Još jedan od lakova, tačnije cela kolekcija, koju nisam primetila dok nije bila povučena bila je Suede linija OPI lakova iz 2009. godine. U vreme dok su se još mogli nabaviti uspela sam da nađem Russian Navy, ali do Lincoln Park After Dark je tada već bilo nemoguće doći. No drugarica lakoholičarka je odlučila da proda svoj primerak i ja sam tu priliku odmah iskoristila. Iako kod nas ne može da se nabavi, ima ga još ponegde na Ebayu i Amazonu.
Another polish, entire collection in fact, that I haven't noticed until it was discontinued, was a Suede line of OPI polishes from 2009. I managed to get Russian Navy while there were still some leftovers here, but even the it was impossible to find Lincoln Park After Dark. However, a fellow polishaholic decided to sell hers so I took that opportunity. Even though it has been disontinued, you can still find hem on Ebay and Amazon.