09 November 2021

China Glaze Heroine Chic

Da li vam se nekada desilo da ste kupile lak za nokte i onda čim ste ga uzele odustale od njega? Meni se to dešavalo prilično često u jeku mog lakoholizma, delom zato što sam lakove uzimala zato što su na popustu, delom zato što me je prošla želja za određenom bojom ili završnicom. Heroine Chic je takav lak, zato mi je bilo potrebno pet godina da ga namažem po prvi put. To je tačno bio period kada sam se hladila od lakova generalno, a posebno od krema i šimera i više se usredsredila na multihrome i holiće. Sada nemam predstavu zašto sam ga uopšte kupila. Verovatno reda radi, da ne bude da na sajmu nisam uzela ništa.
Have you ever bought a nail polish and as soon as you had it gave up on it? It used to happen to me a lot at the peak of my polishaholism, partly because I would buy polishes on sales, partly because I no longer cared for certain colours or finishes. Heroine Chic is one such polish, which is why it took me five years to wear it for the first time. I bought it right at the time when I was cooling down from polishes in general, and especially from creme and shimmer finishes and focused more towards multichromes and holos. Now I don't know why I even bought it in the first place. Probably just because, just so that I buy something at cosmetics expo.

15 October 2021

Polish Molish The Show Must Go On

Wild Avocado mi je stajao čak 10 dana na noktima i bilo mi je žao da ga stignem, ali izrastak je bio takav da nisam imala izbora. Ovo sivilo je savršeno za fotografisanje multihromatskih lakova, tako da sam izvukla moj prvi i (za sada) jedini Polish Molish lak. Poručila sam ga sa Lakodoma. Trenutno ga nema na stanju, ali će ga sigurno biti kada budu oglasili narednu pretprodaju.
I had Wild Avocado on for 10 days and I was sorry to take it off, but the growth was such that I had no choice. And this grey weather is perfect for taking photos of duo and multichromatic polishes so I got my first and (so far) only Polish Molish nail polish. I ordered it from Lakodoma. They don't have it in stock right now, but I am sure they will get it when they announce the next preorder.

27 September 2021

Colores de Carol Wild Avocado

Hajde da iskoristim ovo lepo sunčano vreme da nosim i uslikam neki holić. Nov holić. I taman da testiram novu bazu. I da teram inat jesenjim/Haloween manikirima. Multitasking. 😎 Ovo je jedan od lakova koje sam pre mesečak dana uzela preko Lakodoma, koji od sada posluje samo po sistemu pretprodaje, tako da pratite njihove najave kako biste bili u toku sa novim nabavkama.
After a week of true autumnal weather, we got several days of sun. Why not take that opportunity to wear and photograph a holo polish. A new holo polish. And give a new base coat a try. And to go against all the autumnal/Halloween manis. Multitasking. 😎 This is one of the polishes I bouth a month ago from Lakodom, which is now only working as a preorders site, so subscribe to their newsletter to be informed of upcoming preorders.

22 September 2021

Dance Legend Big Bang

Još jedan lak koji dugo čeka da ga isprobam je Dance Legend Big Bang. Uzela sam ga za rođendan 2015. godine sa Hypnotic Polish sajta, koji više nažalost ne dostavlja za Srbiju. Cela Galaxy kolekcija se još uvek proizvodi i može se nabaviti preko zvaničnog Dance Legend sajta.
Another polish that has been waiting for a long time to be worn is Dance Legend Big Bang. I got it for birthday in 2015. from Hypnotic Polish. The entire Galaxy collection is still manufacuted and can be ordered from the official Dance Legend website.

20 September 2021

Essence Effect Nail Polish 22 I Love Magic

Kako sakriti mehuriće u laku za nokte? Šljokicama, naravno. Essence Effect Nail Polish 22 I Love Magic je još jedan od mnogih lakova za koje nisam sigurna zašto sam ih kupila. Do tog momenta sam već ustanovila da nisam neki ljubitelj šljokica, a ni rasutog holo efekta. No kupila sam ga, namazala na štapić, ustanovila da je pregust za moj ukus i zaboravila na njega. Sada sam ga konačno namazala kako bih ga makar slikala i sakrila mehuriće na Noir Noir.
How to hide bubbling in nail polish? Cover it with glitter. Essence Effect Nail Polish 22 I Love Magic is one of the many polishes I am not sure why I bought. By the time I got it, I already determined that I was not a big fan of glitter polishes or scattered holo effect. However, I bought it, painted it on a swatch stick, determined it was too thick for my liking and I forgot about it. I finally used it to at least get some photos and cover the bubbles in Noir Noir.

