19 May 2014

Catrice Chameleon C07 Salmon Salmon But Different

Kao što sam već spomenula, predstavljam Catrice lakove koje mi je poslala divna Maria, a prve su mi na redu boje van moje zone prijatnosti. Boje kakve sama ne bih odabrala, ali mi je zanimljivo da vidim kako mi stoje. Nikada se ne zna da li ću promeniti mišljenje ili ću ga samo učvrstiti.

As I had already mentioned, I shall show you Catrice polishes that were sent to me by wonderful Maria, and colours out of my comfort zone are first to be worn. Colours I wouldn't pick myself, but I find interesting trying them on. One newer knows if I shall change my opinion on them or stick to my guns.

Boja Salmon Salmon But Different bih opisala kao boju šećerne vune, samo sedefastu. Mada šećernu vunu volim ova boja je suviše sladunjava za moj ukus i ne slaže mi se sa tonom kože. Zamatirana deluje hladnije i podseća me na (omražene) karmine i lakove popularne tokom osamdesetih. Manje se poznaju tragovi mazanja u šimeru nego kod C(h)ome, Leon! Pokrivna moć mu nije sjajna i sa dva sloja mi se još video izrasli deo nokta. Nanesen u tanjim slojevima se suši brzo. Slike su snimljene na dnevnom svetlu. Imam tri sloja laka i nemam nadlak.

I'd describe colour of Salmon Salmon But Different as frosty spun sugar pink. While I do love spun sugar, this colour is too sugary for my liking and it doesn't go well with my skin tone. When mattified it looks colder and it reminds me of (repugnant) lipsticks and polishes that were popular in the eighties. It is less frosty than C(h)ome, Leon! Its coverage is not great and I had visible nail line after two coats of this polish. When applied in thinner coats this polish dries fast. Photos were taken in daylight. I have three coats of polish and no top coat.


  1. Oh, I do like it on you - especially much in matte.
    But I have to agree, the color didn't feel right on me either, but as I said I think you wear it so well, and that's my honest opinion!

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I just don't like it on me and I know you understand me.

  2. A bre Cajo šta je ovo :P Najneočekivanija pink na tvom blogu do sada :)
    Iskreno, ni meni se ni najmanje ne dopada lak. Malo je bolji matiran.

    1. hahha, na ovo se moram složiti!

    2. Pogreši čovek :D
      Ne, dobila sam lak na poklon i naravno da sam ga probala, ali sigurno ga neću zadržati.

  3. I think it looks really good with your skin tone, you should try it more often!

    1. Thanks, but I won't give this one another try. This is so not me that I immediately had to take it off and replace it with something dark :D

  4. Matiran nije los. :D


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