
28 February 2016

Matching Manicures - Metallic

Današnja tema je jedna od najlakših za mene jer imam zaista mnogo metalik lakova, ali sam trenutno malo zbunjena po pitanju svojih metalik sklonosti. Naime, otkrila sam čari mesinga i htela sam da uradim nešto inspirisano nakitom koji sam nedavno kupila, ali nisam mogla da tu zamisao sprovedem u delo jer imam samo jedan lak takve boje i skoro ništa što se sa njim uklapa. Zato sam se vratila svojim hladnim metalnim tonovima za jednostavan manikir.

Today's theme is one of the easiest ones for me because I have so many metallic polishes, but I am currently a bit confused regarding my metallic affinities. I have discovered charms of brass and I wanted to do something inspired by jewellery I have recently bought, but I couldn't do it because I only have one polish that matches the coloour and barely anything else that would complement it. Therefore, I returned to my cool-toned metals for a simple mani.

27 February 2016

Born Pretty Clear Jelly Stamper


Odmah pošto sam se u predstavljanju pločice Born Pretty BP-77 žalila na to kako mi je teško bilo da dobro centriram te slike, stigao mi je BPS paketić sa proizvodima za recenziju, u kome se našao i proizvod koji verujem da će obeležiti ovu godinu kada su alatke za nail art u pitanju - prozirni pečat. Odmah sam ga isprobala upravo na motivu sa kojim sam imala najviše problema i rezultat ste mogli da vidite u poslednjem usklađenom manikiru. Danas mi je zadovoljstvo da vam detaljnije predstavim ovaj zaista fantastičan proizvod.

Right after I complained about how difficult it was for me to position designs from Born Pretty BP-77, a package from BPS with items for reviews arrived and among them was a product that I believe will mark this year when nail art tools are concerned - a clear jelly stamper. I had to try it out immediately using the motif that I had the most trouble with adn you could see the result in the latest matching manicure. Today it is my pleasure to write a bit more about this truly fantastic product.

25 February 2016

ILNP Mountain View

Moja kolekcija indie lakova je skromna, delom zbog njihove slabije dostupnosti, delom zbog cene, delom zato što ima toliko brendova da je teško odlučiti se. No za mene se jedan brend izdvojio kako svojom paletom boja, tako i svojom ambalažom, koja ne deluje kao da je indie već kao da je high end (zapravo se više i ne vode kao indie već kao boutique brend). To je brend koji imenom sumira stav svake lakoholičarke prema lakovima - ILNP (I Love Nail Polish). ILNP lakovi imaju 12 ml i na NailLand sajtu koštaju 10,6-12,3 € u zavisnosti od finiša i kolekcije. NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.

I have only a modest selection of indie polishes, partly because they are not as easily accessible, partly because of their price, partly because there are so many brands that it is difficult to make a choice. However, there is a brand that in my book set itself apart from others in terms of colour scheme and its packaging, which doesn't look like indie, but like high end packaging (in fact they aren't an indie brand any more, but a boutique brand). Name of this brand sums up what every polishaholic feels - ILNP (I Love Nail Polish). ILNP polishes come in 12 ml bottles and retail for 10.6-12.3 € at NailLand, depending on finish and collection. NailLand ships worldwide - from Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.

23 February 2016

Butter London Poole

Davno je do mene stigao par Butter London lakova od fantastične Marije, kojoj je bilo jasno da lakove prašnjavog tona može bezbedno da prosledi meni (na čemu sam joj veoma zahvalna). Butter London lakovi imaju elegantnu četvrtastu bočicu u koju staje 11 ml laka. Nemam predstavu gde se u Evropi mogu nabaviti, samo znam da ih u Austriji više nema.

It's been awhile since a couple of Butter London were sent to me by fantastic Maria, who realized that she can pass dusty polishes on to me (and I am very thankful to her for it). Butter London polishes come in elegant rectangular bottles that hold 11 ml of product. I have no idea where in Europe you can find Butter London polishes, I only know that they are no longer available in Austria.

