27 September 2021

Colores de Carol Wild Avocado

Hajde da iskoristim ovo lepo sunčano vreme da nosim i uslikam neki holić. Nov holić. I taman da testiram novu bazu. I da teram inat jesenjim/Haloween manikirima. Multitasking. 😎 Ovo je jedan od lakova koje sam pre mesečak dana uzela preko Lakodoma, koji od sada posluje samo po sistemu pretprodaje, tako da pratite njihove najave kako biste bili u toku sa novim nabavkama.
After a week of true autumnal weather, we got several days of sun. Why not take that opportunity to wear and photograph a holo polish. A new holo polish. And give a new base coat a try. And to go against all the autumnal/Halloween manis. Multitasking. 😎 This is one of the polishes I bouth a month ago from Lakodom, which is now only working as a preorders site, so subscribe to their newsletter to be informed of upcoming preorders.

22 September 2021

Dance Legend Big Bang

Još jedan lak koji dugo čeka da ga isprobam je Dance Legend Big Bang. Uzela sam ga za rođendan 2015. godine sa Hypnotic Polish sajta, koji više nažalost ne dostavlja za Srbiju. Cela Galaxy kolekcija se još uvek proizvodi i može se nabaviti preko zvaničnog Dance Legend sajta.
Another polish that has been waiting for a long time to be worn is Dance Legend Big Bang. I got it for birthday in 2015. from Hypnotic Polish. The entire Galaxy collection is still manufacuted and can be ordered from the official Dance Legend website.

20 September 2021

Essence Effect Nail Polish 22 I Love Magic

Kako sakriti mehuriće u laku za nokte? Šljokicama, naravno. Essence Effect Nail Polish 22 I Love Magic je još jedan od mnogih lakova za koje nisam sigurna zašto sam ih kupila. Do tog momenta sam već ustanovila da nisam neki ljubitelj šljokica, a ni rasutog holo efekta. No kupila sam ga, namazala na štapić, ustanovila da je pregust za moj ukus i zaboravila na njega. Sada sam ga konačno namazala kako bih ga makar slikala i sakrila mehuriće na Noir Noir.
How to hide bubbling in nail polish? Cover it with glitter. Essence Effect Nail Polish 22 I Love Magic is one of the many polishes I am not sure why I bought. By the time I got it, I already determined that I was not a big fan of glitter polishes or scattered holo effect. However, I bought it, painted it on a swatch stick, determined it was too thick for my liking and I forgot about it. I finally used it to at least get some photos and cover the bubbles in Noir Noir.

18 September 2021

L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir

Koliko crnih lakova je potrebno Cajki? Svi. Iako imam svoje omiljene crne kreme, uvek sam bila spremna da kupim još koju, čisto da vidim koliko su dobre. Takođe na stopalima uvek imam crni lak, te je ovo boja koju, za razliku od ostalih, redovno trošim makar na pedikir. Tako sam pre neku godinu kada su povlačili L'Oreal lakove iz naše ponude uzela sa stalka za rasprodaje L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir, nadajući se da će biti dobra zamena za Essie Licorice (tada već povučen iz naših drogerija). Kako se pokazao?
How many black polishes does Cajka need? All of them. Even though I have my favourite black cremes, I am always ready to buy a new one, just to see how good it is. I also always wear black polish on my toes, so this is the one colour which, unlike others, I use regularly, at least for pedicures. So several years ago when they were withdrawing L'Oreal polishes I got L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir from one of the clearance bins, hoping it would be a good substitute for Essie Licorice which has already been withdraw from our drugstores. So how did it fare?

11 September 2021

A England Proserpine

Muka me uhvati kada pomislim da je neisprobani deo moje kolekcije lakova veći od većine celih kolekcija lakova normalnih ljudi. Polako, ali sigurno prolazim kroz sve neisprobance i danas je na redu poslednji A England koji još uvek nisam nosila, iako ga imam 5 godina.
I get sick to my stomach when I think that there are more polishes in my untrieds than in most normal people's full collections. However, I am going through them one at a time and today I get to show you the last A England polish that has remained unworn for 5 years.

09 September 2021

Nails Inc. 512 Noho (Bling It On Rebel)

Nails Inc. je brend koji sam aktivno izbegavala dok je bio dostupan kod nas jer mi boje nisu bile zanimljive, a cena im je bila previsoka. Na moju sreću, a uvoznikovu žalost, prodaja očigledno nije išla sjajno sam ovaj set kupila upola cene, ako ne i za svega trećinu cene. Bling It On Rebel je set u kome se nalaze lak u nijansi Noho, superlepak i različite dekoracije.
Nails Inc. is a brand that I actively avoided while it was available in Serbia because colours were not interesting to me, and I found them to be overpriced. Fortunately for me, not for the importer, the sales obviously weren't great, so I managed to get this set at half if not even a third of the price. Bling It On Rebel is a set containing polish in shade Noho, superglue and various decorations.
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