30 June 2014

Essence Jacob's Protection

Davno beše Essence The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn II trend kolekcija aktuelna. Posle fijaska sa Alice Had a Vision - Again nisam htela ni da uzmem u razmatranje druge lakove iz ove kolekcije i naravno da mi vrag nije dao mira kada su povučeni te sam poželela i Jacob's Protection. Nisam uspela da ga nađem, ali jedna dobra duša je mislila na mene i uspela je da mi ga nađe. A onda sam opet čekala više od godinu dana da ga probam.

It was a long time ago that Essence The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn II trend edition was in stores. After Alice Had a Vision - Again fiasco I didn't want to even think about other polishes from this collection, but when it was withdrawn from stores I couldn't keep still and had to look for Jacob's Protection. I didn't manage to find it, but a kind friend did think of me and she got one bottle for me. And then it took me over a year to try it.

29 June 2014

Matching Manicures - inspirisano serijom

Pošto sam ovih nedelja u frenetičnim pripremama za Japanizam (3-6. jula u Domu omladine) nisam imala vremena da spremim neki kompleksniji i prepoznatljiviji manikir inspirisan serijom, ali potrudila sam se da makar učestvujem u ovonedeljnom usklađenom manikiru. Prošle godine je završena jedna od mojih omiljenih serija - Poaro. Ako se sećate stare špice možda ćete prepoznati motiv na mom domalom prstu. U pitanju je jedna od slika pored kojih Poaro prolazi, kao i motiv iz kog se pojavljuje Poaroov lik. Više o samoj uvodnoj špici možete pročitati ovde - http://investigatingpoirot.blogspot.com/2013/06/title-design-pat-gavins-title-sequence.html. Na svim noktima imam Morgan Taylor Better in Leather. Za nail art sam koristila L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 preko Flormar True Color 027.

I've been in frantic preparations for Japanizam (3-6. July in Belgrade) these past few weeks and I didn't have time to prepare a more complex or more recognisable series-inspired manicure for this weeks Matching Manicures, but I did try to take part in it. Poirot - one of my favourite series came to end last year. If you remember the old opening sequence you may recognise the motif on my ring finger. It is one of the paintings Poirot passes by and also a motif that Poirots face comes out of. You can read more about this opening scene here - http://investigatingpoirot.blogspot.com/2013/06/title-design-pat-gavins-title-sequence.html. I have Morgan Taylor Better in Leather on all nails. I have used L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 over Flormar True Color 027 for nail art.

28 June 2014

Catrice Chameleon C06 Chromit & Miss Pinky

Zaređah lakove koji su bili po mom ukusu, pa treći Catrice koji sam dobila od Marije nikako da dođe na red. Chromit & Miss Pinky je još jedan od Luxury Lacquers Chameleon lakova i poslednji od ovih lakova koji je van moje zone komfora. Mislim da je veoma zanimljivo probati lakove kakve ne bih sama odabrala jer drugačije ne bih mogla da promenim ili utvrdim svoje stavove o njima.

I have lined up polishes that were up to my taste and there was no place for the third Catrice I have received from Maria. Chromit & Miss Pinky is another Luxury Lacquers Chameleon polishes and the last one of those that is out of my comfort zone. I think it is very interesting to try polishes I wouldn't otherwise pick for myself because that is the only way to either change or settle my thoughts on them.

27 June 2014

Francuski manikir

Ako čitate Elle možda ste u majskom broju prepoznale imena i linkove moje malenkosti i Jelene. Jeca je pisala o crvenom laku za nokte, a ja o francuskom manikiru. Moj tekstić koji je objavljen je prilično neutralan i prilagođen širokoj publici Ela, a ovde sa vama delim tekst koji bih volela da je mogao biti objavljen.

Jelena and yours truly had the pleasure to write an article for Serbian Elle magazine. We wrote about classic manicures - red polish and French manicure respectively. My text had to be adjusted for readers of Elle magazine, and now I want to share with you the text I wish could have been published.