21 February 2016

Matching Manicures - Black & White

Nedelja je, a meni se već danima ne mažu nokti. Ipak bi bio red da odgovorim i na ovonedeljnu MM temu, posebno pošto je reč o kombinaciji koju svakako rado nosim. Iako nisam sasvim zadovoljna time kako je manikir ispao, mislim da može da prođe. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

It is Sunday and I haven't been in the mood for painting nails for days. However, it would be nice for me to take part in this week's Matching Manicure, especially since the theme is a combination I do wear gladly. Although I am not quite happy with how it turned out, I think that it is passable. I hope you'll like it.

19 February 2016

Born Pretty BP-78

Kako sam onomad za predstavljanje BPS pečatnih lakova upotrebila jednu pločicu za pečatiranje, tako sam za Ya Qin An lakove odabrala drugu, koja mi se svojom cvetnom tematikom lepo slagala sa bojama lakova koje sam uzela.

As I used a single plate to showcase BPS stamping polishes, so I used a different one for Ya Qin An polishes, the one whose flowery theme suited my chosen colours.

17 February 2016

China Glaze Tongue & Chic

Kako su zaposleni iz NailLanda odlučili da mi treba Tristam, tako su isto prelomili u moje ime i za China Glaze Tongue & Chic, još jedan lak koji mi je dugo bio na listi želja, a koji nisam uzimala samo zato što imam dosta sličnih lakova. China Glaze lakovi imaju 14 ml, kod nas se mogu nabaviti za 498 dinara, a na NailLand sajtu koštaju 4,95 €, s tim što su mnoge boje, uključujući ovu, trenutno na sniženju i koštaju 2,48 €. NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.

Just the way employees at NailLand had decided that I needed Tristam, they had made the same decision when it came to another polish that was on my wish list for long time - China Glaze Tongue & Chic. China Glaze polishes have 14 ml and cost 4.95 € at NailLand, but many shades, including this one, are currently on sale and cost only 2.48 €. NailLand ships worldwide - from Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.

15 February 2016

Color Club The Uptown (reformulated)

Color Club je 2013. godine napravio nekoliko zaista dobrih lakova, a među njima se, u kolekciji Girl About Town, našao The Uptown. Marry ga je blagovremeno nabavila, a ja sam se nećkala jer mu je veoma sličan Layla The Butterfly Effect. Naravno, kada sam odlučila da ga ipak želim, Color Club je uradio ono što mrzim kada proizvođači urade - potpuno je promenio lak, ali mu je ostavio ime. Ne znam kojoj svrsi to služi sem da razočara korisnike.

In 2013. Color Club placed several really great nail polishes and among them, in Girl About Town collection, was The Uptown. Marry had bought it in time, and I initially wanted to gave it a miss because it was similar to Layla The Butterfly Effect. Naturally, when I decided that I do want it, Color Club did that which I hate when manufacturers do - they changed the polish entirely and left the name. I have no idea to what end unless the goal is to annoy consumers.

14 February 2016

Matching Manicures - Valentine's Day

Danas se u jednom delu sveta "slavi" jedan od velikih konzumerističkih praznika, jedan od mnogih datuma za koje ne marim. Kako je manikir za dan zaljubljenih svake godine bio tražen kao tema za Matching Manicures onda neću biti kvariša, ali ću učestvovati na svoj način.

Today a part of the world is celebrating one of great consumerist holidays, one of many dates I don't care about. Since Valentine's Day mani theme is requested every year for Matching Manicures I will not be a spoilsport, but I'll take part in my own way.

13 February 2016

MoYou Nails 402

Još jedna pločica koju sam koristila u jednom od skorašnjih usklađenih manikira je MoYou Nails 402. Kakve se sve lepote kriju na njoj i kako sam ih ja upotrebila možete videti u nastavku članka.

Another image plate that I have recently used for a Matching Manicure is MoYou Nails 402. You can learn what wonders it holds and how I used them after page break.

12 February 2016

Born Pretty BP-77

Ako ste mislili da sam odustala od Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje, prešli ste se. Samo sam ih malo zapostavila. Istini za volju, ni oni neko vreme nisu izbacili nešto novo što bi mi zagolicalo maštu, a one pločice koje mi stoje neisprobane i nepredstavljene me nisu baš inspirisale. No kada su mi stigli lakovi za pečatiranje koje sam u januaru predstavila, taman sam ih uparila sa dve BPS pločice koje do tada nisam koristila. Jedna od njih je BP-77.

