Golden Rose Magnetic 202 je jedini iz kolekcije sa
chevron magnetom koji sam želela da uzmem. Na internetu do sada nisam našla prikaze ove kolekcije pa ću izgleda ja probiti led. Sa Golden Rose magnetnim lakovima imam dobro iskustvo, kako sa samim lakovima, tako i sa magnetima. Koštaju oko 300 dinara, a pakovanje je od 11 ml. Uz svaki lak se dobija i magnet.
cela chevron kolekcija |
Golden Rose Magnetic 202 is the only one from the chevron magnet collection I wanted to get. I couldn't find any reviews of this collection on the internet so I guess I'll break the ice. I had good experience with Golden Rose magnetics, both polishes and magnets. They cost about 3 € and come in 11 ml bottles. Every polish comes with a magnet.
Golden Rose Magnetic 202 |
Po boji i teksturi ovaj lak podseća na nijansu Silver Elements iz
Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Color kolekcije. Mada u bočici deluje kao uobičajen srebrni magnetni lak, na noktima me je dočekalo prijatno iznenađenje - tamna baza puna srebrnih i ljubičastih šljokica. Ovako bi izgledao magnetni
Gvozden. Srebrne šare izgledaju kao da lebde iznad osnove i prilično su oštre. Magnetom nisam oduševljena jer se zaista mora pažljivo centrirati kako bi se dobila prava šara. Na malom prstu na slikama sa dva sloja i na kažiprstu na slikama sa tri sloja sam ga slučajno pomerila u stranu i dobila sam više talasastu nego V-šaru. Slika na mom magnetu je pogrešno postavljana i pokazuje suprotan smer šare.
Golden Rose Magnetic 202 - 2 sloja |
In colour and texture, this polish resembles Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Color Silver Elements. Even though in the bottle it looks like regular silver magnetic polish, on nails it turned out to be a very nice surprise of dark base colour filled with silver and purple glass flecks. This is what Don Juan 172 would look like in magnetic version. The silver design looks as if it floats over the base and it is pretty sharp. I'm not thrilled with this magnet because it has to be perfectly aligned and centred in order to get good design. I moved it a bit to a side (pinkie in pics of two coats and index finger in pics of three coats) and got a wavy pattern instead of chevron. The picture on my magnet shows the wrong way the design is formed.
Golden Rose Magnetic 202 - 2 sloja |
Ovaj se lak mazao nešto teže od druga dva Golden Rose magnetna koja imam, verovatno zato što nije u pitanju ista tekstura. Ovaj lak ima veoma mnogo šljokica i podseća na Aurine
Apollo Secret i
Sputnik Parts. Potrebna su dva, možda i tri sloja da se dobije potpuna pokrivenost i jasna šara. Jedan debeo sloj je dovoljan za punu pokrivenost, ali posle magneta se istanji na mestima sa kojih je magnet povukao lak. Počela sam da mažem Seventeen nadlak na desnu ruku, ali mi je toliko zamrljao šaru da sam odustala od toga. Trećeg dana sam na vrhovima noktiju imala samo blagu belu liniju, ali sam imala i tragove čaršafa, mada oni zbog teksture laka nisu mnogo primetni.
Golden Rose Magnetic 202 - 3 sloja |
The application of this polish was not as smooth as the other two Golden Rose magnetic polishes, probably because the texture is different. This polish is full of glass flecks and it resembles Aura Apollo Secret and Sputnik Parts. It takes two-three coats for full coverage and clear design. One thick coat is enough for full coverage, but after applying magnet it gets sheer in places where the magnet had pulled the polish from. I started applying Seventeen top coat on my right hand, but it smudged and blurred the design so much that I just gave up. I had only very slight tipwear on day three, but I had sheet marks all over my nails, although they aren't very prominent because of the texture of the polish.
Golden Rose Magnetic 202 - 3 sloja |
Slike su snimljene na dnevnom svetlu. Na prve dve slike noktiju imam dva sloja laka i nemam nadlak. Na palcu i malom prstu sam koristila Golden Rose
chevron magnet, na kažiprstu i domalom prstu sam koristila Golden Rose zvezdu, a na srednjem prstu Golden Rose prugasti magnet. Na poslednje tri slike imam tri sloja laka i nemam nadlak. Na palcu i malom prstu sam koristila Golden Rose prugasti magnet, na kažiprstu i domalom prstu sam koristila Golden Rose
chevron magnet, a na srednjem prstu Golden Rose zvezdu. Poslednja slika je snimljena posle puna četiri dana nošenja.
5. dan |
All pics were taken in daylight. In the first two swatch pictures I have two coats of polish and no top coat. I used Golden Rose chevron magnet on thumb and pinkie, Golden Rose star magnet on index and ring finger and Golden Rose stripes magnet on my middle finger. In the last three pictures I have three coats of polish and no top coat. I used Golden Rose stripes magnet on thumb and pinkie, Golden Rosechevron magnet on index and ring finger and Golden Rose star magnet on my middle finger. The last picture was taken after full four days of wear.
Aaa, mnogo mi se sviđa ta zvezda, moraću da kupim i isprobam :)
ReplyDeleteZvezda je odlična. Preporučujem.
DeleteSuper je kolekcija, moracu i ja neki da nabavim... :)
ReplyDeleteVeoma su dobri. Mislim da nećeš pogrešiti koji god da izabereš.
DeleteSuper izgleda, skroz svemirski, pogotovo ovi na kojim je ta chevron sara malo izuvijana, kao na kaziprstu na zadnjjoj slici.
ReplyDeleteDrago mi je da ti se sviđa.