18 September 2021

L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir

Koliko crnih lakova je potrebno Cajki? Svi. Iako imam svoje omiljene crne kreme, uvek sam bila spremna da kupim još koju, čisto da vidim koliko su dobre. Takođe na stopalima uvek imam crni lak, te je ovo boja koju, za razliku od ostalih, redovno trošim makar na pedikir. Tako sam pre neku godinu kada su povlačili L'Oreal lakove iz naše ponude uzela sa stalka za rasprodaje L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir, nadajući se da će biti dobra zamena za Essie Licorice (tada već povučen iz naših drogerija). Kako se pokazao?
How many black polishes does Cajka need? All of them. Even though I have my favourite black cremes, I am always ready to buy a new one, just to see how good it is. I also always wear black polish on my toes, so this is the one colour which, unlike others, I use regularly, at least for pedicures. So several years ago when they were withdrawing L'Oreal polishes I got L'Oreal Color Riche Le Vernis à l'Huile 674 Noir Noir from one of the clearance bins, hoping it would be a good substitute for Essie Licorice which has already been withdraw from our drugstores. So how did it fare?

11 September 2021

A England Proserpine

Muka me uhvati kada pomislim da je neisprobani deo moje kolekcije lakova veći od većine celih kolekcija lakova normalnih ljudi. Polako, ali sigurno prolazim kroz sve neisprobance i danas je na redu poslednji A England koji još uvek nisam nosila, iako ga imam 5 godina.
I get sick to my stomach when I think that there are more polishes in my untrieds than in most normal people's full collections. However, I am going through them one at a time and today I get to show you the last A England polish that has remained unworn for 5 years.

09 September 2021

Nails Inc. 512 Noho (Bling It On Rebel)

Nails Inc. je brend koji sam aktivno izbegavala dok je bio dostupan kod nas jer mi boje nisu bile zanimljive, a cena im je bila previsoka. Na moju sreću, a uvoznikovu žalost, prodaja očigledno nije išla sjajno sam ovaj set kupila upola cene, ako ne i za svega trećinu cene. Bling It On Rebel je set u kome se nalaze lak u nijansi Noho, superlepak i različite dekoracije.
Nails Inc. is a brand that I actively avoided while it was available in Serbia because colours were not interesting to me, and I found them to be overpriced. Fortunately for me, not for the importer, the sales obviously weren't great, so I managed to get this set at half if not even a third of the price. Bling It On Rebel is a set containing polish in shade Noho, superglue and various decorations.

30 August 2021

Zoya Godiva

Posle niza upadljivih i jakih boja sam želela da nosim nešto mirnije na noktima, a pritom i da sprovedem mali eksperiment sa teksturisanim lakovima te sam posegnula za Godivom. Pre pet godina sam zažalila što je nisam uzela (i potom uzela Tomoko kao utehu), ali mi se posrećilo kada je Jeca odlučila da smanji svoju kolekciju te je Godiva ipak našla put do mene.
After a succession of strong, bold colours, I wanted to wear something more subtle on my nails, and also to conduct an experiment with textured polishes, so I reached for Godiva. Five years ago I regretted not getting it in time (and bought Tomoko as consolation), but I lucked out when Jeca decided to destash some of her collection so a bottle of Godiva did find its way to me.

21 August 2021

Colores de Carol The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight

Konačno mi je stigla dugo očekivana porudžbina sa Lakodom sajta. U pretprodaji sam uzela svoje prve Colores de Carol lakove i naravno da sam odmah morala da probam neki od njih (i u najboljim danima je bila retkost da blogujem o laku onog dana kada sam ga namazala, ali ovo je jedan od tih izuzetaka). Već godinama sam u potrazi za dobrim jarkim narandžastim holo lakom. Kada sam videla slike The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight pomislila sam da je potraga gotova. Da li je zaista tako?
My long awaited preorder from Lakodom finally arrived this week. I have gotten my first Colores de Carol polishes and I had to try one of them ASAP (even in my best days I seldom blogged about a polish on the day I used it, but this is one of those exceptions). I have been looking for a good bright orange holo polish. When I saw Colores de Carol The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight in photos, I thought my search was over. But was it?

