Današnja tema je jedna od najlakših za mene jer imam zaista mnogo metalik lakova, ali sam trenutno malo zbunjena po pitanju svojih metalik sklonosti. Naime, otkrila sam čari mesinga i htela sam da uradim nešto inspirisano nakitom koji sam nedavno kupila, ali nisam mogla da tu zamisao sprovedem u delo jer imam samo jedan lak takve boje i skoro ništa što se sa njim uklapa. Zato sam se vratila svojim hladnim metalnim tonovima za jednostavan manikir.
Today's theme is one of the easiest ones for me because I have so many metallic polishes, but I am currently a bit confused regarding my metallic affinities. I have discovered charms of brass and I wanted to do something inspired by jewellery I have recently bought, but I couldn't do it because I only have one polish that matches the coloour and barely anything else that would complement it. Therefore, I returned to my cool-toned metals for a simple mani.