If you thought that I had given up on Born Pretty image plates, you were wrong. I just neglected them a bit. To be fair, they haven't placed a new plate that would tickle my fancy in a while, and those stamping plates that I haven't shown yet aren't inspiring me to use them. But when new stamping polishes that I reviewed in January had arrived I combined them with two of those unused BPS plates. One of them is BP-77.

10 February 2016

Gosh Early Green

Nedavno je do mene došao jedan Gosh lak za nokte, koji sam isprva mislila da odbijem, ali kako je u pitanju zelen lak, nisam mogla da mu odolim. Gosh kozmetika se ranije mogla nabaviti u TC Stadion, a sada izgleda da može samo da se naruči preko sajta Lakovi imaju 8 ml i koštaju 550 din. Iz nekog razloga im otkad su otvorili sajt u ponudi stoji Holographic Hero, ali ga nikada nisu imali na stanju. Druge boje nisam toliko zagledala jer mislim da su preskupi za drogerijski brend, a i izbor boja je meni nezanimljiv.

Several days ago a Gosh polish fell into my hands and initially I intended not to accept it, but since it was a green plish I couldnt resist it. Gosh is a drugstore brand that first saw in the Netherlands. I am not sure which countries it is available in. Polishes come in 8 ml bottles.

08 February 2016

A England Tristam

Pošto sam se prošlog meseca opskrbila A England lakovima mislim da bih mogla polako da počnem i da ih predstavljam, a ne da kao Drale i Đole čekaju i čekaju i čekaju... Krećem od Tristama, laka koji mi je dugo bio na listi želja, ali nikada prioritet. NailLand je odlučio da mi Tristam treba i ni najmanje se ne bunim što je ovaj lepotan sada u mom vlasništvu. A England lakovi imaju 11 ml i u NailLand-u koštaju 9,4 €. NailLand šalje robu širom sveta - za Evropu šalju GLS-om (General Logistics Systems) i mađarskom poštom (Hungarian Post), a za ostatak sveta samo preko mađarske pošte. Za Srbiju šalju preko mađarske pošte (sa praćenjem) i poštarina je 10 € za narudžbine do 5 proizvoda, odn. 15 € za narudžbine preko 5 proizvoda, a besplatna je za pošiljke preko 75 € odn. 100 €. Ja nisam još uvek naručivala sa sajta, ali nekoliko dragih lakoholičarki jeste i zadovoljne su uslugom. I njihovi paketi i ovaj moj su se oko dve nedelje povlačili po glavnom poštanskom centru, ali su prošli bez carinjenja (vrednost mog je svakako bila manja od 50 €). Ako se nađete u Budimpešti, možete posetiti i njihovu radnju u centru WestEnd u Váci ulici. Takođe svake nedelje organizuju takmičenja na svom Instagram nalogu u kojima možete osvojiti kupone za popust na njihovom sajtu.

Since I improved my collection of A England polishes last month, I think that I might start showcasing them instead of letting them wait and wait and wait like I did with Dragon and Saint George. I'm starting with Tristam, polish which has long been on my wish list, but never a priority. NailLand decided that I do need it and I don't complain. A England polishes come in 11 ml bottles and retail for € 9.4 at NailLand. NailLand ships worldwide - for Europe via GLS (General Logistics Systems) and Hungarian Post, and for the rest of the world only via Hungarian Post. Shipping via Hungarian Post is with tracking and costs € 10 for orders up to five items and € 15 for orders larger than five items. They also offer free shipping for orders over €75 (up to five items) and € 100 (over five items). If you are in Budapest, you can visit their shop at WestEnd City Center at Váci street. They also organize weekly contests on their Instagram and you can win discount for shopping on their website.