18 August 2021

Golden Rose Holographic 07

Od svih holo lakova koje imam, najređe nosim srebrne/sive. Zašto sam onda uzela dva siva Golden Rose holo laka koji deluju kao djupovi za neke koje već imam u kolekciji? Zato što sam veverica, a ponekada i zmaj. Veverica kupuje da bi imala, ne nužno da bi koristila, a zmaja privlače svetlucave stvari. Dodajmo na to činjenicu da su GR lakovi veoma pristupačni i eto savršenog recepta za impulsivnu kupovinu. Na svu sreću (ili nesreću), nijedan od ova dva laka ne može više da se nađe, ali druge boje su još uvek dostupne.
Out of all holo polishes I have, I wear silver/grey ones the least. Why then did I buy two such Golden Rose polishes that look like dupes for some of the ones I alrady have in my collection? Acquisition disorder. I am a squirrel and sometimes a dragon. Squirrel buys things to own them, not necesarrily to use them, and dragon is drawn to shiny things. Add to that the fact that Golden Rose polishes are quite inexpensive and you have a perfect recipe for an impulsive purchase. Fortunately (or not), neither of the two polishes is available anymore, but in Serbia you can still find some of the other colours.

15 August 2021

Dior Nirvana

Otkako se ponuda lakova sa posebnim efektima povećala, prošla me je volja za krem lakovima, iako oni čine četvrtinu moje kolekcije. Ovaj krem lak je čekao sedam godina da ga namažem. Ovo je prvi Dior lak koji sam kupila, a poslednji koji sam nosila.
Ever since the range of polishes with special effects increased, I have gone off creme polishes, even though they make about the quarter of my collection. This particular creme waited for seven years to be worn. It is the first Dior polish I ever bought, but the last one to be worn.

02 August 2021


ILNP je veoma brzo i lako postao moj omiljeni boutique proizvođač lakova za nokte, a nije tajna da su mi zeleni lakovi omiljeni. Zato nije iznenađenje što sam spontano kupila ILNP Riot kada sam pre nekog vremena poručivala neke druge lakove. Ta je porudžbina bila sa sajta Lakodom, koji se na žalost zatvara, ali sam ILNP i dalje proizvodi ovaj lak i dostavlja za Srbiju.
ILNP quickly and easily became my favourite boutique nail polish brand, and it is no secret that green polishes are my favourite. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that I threw in ILNP Riot in one of my recent nail polish orders. That order was from Lakodom, who are sadly closing their store, but ILNP is still making this polish and have their own online store and offer international delivery.

31 July 2021

OPI DS Original

Pre par godina me je za rođendan Jeca iznenadila lakom koji nikada nisam očekivala da ću posedovati - OPI DS Original iz 2008. godine. Mada su u međuvremenu izašli mnogo kvalitetniji holo lakovi, ovaj vredi spomenuti jer bih rekla da je bio ispred svog vremena. I ispred onoga što OPI danas radi.
A couple of years ago, Jeca surprised me with a polish I never expected to own - OPI DS Original, from 2008. While much better holo polishes have been made since, this one deserves a mention because it was ahead of its time. And ahead of what OPI is doing today.

29 July 2021

Masura Sapphire of Heaven

Magnetni lakovi su lakovi na koje sam se primila čim su se pojavili i kupovala sam ih kad god sam mogla da ih nađem na našem tržištu. Ovaj efekat je zamro kod mejnstrim proizvođača, ali indie i boutique brendovi ih i dalje prave, a verovatno najveći doprinos je dao ruski brend Masura.
Magnetic polishes are the one bandwagon I jumped on as soon as it showed up and I used to buy them whenever I could get them on Serbian market. While mainstream manufacturers have soon abandoned this trend, indie and boutique brands still keep it alive. Russian brand Masura is probably one of the most important contributors.

