
05 June 2012

Golden Rose Magnetic 115

Posle prethodnog dobrog iskustva sa Golden Rose magnetnim lakom, nije mi teško palo da uzmem još jedan (a imam još jedan u planu). Golden Rose magnetni lakovi postoje u 18 boja i tri linije. Linije se razlikuju po magnetu koji se dobija uz lak (pruge, zvezda, chevron). Boje su iste za pruge i zvezdu, ali za chevron se izgleda razlikuju.

After previous good experience with Golden Rose magnetic polish, I bought another one. Golden Rose Magnetic polishes can be found in three lines and 18 colours. The lines are distinguished by the magnet pattern (stripes, star, chevron). The colours in stripes and star lines are the same, but it seems that the chevron line colours are different.

prethodne kolekcije

Jedva sam iskopala ove dve slike koje prikazuju novu liniju. Nadam se da ovo nije konačna lista boja jer i za prvu kolekciju su prvo izbacili 10 boja, pa još 2 pa još 6.

I barely managed to find these pics that represent the new line. I do hope that this is not the final list of colours

nova linija

Pošto među novim magnetnim lakovima nema boje koju sam želela (crna), uzela sam crveni iz linije sa zvezdom. U bočici deluje pomalo isprano bakarno.

I chose the red polish from the line with the star magnet. In the bottle it looks like a bit washed out coppery red.

Golden Rose 115 - bočica i magnet

Ovaj lak se maže veoma lepo. Pokriva iz jednog sloja, ali magnet može istanjiti lak na mestima sa kojih povlači feromagnetni prah te sam ja namazala dva sloja laka. Vide se linije mazanja dok se magnet ne prinese. Šara se pojavljuje u roku od 2 sekunde, ali da se ne bi razlila magnet treba držati malo duže. Prugasti magnet sam držala petnaestak sekundi i šara je ispala oštrije od zvezde, koju sam držala samo 5 sekundi.

The polish goes on very nicely. It is a one coater (most magnetic polishes are), but the magnet can pull too much ferromagnetic powder from some spots, thus thinning out the polish so I applied two coats. The brush strokes were visible until I used the magnet. The pattern shows in two seconds, but the magnet should be held for at least ten so that the design can set. I held stripy magnet for about 15 seconds and the pattern is a lot sharper than the star, which I held for only 5 seconds.

Golden Rose 115 - dva sloja i Essence Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer

Prava boja laka dolazi do izražaja tek kada se napravi šara - u pitanju je tamna, skoro zacrnjena, bordo, a boja šare više podseća na bobice nego na bakar. Zbog vlaknastog izgleda koji stvara feromagnetni prah stiče se utisak da su nokti prekriveni slojem pliša (u sličaju prugaste šare, somotom). Čini mi se da mi je i nadlak malo povukao šaru, iako nije pokupio boju, ali moguće je da se šara sama razlila.

The design brings out the true colour of this polish - very dark burgundy, with the design looking more berry- than copper red. The fibrous look of the polish makes me think of velvet, or in the case of stripy pattern, corduroy. It is possible that the top coat pulled the design a bit.

Golden Rose 115 - dva sloja i Essence Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer

Slika od pre nekoliko dana za tekst o magnetnim lakovima. Razlika u boji je zbog osvetljenja - prethodne slike su snimljene po oblačnom danu, a ova na indirektnoj sunčevoj svetlosti. Zanoktice su mi popucale od Lilly ružičastog skidača laka, koji sam koristila tog dana. On bi trebalo da je bezacetonski, ali veoma je agresivan. Ne preporučujem ga.

The photo below is from several days ago, taken for the post about magnetic polishes. The difference in colour is due to the lighting - today's pictures are taken in indirect sunlight, and the older ones on an overcast day. My cuticles are in this state thanks to the overly aggressive non-acetone remover I used that day.

Golden Rose Magnetic 115, 1 sloj
Aura magnet - Golden Rose zvezda - Golden Rose prugasti - bez magneta


  1. oh that's cool! I didn't know golden rose had magnetic polishes :D

    1. I'm glad I could share the information. I think they put them on the market at the start of the year and they are of good quality. I can't compare them to some other brands, though.


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