Vidim da je jedan od upita preko kojeg je neko došao na ovaj blog bio "golden rose magnetic kako se koristi" i pomislila sam da ne bi bilo loše da napišem nešto o magnetnim lakovima uopšte, a da obratim posebnu pažnju na magnetne lakove koje imam.
One of the enquiries that brought someone to my blog was "how to use Golden Rose magnetic polish" and I thought it could be useful to write a general post on magnetic polishes. And to pay special attention to the magnetic polishes I own.
Magnetni lakovi u sebi sadrže feromagnetni prah. Taj prah reaguje na blizinu magneta i izdvaja se iz osnovnog laka praveći razliku u boji između delova u kojima je taj prah koncentrovan i onih u kojima ga nema. Važno je magnet prineti laku dok je lak još uvek svež jer u suprotnom neće moći da se dobije intenzivna šara ili uopšte neće moći da se dobije ikakva šara. U zavisnosti od koncentracije praha i jačine magneta, magnet treba držati manje ili više blizu nokta, odnosno kraće ili duže. Proizvođači obično daju preporuku na kojoj udaljenosti i koliko dugo treba držati magnet kako bi se dobila šara. Nije loše držati ga nekoliko sekundi duže. Uvek treba paziti da magnetom ne dodirnete lak jer ćete tako pokvariti šaru. Ukoliko zaprljate magnet lakom, možete ga očistiti acetonom ili drugim skidačem laka. Bilo koji magnet će proizvesti šaru na bilo kom magnetnom laku. Ne morate imati magnet istog proizvođača čiji lak koristite.
Magnetic polishes contain ferromagnetic powder that is being pulled from the base colour by the magnet, thus creating a difference between the parts of the polish that have more and those that have less of this powder. It is very important to bring the magnet to the polish while the polish is still wet because otherwise, the polish will set and prevent the ferromagnetic powder from reacting to the proximity of the magnet. Depending on the amount of the powder in the polish and strength of the magnet, the magnet should be kept closer or farther, for more or less time. Brands usually recommend how long and how close you should hold the magnet above the polish. It is wise to hold it a bit longer as this will allow the design to set. You should take care not to touch the polish with magnet as it'll ruin the design. Magnet can be cleaned with any nail polish remover. Any magnetic nail polish will react to any magnet. You don't have to have the same brand magnet and polish in order to get the design.
Za sada imam samo 4 magnetna laka, od tri različita proizvođača - Essence, Golden Rose i Aura. Kod nas se mogu nabaviti još i Alessandro, Flormar, Gabrini i China Glaze magnetni lakovi. Uz Alessandro i Flormar lakove se dobija magnet, uz China Glaze ne, ali on ima zaseban magnet sa tri šare - prugama, zvezdom i chevron (V šarom). U avgustu bi trebalo da se pojavi nova kolekcija China Glaze magnetnih lakova i nov magnet - sa šarama uzdužnih linija, kvadratića i koncentričnih krugova.
At the moment I have only 4 magnetic polishes, by three different brands - Essence, Golden Rose and Aura. Alessandro, Flormar, Gabrini and China Glaze magnetic polishes are also available in Serbia. Alessandro and Flormar magnetic polishes come with a magnet. China Glaze don't, but you can buy China Glaze magnet with three designs (diagonal stripes, star and chevron) separately. New collection of China Glaze magnetic polishes should come out on the market this summer, along with new magnet with three new designs - grid, circles and vertical stripes.
Alessandro magnet ima držač koji podseća na pečat kojim se magnet može fiksirati na željenoj visini, tj. udaljenosti od nokta čime se eliminiše mogućnost da magnetom slučajno dodirnete lak, zamrljate šaru i isprljate magnet. U Lilly drogerijama komplet koji čine lak, magnet i držač košta 1465 dinara.
Alessandro magnet comes with an adjustable magnet-holder that helps keep the magnet on the safe distance from the wet polish.
Essence magnetnih lakova kod nas ima samo u DM prodavnicama koje imaju dupli Essence štand. Pakovanje je od 8 ml i košta 239 dinara. Ne znam kakav je izbor boja trenutno, ali zimus su povlačili neke boje iz ponude, a proletos su ubacili nove. Uz Essence lakove se ne dobija magnet već se on kupuje zasebno. Za sada imaju dva magneta u ponudi - sa šarom zvezde i prugasti. Nisam čula ništa dobro o ovim magnetima pa ih zato i ne posedujem. Imam samo jedan lak, a i njega sam uzela samo zato što je bio na sniženju i koštao je oko 120 dinara. U pitanju je nijansa Mystic Wish. Ovaj lak je veoma gust i pokriva iz jednog sloja, ali veoma slabo reaguje na magnet.
