeste bio izazov. Dobila sam dve pločice po izboru MoYou Nails i trebalo je sa njima da napravim dovoljno reprezentativne manikire da mogu da ih podelim sa svetom. Jedna pločica mi je bila prilično neinspirativna, a ova sa motivima za francuski manikir mi se svidela, samo sam se plašila da neću moći ništa da izvedem zbog trenutne dužine noktiju. No snašla sam se i zapravo sam zadovoljna rezultatom, a nadam se da će se i vama svideti ovo što sam spremila.

From time to time, MoYou Nails holds a contest/challenge for bloggers and this time I took part in it and I can honestly say that it was challenging. I received two image plates chosen by MoYou Nails and was supposed to make manis that would look good enough to share. One stamping plate didn't really speak to me, but this one with French tips designs I liked, I was just worried that wouldn't be able to showcase it with my current nail length. However, I did manage to come up with something I like and I hope you'll like it as well.

08 November 2016

Dior Vernis Gris Montaigne

Kroz moj blog ste mogli da primetite da nisam neki ljbitelj HE lakova. Meni odbojnost ne izaziva njihova previsoka cena sama po sebi, jer imam lakove koji koštaju skoro isto kao neki od njih. Stvar je u tome što sam iz tuđih iskustava zaključila da ta cena neretko nije u srazmeri sa kvalitetom, a firma mi ništa ne znači. Ponekada se ipak nađe neki poseban HE lak, a ako uspem da ga nađem polovnog po nižoj ceni, tu priliku neću propustiti. Dior Gris Montaigne je upravo takav lak.

So far, you could notice from my blog that I am not particularly fond of HE polishes. I am not on the fence because of their too high price, because I have some other polishes with quite close price tags. The thing is that I have learned from other people's experiences that that high price is usually not backed up by high quality, and I don't care about brand names. However, from time to time I'll find an interesting HE polish, and if I manage to find it second-hand at lower price, I won't miss that chance. Dior Gris Montaigne is one such polish.

06 November 2016

Matching Manicures - Polka Dots

Stigle su na red i tačkice, za koje sam mislila da su tema za prošlu nedelju, tako da je ovo zapravo manikir od prošle nedelje. Ionako ove nedelje ne bih stigla da pravim nov manikir jer sam od petka na Beokonu, a i vas pozivam da svratite jer i danas ima zanimljivih tribina i predavanja, a tu je i cosplay.

Finally we're doing dots, which I thought were the theme for last week, so this is actually a week-old mani. I wouldn't be able to make a new one anyway, because I've been on Beokon since Friday.

03 November 2016

I Heart Makeup Nail Geek Vintage

Mala Palčica je moj izvor lakova koji nisu dostupni u Srbiji, ali ih ima u Hrvatskoj. Tako mi je proletos spakovala par I Heart Makeup Nail Geek lakova. Ovaj brend mi nije preterano poznat, ali izgleda da su sestrinska firma Makeup Revolution. Očigledno ih ima u Hrvatskoj, a možda i u Sloveniji i Crnoj Gori.

Mala Palčica is my main source that are not available in Serbia, but can be found in Croatia. So this spring she packed a couple of I Heart Makeup Nail Geek nail polishes for me to try. I was not overly familiar with this brand, but it seems that they are a sister brand to Makeup Revolution. They are available in Croatia, and possibly in Slovenia and Montenegro.

01 November 2016

Noviteti u septembru i oktobru

Prošlog meseca nisam pravila pregled noviteta jer sam imala ukupno jednu novu stvar. Zato sam se u oktobru delom raspojasala, a delom sam dobila raznovrsne stvari za recenziju i testiranje. Nastavite da čitate ako vas zanima šta se to sve nakupilo za ova dva meseca.

I haven't done a monthly review last month, because I had only a single new item. However, I let myself loose in October, and I also got quite a few items to try and review. Keep reading if you'd like to see what had found it's way to my collection.

30 October 2016

Matching Manicures - Halloween

Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam uveliko u veštičjenoćnom raspoloženju - dakle nosim šišmašnu, klasične avatare sam promenila u rogate i opskrbila sam se mračnom literaturom. :D Red je da i manikir bude u skladu sa ostatkom.

I don't know about you, but I've been in Halloween-ish mood for some time - I've been wearing my bat-bow, I've changed my regular avatars to the one with horns and I have enough dark literature at hand. :D It is only natural that my nails should match the rest.

29 October 2016

Nurbesten Clear Jelly Stamper


Prošli put kada sam birala proizvode sa Nurbesten sajta, silno sam želela da isprobam ovaj pečat, ali nisu ga imali na stanju pa su mi poslali XXL prozirni pečat. No imala sam svoje razloge zašto želim baš ovaj pečat i ovog puta sam uspela da dođem do njega.

Last time I got to chose products from NurBesten store for review, I wanted to give this stamper a try. Sadly it was sold out and they sent me XXL clear stamper, but I had my reasons why I wanted this particular one and this time I managed to get it.

27 October 2016

Wycon Sugar Effect 832

Prošle nedelje sam provela par dana u Rimu i krajnje neočekivano sam uspela da uđem u nekoliko parfimerija i uzmem koji lak, uključujući ovaj. Wycon (nekada Wjcon) je italijanski brend za koji nikada ranije nisam čula, ali dosta me podsećaju na Kiko. Pošto su u ponudi imali nekoliko veoma zanimljivih teksturnih lakova, odlučila sam da im dam šansu. Pakovanja lakova su od 10 ml, a cena je oko 4€. Koliko sam mogla da vidim, nema ih van Italije.

Last week I spent a couple of days in Rome and I even managed to visit a make-up store or two and get several polishes, including this one. Wycon (formerly Wjcon) is an Italian brand I haven't heard of before, but they remind me of Kiko quite a lot. They have some very interesting textured polishes, so I decided to give them a chance. Polishes come in 10 ml bottles and retail for about €4. They don't seem to be available outside of Italy.

25 October 2016

Essie Maximillian Strasse Her

Osim crvenih, roze i nude lakova, koji verovatno čine 90% boja u Essie postavci, Essie veoma često pravi i zasivljene plave i zelene lakove, koji se, kada se smene kolekcije, obično mesecima povlače po policama i činijama sa robom na rasprodaji. Ponekada čak po zaista neverovatnim cenama, na koje ja retko naletim, ali imam dobre drugarice lakoholičarke koje uredno javljaju kada nalete na neku takvu ponudu. Tako je i ovaj lak došao do mene, za "ogromnih" 209 dinara.

Essie is know by red, pink and nude polishes, which probably make 90% of their entire production, but they also make greyed-out green and blue polishes quite often. Those polishes end up in discount bins and usually remain there for months, ending up with a ridiculously low price tag. Now, I seldom run into Essies at that low a price, but fortunately I have very good polishaholic friends who tend to tip me off about them, which is how I came to own this one for less than €2.