27 July 2021

ILNP Eclipse (H)

Pošto sam bila toliko impresionirana crno-crvenim multihrom lakovima, odmah sam uzela dva takva ILNP laka - običan Eclipse i Eclipse (H). Ne mogu garantovati da neću uzeti još koji na ovaj fazon. ILNP shop dostavlja za Srbiju, ali poštarina je visoka (meni je za 4 laka ispala skoro $30). Za slučaj da vas zanima, paket sa 4 laka je mali i prošao je bez otvaranja i dodatnih troškova. Lakovi imaju 12 ml.
Since I was so impressed with black to red multichrome polishes, I had to get two such ILNP polishes - a regular Eclipse and Eclipse (H). I can't promise I won't get several more. I ordered from ILNP web shop. They do ship to Serbia, but shipping is rather high (it was almonst $30 for 4 polishes). Polishes come in 12 ml bottles.

28 June 2021

Dance Legend Top Prismatic

Pre nekoliko godina, kada je Dance Legend ponudio nadlak koji od bilo kog laka može napraviti holo lak, silno sam čeznula za njim. Potom kada sam napokon uspela da ga nabavim, nisam ga koristila. Donekle zato što sam u međuvremenu nabavila dovoljno holo lakova (da li to postoji?), donekle zato što sam bila malo razočarana efektom ovog nadlaka.
Several years ago, when Dance Legend made a top coat that would turn any nail polish into a holo, I wanted to have it really bad. Then, after I finally got my hands on one, I didn't use it. In part because I acquired enough holo polishes (is there such a thing?), and in part because I was somewhat disappointed with the effect of this topper.

27 June 2021

CND Vinylux Mint Convertible

Koliko god da ne delim boje na letnje i zimske (završnice su već druga priča), lepo vreme nekako mami da nosim mintaće. U ovom slučaju, Vinylux Mint Convertible. Vinylux su hibridni lakovi firme CND i kod nas se mogu nabaviti u Unitechu. Cena je 1117 dinara za bočicu od 15 ml, ali veoma često budu na sniženju.
While I don't separate nail polish colours by season (finishes are a different story), nice weather tempts me to wear mint polishes. In this case, Vinylux Mint Convertible. Vinylux are hybrid polishes by CND and come in 15 ml bottles.

25 June 2021

Trend It Up Prisma Tip 030

Naravno da nemam ništa novo da vam pokažem. Mislim, ovo jeste novo na blogu, ali lak je po običaju star. Čini mi se da je ovaj iz 2017. godine i naravno da ga više nema u ponudi, ali ne žalite ako ga niste uhvatili jer... pa... videćete.
Of course I don't have anything new to show you. I mean, this is new to the blog, but the polish is old, as usual. I think this one is from 2017. and long discontinued, but don't regret if you have missed it because... well... you'll see.

23 June 2021

Skittle Manis

Prošlog petka smo za temu imali skittle manikir. Ovo je nešto što volim da radim i imala sam odličnu ideju te sam odmah izvukla svoje China Glaze holo lakove i krenula da ih mažem. Onda sam se setila da sam istu sjajnu ideju imala i pre nekoliko godina te sam izvukla druge lakove i mogu reći da sam ovom drugom verzijom daleko zadovoljnija. Sigurna sam da i sami možete videti zašto.
Last week's thematic mani theme was skittle mani. This is something I like to do and I had a great idea so I took my China Glaze holo polishes out and started painting my nails. Then I remembered I had that same idea years ago so I picked other polishes and I had to say I am far happier with this other version. I am sure you can see why.

21 June 2021

Literary Lacquers More Like Fire Than Light

Još davnijih dana sam kupovala indie lakove na blogorasprodajama i tada sam uzela pet Literary Lacquers lakova. Otkad sam videla Darling Diva Slutty Pumpkin, želela sam da posedujem narandžasti holo lak te mi je ovo bila prilika da nabavim neki.
In the even older days I used to buy indie nail polishes thrugh blog sales and that is how I managed to get five Literary Lacquers polishes. Ever since I first saw Darling Diva Slutty Pumpkin I wanted to own an orange holo polish so that was an oportunity to grab one.