Essence magnetic polishes don't come with magnet. The magnet can be bought separately and you can choose between stripes and star design. I haven't heard much good about these magnets and therefore I don't have them. I have only one of Essence magnetic polishes, the one that was on sale and I think it has been discontinued. Probably because it sucked as a magnetic polish. It is a nice foil though. Very thick, this is a one-coater that doesn't react very well to the magnet as you can see in the photo below. From index finger to pinkie you can see the effect made by Aura magnet, Golden Rose star, Golden Rose stripes, no magnet.
Titina je napravila video demonstraciju Essence magnetnog laka i magneta.
Golden Rose za sada ima tri vrste magneta u ponudi, odnosno tri linije magnetnih lakova od po 18 boja, a magneti su prugasti, zvezdasti i, najnoviji dodatak, chevron. Linije se razlikuju po slici šare magneta na kutiji, boji kutije (chevron je u crnom pakovanju, ostala dva u belom) i po početnom broju boje (prugasti su dvocifreni, zvezdasti trocifreni i počinju brojem 1, a chevron su trocifreni i počinju brojem 2). Brojevi lakova sa zvezda-magnetom odgovaraju brojevima lakova sa prugastim magnetom. Ne znam da li je to slučaj i sa chevron lakovima, ali pretpostavljam da jeste. Dva Golden Rose magnetna laka koja imam pokrivaju iz jednog sloja i veoma lepo reaguju kada im se prinese magnet. Golden Rose magneti su jaki i veoma brzo počinju da prave šaru na laku. Pakovanje je od 11 ml i uz svaki lak se dobija magnet. Košta oko 300 dinara.
For now, golden Rose has three collections of magnetic nail polishes in 18 shades and with three different magnets - stripes, star and the latest addition, chevron. Every polish comes with a magnet. The collections are easily recognized by the magnet pattern shown on the box, colour of the box (chevron comes in black box, the other two in white) and the colour number (stripes go from 01 to 18, stars correspond to the stripes but have 1 in front so they go from 101 to 118, and from what I've seen chevrons go from 201 to 208 and their numbers don't match the shades from other two lines). Two Golden Rose polishes I have are one-coaters and react to the magnet nicely. The magnet is strong. From index finger to pinkie you can see the effect made by Aura magnet, Golden Rose star, Golden Rose stripes, no magnet. They come with magnet, in 11 ml bottles and cost about 3 €.
Aura je nedavno izbacila svoju kolekciju magnetnih lakova pod nazivom Magnetic Intergalactic. Uz svaki lak se dobija magnet, bočica je od 8 ml i košta 279 dinara. O mom prvom susretu sa jednim od ovih lakova možete pročitati ovde Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts. Sputnik Parts je jedini lak iz ove kolekcije koji mi je privukao pažnju jer među postojećim magnetnim lakovima na našem tržištu nisam videla nijedan koji izgleda tako šljokičavo. Obično su u pitanju klasični metalik lakovi, ali ovaj nije metalik već pre podseća na Flormar Supershine Miracle Color lakove, ali ima metalik koprenu feromagnetnog praha koji će magnet povući tako da je dobijena šara srebrnasta, a ostatak intenzivno šljokičavo zelen. Magnet na poklopcu je velika mana ove kolekcije. Sada sam ga isprobala na svim magnetnim lakovima koje imam i pokazao se bolje nego pri prvom pokušaju, ali samo zato što sam ga držala duže od 30 sekundi (u uputstvu piše da ga treba držati 5-10 sekundi). Palo mi je na pamet da se možda poklopac skida, da ima unutrašnji i spoljašnji poklopac, ali to nije slučaj. Nisam htela previše sile da primenim iz straha da ne polomim poklopac ili bočicu, ali sam pokušala dovoljno snažno da ga povučem na gore ili da ga odšrafim. Sve uzalud. Edit: uspela sam da skinem spoljni poklopac, ali tek pošto sam poklopac sa četkicom zašrafila na bočicu sasvim drugog oblika koja bi mi omogućila da primenim polugu i svučem spoljni poklopac. Sada se poklopac skida relativno jednostavno.