07 February 2016

Matching Manicures - ljubičasto

Danas usklađujemo manikire u raznim tonovima ljubičaste. Iako imam dosta ljubičastih lakova bilo mi je veoma teško da smislim šta da radim za današnju temu, što zbog same teme, što zbog mog trenutnog (ne)raspoloženja, što zbog nagomilanih obaveza. No nešto sam uspela da izvedem i nadam se da će vam se svideti.

Today we are matching our manis using different shades of purple and violet. Even though I have a lot of purple polishes it was difficult for me to think up a mani - partly because the theme as such, partly because of my mood and partly because of my other engagements. However, I did manage to put something together and I hope you'll like it.

06 February 2016

MoYou Nails 404

Predugo nisam uradila predstavljanje neke pločice za pečatiranje i krajnje je vreme da to promenim. Pošto sam ovu pločicu već koristila za jedan tematski manikir mislim da je red da ona prva dobije zaseban članak.

It's been too long since I last did an image plate review and it's about time I changed that. I chose to show you this stamping plate since I have already used it in a matching manicure and I think it deserves a blogpost of its own.

01 February 2016

Januarski noviteti

Kad pre prođe mesec? Već je vreme za svođenje utisaka, a čini mi se kao sam tek pre neki dan radila pregled decembarskih noviteta. U januaru skoro ništa nisam kupovala, ali su mi zato stigle neke narudžbine od ranije i nekoliko isporuka sa stvarima za recenziju. Sve je počelo pristignućem paketića sa LadyQueen sajta. Recenziju i priču o tome zašto više sa ovim sajtom neću sarađivati možete pročitati ovde. Potom smo imali malo lakoholičarsko okupljanje, na kome smo razdelile lakove sa grupne porudžbine sa Hypnotic Polish. Ovom prilikom sam uzela par A England lakova - Briarwood i Virgin Queen. BPS pločica koju sam naručila još u novembru je napokon našla put do mene i trebalo je da bude jedini pečatni proizvod za ovaj mesec, ali znamo da stvari ne idu baš uvek onako kako smo mi zamislili. Ovom prilikom je neplanirani segment više nego pozitivan - sa sajta NailLand, sa kog su drugarice lakoholičarke već uspešno naručivale, stigao mi je paketić sa nekoliko proizvoda za recenziju. Ono što mi je veoma zanimljivo je što nisam ja birala proizvode već njihova predstavnica, koja je prošla kroz moju listu želja i odabrala nekoliko lakova i pločicu u skladu sa time. To je mala stvar, ali koja šalje veoma lepu, pozitivnu sliku o njima kao trgovcima i saradnicima. Šta se našlo u paketiću? Još jedan A England (Tristam), ILNP Mountain View, China Glaze Tongue & Chic i moja prva MoYou London pločica - Fashionista #11, a ubacili su mi i jedan mini Mundo de Unas pečatni lak, čime je plavo-zelena tema paketića sasvim zaokružena. Jedini lak koji sam kupila je teget Essence iz Nauti Girl kolekcije, koji se našao na sniženju sa ostalim Essence proizvodima koji se povlače iz ponude.

A photo posted by Cajka (@cajkinekandze) on

Where did January go? I have a feeling that I did one of these posts only several days ago. I nearly haven't bought a thing in January, but I did have some new arrivals that I had bought earlier. Firstly there was LadyQueen package with 3D nail decorations. You can read the review and find out why I do not want to cooperate with this etailer anymore here. After that we had a polishaholics meeting where we split the spoils of our group order from Hypnotic Polish. This time I got a couple of A England lakova - Briarwood and Virgin Queen. BPS plate I ordered in November had finally reached me in January and was supposed to be the only stamping product for this month, but things don't always go as planned. This time the unplanned segment was more than positive - NailLand, online store my friends have successfully ordered from, sent me a package with items for review. What I found interesting in their approach is that it wasn't me who chose the products - they went through my wish list and selected several items to send me. That may be only a small thing, but it creates quite a positive image about them. That package contained another A England for me (Tristam), ILNP Mountain View, China Glaze Tongue & Chic and my first MoYou London stamping plate - Fashionista #11, and they also included a mini bottle of Mundo de Unas stamping polish, which fit the blue-green theme of the package perfectly. The only polish I bought myself is the navy blue one from Essence Nauti Girl collection.