Prvi put sam se upustila u frankenovanje, odnosno u pravljenje svog laka od drugih lakova. Najbolje recepte za frankenovanje ima Dr Frankenpolish. Ja sam za svoj franken upotrebila Color line lak broj 1 (bezbojni) i Martinović Eroticon diamond puder.
This is my first go at frankening. The best recipes for frankening has Dr Frankenpolish. I've used Color line #1 for base (clear polish) and Martinović Eroticon diamond powder.
Dobijen lak je prozračan, ali veoma visokog, skoro metalik sjaja.
The polish I made is transparent, but it has very high, almost metallic shine.
Zatim sam preko njega namazala pucajući Golden Rose Graffiti Sweet Color 102. Ovaj lakić me je delimično oduševio, delimično razočarao. Veoma lepo puca i pukotine su dovoljno velike da se lak ispod dobro vidi. Razlika između tankog i debelog sloja je upadljiva i može se na slici videti na palcu - na jedan deo sam namazala tanji, a na drugi deblji sloj. Ono što mi se ne dopada je što se veoma, veoma brzo suši i što su velike šanse da razmažem dobijenu šaru na delu nokta dok pokušavam da namažem ostatak nokta. Suši se mat.
I put Golden Rose Graffiti Sweet Color 102 crackle polish over it. This polish had me partly disappointed, partly delighted. It cracks nicely and the cracks are big enough for the base colour to show. The difference between thin and thick layer is noticeable and can be seen on my thumb - one part is covered with thinner, other with thicker layer. What I didn't like is that it dries very fast and that it's easy to smudge the pattern while trying to cover the rest of the nail. As other crackle polishes, this one dries matte.
This is my first go at frankening. The best recipes for frankening has Dr Frankenpolish. I've used Color line #1 for base (clear polish) and Martinović Eroticon diamond powder.
Dobijen lak je prozračan, ali veoma visokog, skoro metalik sjaja.
The polish I made is transparent, but it has very high, almost metallic shine.
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Zatim sam preko njega namazala pucajući Golden Rose Graffiti Sweet Color 102. Ovaj lakić me je delimično oduševio, delimično razočarao. Veoma lepo puca i pukotine su dovoljno velike da se lak ispod dobro vidi. Razlika između tankog i debelog sloja je upadljiva i može se na slici videti na palcu - na jedan deo sam namazala tanji, a na drugi deblji sloj. Ono što mi se ne dopada je što se veoma, veoma brzo suši i što su velike šanse da razmažem dobijenu šaru na delu nokta dok pokušavam da namažem ostatak nokta. Suši se mat.
I put Golden Rose Graffiti Sweet Color 102 crackle polish over it. This polish had me partly disappointed, partly delighted. It cracks nicely and the cracks are big enough for the base colour to show. The difference between thin and thick layer is noticeable and can be seen on my thumb - one part is covered with thinner, other with thicker layer. What I didn't like is that it dries very fast and that it's easy to smudge the pattern while trying to cover the rest of the nail. As other crackle polishes, this one dries matte.
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