Aura has recently placed their own magnetic polish line on the market. The line is called Magnetic Intergalactic. You can read more about my first experience with Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts. This was the only one in the collection that grabbed my attention because I haven't seen another magnetic polish that has this much glitter or glass flecks in it. It resembles Flormar Supershine Miracle Colors more than other magnetic polishes. The magnet on the bottle cap is the biggest flaw of this collection. I've tried it on every magnetic polish I own and it turned out better than the first time, but only because I held it for over 30 seconds over the polish (the brochure that comes with it says that it should be held 5-10 seconds). It had occurred to me that there might be outer and inner bottle cap and after several tries and lots of force put into it I had managed to take the outer cap off. There's nowhere in the brochure mentioned that there is an outer cap and the whole bottle has been shown over the polish in one of the pictures in the brochure. From index finger to pinkie you can see the effect made by Aura magnet, Golden Rose star, Golden Rose stripes, no magnet.
Da biste videli prikaze svih magnetnih lakova koje imam, a neki od njih nisu spomenuti ovde jer sam ih uzela kasnije, samo kliknite na link magnetni lak/magnetic polish.
In order to see reviews of all magnetic polishes I own, and some of them aren't mentioned here because I got them afterwards, just click the magnetni lak/magnetic polish link.
One of the enquiries that brought someone to my blog was "how to use Golden Rose magnetic polish" and I thought it could be useful to write a general post on magnetic polishes. And to pay special attention to the magnetic polishes I own.
Magnetni lakovi u sebi sadrže feromagnetni prah. Taj prah reaguje na blizinu magneta i izdvaja se iz osnovnog laka praveći razliku u boji između delova u kojima je taj prah koncentrovan i onih u kojima ga nema. Važno je magnet prineti laku dok je lak još uvek svež jer u suprotnom neće moći da se dobije intenzivna šara ili uopšte neće moći da se dobije ikakva šara. U zavisnosti od koncentracije praha i jačine magneta, magnet treba držati manje ili više blizu nokta, odnosno kraće ili duže. Proizvođači obično daju preporuku na kojoj udaljenosti i koliko dugo treba držati magnet kako bi se dobila šara. Nije loše držati ga nekoliko sekundi duže. Uvek treba paziti da magnetom ne dodirnete lak jer ćete tako pokvariti šaru. Ukoliko zaprljate magnet lakom, možete ga očistiti acetonom ili drugim skidačem laka. Bilo koji magnet će proizvesti šaru na bilo kom magnetnom laku. Ne morate imati magnet istog proizvođača čiji lak koristite.
Magnetic polishes contain ferromagnetic powder that is being pulled from the base colour by the magnet, thus creating a difference between the parts of the polish that have more and those that have less of this powder. It is very important to bring the magnet to the polish while the polish is still wet because otherwise, the polish will set and prevent the ferromagnetic powder from reacting to the proximity of the magnet. Depending on the amount of the powder in the polish and strength of the magnet, the magnet should be kept closer or farther, for more or less time. Brands usually recommend how long and how close you should hold the magnet above the polish. It is wise to hold it a bit longer as this will allow the design to set. You should take care not to touch the polish with magnet as it'll ruin the design. Magnet can be cleaned with any nail polish remover. Any magnetic nail polish will react to any magnet. You don't have to have the same brand magnet and polish in order to get the design.
Za sada imam samo 4 magnetna laka, od tri različita proizvođača - Essence, Golden Rose i Aura. Kod nas se mogu nabaviti još i Alessandro, Flormar, Gabrini i China Glaze magnetni lakovi. Uz Alessandro i Flormar lakove se dobija magnet, uz China Glaze ne, ali on ima zaseban magnet sa tri šare - prugama, zvezdom i chevron (V šarom). U avgustu bi trebalo da se pojavi nova kolekcija China Glaze magnetnih lakova i nov magnet - sa šarama uzdužnih linija, kvadratića i koncentričnih krugova.