20 June 2021

Dance Legend Roz

Davnijeh dana smo draga Suzana i ja razmenjivale poklone za rođendane i praznike i Roz je bio jedan od lakova koje sam dobila od nje. Trebalo je da prođe samo četiri godine da ga probam, iako mi je bio na listi želja pre nego što sam ga dobila. Dance Legend lakovi se mogu nabaviti kod raznih online trgovaca, kao i sa zvaničnog sajta.
In the olden days, my dear Suzana and I used to exchange gifts for birthdays and holidays and Roz was one of the polishes I got from her. It only took me four years to try it out, even though it was on my wish list at the time I got it. Donce Legend polishes can be ordered from many etailers, as well as from the official website.

17 June 2021

Jelly Sandwich

Jelly sendvič nije tehnika koja mi se preterano sviđa, pre svega zato što ne volim jelly lakove. Pre mesečak dana nam je upravo ovo bila tema za tematski petak te sam htela da vidim imam li nešto u kolekciji što bi poslužilo. Rezultat je... u redu. Sasvim u redu.

Jelly sandwich is not a technique I particularly like, mostly because I don't like jelly polishes. However, about a month ago this was a theme for our thematic mondays so I wanted to see whether I had something in my collection that could serve this purpose. The end result is... fine. It's just fine.

08 May 2021

ILNP Eclipse

Dugo se nije desilo da mi se neki lak toliko dopao da sam morala da ga kupim, a potom kada sam ga probala da me je dodatno oduševio. Nije nikakva novina da mi se ILNP lakovi sviđaju, ali nisam bila u prilici da ih kupujem jer online prodavnica iz kojih sam naručivala ili više ne dostavljaju za Srbiju ili nemaju u ponudi one lakove koje sam želela da uzmem. Onda sam poručila direktno od njih. ILNP shop dostavlja za Srbiju, ali poštarina je visoka (meni je za 4 laka ispala skoro $30). Ipak, meni je vredelo jer sam silno želela da uzme Eclipse. I Eclipse (H). Za slučaj da vas zanima, paket sa 4 laka je mali i prošao je bez otvaranja i dodatnih troškova.
It has been quite some time that I liked a polish enough that I had to buy it, and then to delight me even more in person. It is no news that I like ILNP polishes, but I had no opportunity to buy new ones because etailers I used to order from either no longer ship to Serbia or don't have the colours I wanted in stock. So I gave their offical web shop a go. They do ship to Serbia, but shipping is rather high (it was almonst $30 for 4 polishes). Despite that, It was worth it to me because I really wanted to get my hands on Eclipse. And Eclipse (H).

05 May 2021

Zoya Marney

Od prošlog petka na noktima nosimo Zoya lakove. Zoya je moj omiljeni proizvođač lakova za nokte. Imaju fantastičan izbor boja, odličnu konzistenciju i za mene savršenu četkicu. Nažalost, taj kvalitet podrazumeva i višu cenu tako da su kod nas prestali da ih uvoze, ali se postojeće zalihe još uvek mogu nabaviti, a UltraSun povremeno daje i popuste na lakove.
We've been wearing Zoya polishes since last Friday. Zoya is my favourite nail polish brand. They have a great selection of colours, excellent formula and for my purposes a perfect brush. Unfortunately, that quality means higher price point, so they are no longer imported in Serbia and we have to turn to etailers to get new colours we want.

03 May 2021

Essie Shine of Times

Sećam se da je, pre nego što sam ušla u lakoholičarske vode, Essence imao toper sa ljuspicama koji mi se izuzetno svideo, ali je bio TE i nedostupan u Srbiji. Posle nekog vremena su ga ubacili u standardnu postavku Special Effects topera pod imenom Night in Vegas, i znala sam da ga moram uzeti tada. Uzela sam i rezervnu bočicu, ali mi nije bilo dosta. Merkala sam Inglot 202 (uvek rasprodat) i Nfu.Oh i onda mi je uletelo da uzmem Essie Luxefects Shine of Times.
I remember how, before my polishaholic times, Essence had a flakie topper I liked, but it was TE and unavailable in Serbia. Some time after that, they rereleased it as part of Special Effects toppers line, and named it Night in Vegas, and I knew I had to have it. I got a spare bottle as well, but that was not enough. I was eying Inglot 202 (which was always sold out) and Nfu.Oh, and then I got an opportunity to get my hands on Essie Luxeffects Shine of Times.
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