08 May 2021

ILNP Eclipse

Dugo se nije desilo da mi se neki lak toliko dopao da sam morala da ga kupim, a potom kada sam ga probala da me je dodatno oduševio. Nije nikakva novina da mi se ILNP lakovi sviđaju, ali nisam bila u prilici da ih kupujem jer online prodavnica iz kojih sam naručivala ili više ne dostavljaju za Srbiju ili nemaju u ponudi one lakove koje sam želela da uzmem. Onda sam poručila direktno od njih. ILNP shop dostavlja za Srbiju, ali poštarina je visoka (meni je za 4 laka ispala skoro $30). Ipak, meni je vredelo jer sam silno želela da uzme Eclipse. I Eclipse (H). Za slučaj da vas zanima, paket sa 4 laka je mali i prošao je bez otvaranja i dodatnih troškova.
It has been quite some time that I liked a polish enough that I had to buy it, and then to delight me even more in person. It is no news that I like ILNP polishes, but I had no opportunity to buy new ones because etailers I used to order from either no longer ship to Serbia or don't have the colours I wanted in stock. So I gave their offical web shop a go. They do ship to Serbia, but shipping is rather high (it was almonst $30 for 4 polishes). Despite that, It was worth it to me because I really wanted to get my hands on Eclipse. And Eclipse (H).

05 May 2021

Zoya Marney

Od prošlog petka na noktima nosimo Zoya lakove. Zoya je moj omiljeni proizvođač lakova za nokte. Imaju fantastičan izbor boja, odličnu konzistenciju i za mene savršenu četkicu. Nažalost, taj kvalitet podrazumeva i višu cenu tako da su kod nas prestali da ih uvoze, ali se postojeće zalihe još uvek mogu nabaviti, a UltraSun povremeno daje i popuste na lakove.
We've been wearing Zoya polishes since last Friday. Zoya is my favourite nail polish brand. They have a great selection of colours, excellent formula and for my purposes a perfect brush. Unfortunately, that quality means higher price point, so they are no longer imported in Serbia and we have to turn to etailers to get new colours we want.

03 May 2021

Essie Shine of Times

Sećam se da je, pre nego što sam ušla u lakoholičarske vode, Essence imao toper sa ljuspicama koji mi se izuzetno svideo, ali je bio TE i nedostupan u Srbiji. Posle nekog vremena su ga ubacili u standardnu postavku Special Effects topera pod imenom Night in Vegas, i znala sam da ga moram uzeti tada. Uzela sam i rezervnu bočicu, ali mi nije bilo dosta. Merkala sam Inglot 202 (uvek rasprodat) i Nfu.Oh i onda mi je uletelo da uzmem Essie Luxefects Shine of Times.
I remember how, before my polishaholic times, Essence had a flakie topper I liked, but it was TE and unavailable in Serbia. Some time after that, they rereleased it as part of Special Effects toppers line, and named it Night in Vegas, and I knew I had to have it. I got a spare bottle as well, but that was not enough. I was eying Inglot 202 (which was always sold out) and Nfu.Oh, and then I got an opportunity to get my hands on Essie Luxeffects Shine of Times.
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