At the moment I have only 4 magnetic polishes, by three different brands - Essence, Golden Rose and Aura. Alessandro, Flormar, Gabrini and China Glaze magnetic polishes are also available in Serbia. Alessandro and Flormar magnetic polishes come with a magnet. China Glaze don't, but you can buy China Glaze magnet with three designs (diagonal stripes, star and chevron) separately. New collection of China Glaze magnetic polishes should come out on the market this summer, along with new magnet with three new designs - grid, circles and vertical stripes.
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China Glaze Magnetix II magnet |
Alessandro magnet ima držač koji podseća na pečat kojim se magnet može fiksirati na željenoj visini, tj. udaljenosti od nokta čime se eliminiše mogućnost da magnetom slučajno dodirnete lak, zamrljate šaru i isprljate magnet. U Lilly drogerijama komplet koji čine lak, magnet i držač košta 1465 dinara.
Alessandro magnet comes with an adjustable magnet-holder that helps keep the magnet on the safe distance from the wet polish.
Essence magnetnih lakova kod nas ima samo u DM prodavnicama koje imaju dupli Essence štand. Pakovanje je od 8 ml i košta 239 dinara. Ne znam kakav je izbor boja trenutno, ali zimus su povlačili neke boje iz ponude, a proletos su ubacili nove. Uz Essence lakove se ne dobija magnet već se on kupuje zasebno. Za sada imaju dva magneta u ponudi - sa šarom zvezde i prugasti. Nisam čula ništa dobro o ovim magnetima pa ih zato i ne posedujem. Imam samo jedan lak, a i njega sam uzela samo zato što je bio na sniženju i koštao je oko 120 dinara. U pitanju je nijansa Mystic Wish. Ovaj lak je veoma gust i pokriva iz jednog sloja, ali veoma slabo reaguje na magnet.
Essence magnetic polishes don't come with magnet. The magnet can be bought separately and you can choose between stripes and star design. I haven't heard much good about these magnets and therefore I don't have them. I have only one of Essence magnetic polishes, the one that was on sale and I think it has been discontinued. Probably because it sucked as a magnetic polish. It is a nice foil though. Very thick, this is a one-coater that doesn't react very well to the magnet as you can see in the photo below. From index finger to pinkie you can see the effect made by Aura magnet, Golden Rose star, Golden Rose stripes, no magnet.
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Essence Nail Art Magnetics 04 Mystic Wish, 1 sloj Aura magnet - Golden Rose zvezda - Golden Rose prugasti - bez magneta |
Titina je napravila video demonstraciju Essence magnetnog laka i magneta.
Golden Rose za sada ima tri vrste magneta u ponudi, odnosno tri linije magnetnih lakova od po 18 boja, a magneti su prugasti, zvezdasti i, najnoviji dodatak, chevron. Linije se razlikuju po slici šare magneta na kutiji, boji kutije (chevron je u crnom pakovanju, ostala dva u belom) i po početnom broju boje (prugasti su dvocifreni, zvezdasti trocifreni i počinju brojem 1, a chevron su trocifreni i počinju brojem 2). Brojevi lakova sa zvezda-magnetom odgovaraju brojevima lakova sa prugastim magnetom. Ne znam da li je to slučaj i sa chevron lakovima, ali pretpostavljam da jeste. Dva Golden Rose magnetna laka koja imam pokrivaju iz jednog sloja i veoma lepo reaguju kada im se prinese magnet. Golden Rose magneti su jaki i veoma brzo počinju da prave šaru na laku. Pakovanje je od 11 ml i uz svaki lak se dobija magnet. Košta oko 300 dinara.
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Golden Rose Magnetic 02, 1 sloj Aura magnet - Golden Rose zvezda - Golden Rose prugasti - bez magneta |
For now, golden Rose has three collections of magnetic nail polishes in 18 shades and with three different magnets - stripes, star and the latest addition, chevron. Every polish comes with a magnet. The collections are easily recognized by the magnet pattern shown on the box, colour of the box (chevron comes in black box, the other two in white) and the colour number (stripes go from 01 to 18, stars correspond to the stripes but have 1 in front so they go from 101 to 118, and from what I've seen chevrons go from 201 to 208 and their numbers don't match the shades from other two lines). Two Golden Rose polishes I have are one-coaters and react to the magnet nicely. The magnet is strong. From index finger to pinkie you can see the effect made by Aura magnet, Golden Rose star, Golden Rose stripes, no magnet. They come with magnet, in 11 ml bottles and cost about 3 €.
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Golden Rose Magnetic 115, 1 sloj Aura magnet - Golden Rose zvezda - Golden Rose prugasti - bez magneta |
Aura je nedavno izbacila svoju kolekciju magnetnih lakova pod nazivom Magnetic Intergalactic. Uz svaki lak se dobija magnet, bočica je od 8 ml i košta 279 dinara. O mom prvom susretu sa jednim od ovih lakova možete pročitati ovde Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts. Sputnik Parts je jedini lak iz ove kolekcije koji mi je privukao pažnju jer među postojećim magnetnim lakovima na našem tržištu nisam videla nijedan koji izgleda tako šljokičavo. Obično su u pitanju klasični metalik lakovi, ali ovaj nije metalik već pre podseća na Flormar Supershine Miracle Color lakove, ali ima metalik koprenu feromagnetnog praha koji će magnet povući tako da je dobijena šara srebrnasta, a ostatak intenzivno šljokičavo zelen. Magnet na poklopcu je velika mana ove kolekcije. Sada sam ga isprobala na svim magnetnim lakovima koje imam i pokazao se bolje nego pri prvom pokušaju, ali samo zato što sam ga držala duže od 30 sekundi (u uputstvu piše da ga treba držati 5-10 sekundi). Palo mi je na pamet da se možda poklopac skida, da ima unutrašnji i spoljašnji poklopac, ali to nije slučaj. Nisam htela previše sile da primenim iz straha da ne polomim poklopac ili bočicu, ali sam pokušala dovoljno snažno da ga povučem na gore ili da ga odšrafim. Sve uzalud. Edit: uspela sam da skinem spoljni poklopac, ali tek pošto sam poklopac sa četkicom zašrafila na bočicu sasvim drugog oblika koja bi mi omogućila da primenim polugu i svučem spoljni poklopac. Sada se poklopac skida relativno jednostavno.
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Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts, 2 sloja Aura magnet - Golden Rose zvezda - Golden Rose prugasti - bez magneta |
Aura has recently placed their own magnetic polish line on the market. The line is called Magnetic Intergalactic. You can read more about my first experience with Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts. This was the only one in the collection that grabbed my attention because I haven't seen another magnetic polish that has this much glitter or glass flecks in it. It resembles Flormar Supershine Miracle Colors more than other magnetic polishes. The magnet on the bottle cap is the biggest flaw of this collection. I've tried it on every magnetic polish I own and it turned out better than the first time, but only because I held it for over 30 seconds over the polish (the brochure that comes with it says that it should be held 5-10 seconds). It had occurred to me that there might be outer and inner bottle cap and after several tries and lots of force put into it I had managed to take the outer cap off. There's nowhere in the brochure mentioned that there is an outer cap and the whole bottle has been shown over the polish in one of the pictures in the brochure. From index finger to pinkie you can see the effect made by Aura magnet, Golden Rose star, Golden Rose stripes, no magnet.
Da biste videli prikaze svih magnetnih lakova koje imam, a neki od njih nisu spomenuti ovde jer sam ih uzela kasnije, samo kliknite na link magnetni lak/magnetic polish.
In order to see reviews of all magnetic polishes I own, and some of them aren't mentioned here because I got them afterwards, just click the magnetni lak/magnetic polish link.
Meni Aura Vip linija ima taj dupli poklopac, samo mora malo jace da se povuce, prepostavljam da je i kod ovih isto to posto je bocica ista.
ReplyDeleteA sto se magnetnih lakova tice... pfff, I'll pass, nista me njima ne privlaci. Uzela bih neki jedino ako bi mi se dopala boja, pa da ga nosim bez sare, cisto onako ;)
Ja sam ovo vukla i čupala, ali nikako da ga odvojim. A čak je i u uputstvu prikazano da se prinosi cela bočica, a ne samo poklopac. Dođe mi da im pišem i da ih priupitam da li je zamišljeno da se poklopac odvaja ili ne.
DeleteMislim da magnetni lakovi baš i nisu da ih nosiš same jer svi imaju tu metalik koprenu, a prava boja se vidi tek kada se napravi šara, ali nikada ne znaš šta ti se može svideti. Ja ću ovaj Essence nositi sam jer za magnet nije. A ni ovaj Sputnjik ne izgleda nezanimljivo sam po sebi.