25 June 2014

OPI Love.Angel.Music.Baby

OPI Love.Angel.Music.Baby je drugi "saten" iz praznične kolekcije koju je OPI izbacio u saradnji sa Gven Stefani. Love.Angel.Music.Baby je ime prvog Gveninog solo albuma, a skraćenica L.A.M.B. je ime Gvenine modne linije. Bilo je prirodno da se i jedan od lakova u ovoj kolekciji zove tako i ime je dopalo, po mom mišljenju, najlepšem laku iz kolekcije. Verovatno je sasvim kontraintuitivno, ali među svim tamnim, crnim i crvenim lakovima, meni se najviše svideo zlatni lak. Ovi lakovi, poput klasičnih OPI lakova, imaju široku četkicu, 15 ml i koštaju koliko i obični OPI lakovi. Hvala OPI Srbija na prilici da probam i ovaj lak.

OPI Love.Angel.Music.Baby is the other "satin" polish from last year's holidays collection OPI did with Gwen Stefani. Love.Angel.Music.Baby is the name of her debut solo album and acronym L.A.M.B. is the name of her fashion line. It was natural that one of the polishes from this collection gets that name and it went to, imho, the most beautiful polish in the collection. It is counterintuitive, but from all the dark, red and black polishes, I liked a gold one best. Like regular OPI polishes, these come in 15 ml bottles, have flat brush and cost just as much as the regular OPI polishes. My thanks go to OPI Srbija for giving me a chance to try this one as well.

24 June 2014

Hemel krema za nokte

Hemel kozmetika je u poslednje vreme na blogovima privukla dosta pažnje, ali svuda su predstavljani isti proizvodi. O Hemel kremi za nokte nije pisano u tolikoj meri i meni je zadovoljstvo da vam je predstavim jer je u pitanju proizvod koji sam koristila pre desetak godina i tada mi je znatno pomogao, a i sada mi se pokazao odličnim. Pakovanje je od 30 ml, a puna maloprodajna cena je 569 dinara. Ja sam je kupila u Hemel prodavnici na Zelenom vencu. Ne znam imaju li radnje na drugim mestima, ali svi proizvodi se mogu naručiti i preko njihove internet prodavnice.

Hemel cosmetics is a Serbian brand well known for their natural skin care products. They use honey and beeswax, different plant extracts and oils in their products and there are no preservatives, emulsifiers, additives, bleach, artificial colours and fragrances. Hemel cream for nails is a product I have used over ten years ago and have only recently repurchased. I have loved it then and I find it to be great still. It comes in 30 ml containers and retails for €6.99. Hemel is sold in 80 countries and you can order their products online through their internet store.

23 June 2014

Nella Milano Mango

Uz pločice i lakove za pečatiranje koje sam nedavno dobila od MoYou Nails su mi stigla i tri laka kompanije Nella Milano. Lakovi su proizvedeni u Italiji. Predstavljeni su kao jednoslojci, što je uvek zanimljivo i privlačno. Pakovanje je od 9 ml, četkica je srednje širine i pljosnata je. Među sastojcima nema velikih pet štetnih sastojaka.

In the latest package from MoYou Nails I have received three polishes by Nella Milano along with stamping polishes and stamping plates. These polishes are made in Italy. They are presented as one-coaters, which is always interesting and attractive. Bottle holds 9 ml of product, brush is flat and medium wide. Ingredients list doesn't list the big five harmful ingredients.

22 June 2014

Matching Manicures - domine

Posle jučerašnjih tačkica nisu mi se radile tradicionalne domine za današnji usklađeni manikir. Umesto tačkanih domina htela sam da stavim nitne ili štrasiće i crni štrasići su mi se bolje uklopili u zamisao.

After yesterday's dotticure I didn't want to do another one for today's matching manicures theme - dominoes. Instead of dotted dominoes I opted for black rhinestones, although I had contemplated usind studs.

21 June 2014

Pool Party Polka Dots

Danas u grupi Simples, posvećenoj jednostavnom dekorisanju noktiju, počinjemo četvoronedeljno ispitivanje sveta tačkica i tačkalica. Prva nedelja je, naravno, posvećena osnovnim, jednostavnim tufnama. Sticajem okolnosti, i na Ani je ovo aktuelna tema tako da je meni ovo duplo iskorišćen manikir. Moje tufne su nešto krupnije jer sam koristila najkrupniju tačkalicu koju imam. Za bazu sam upotrebila China Glaze Pool Party koji je bio kod mene na čuvanju, a za tačkanje sam koristila Flormar True Color 027. Nisam nanela nadlak jer mi se svidela tekstura tufnica. Za više informacija o tačkanju i tačkalicama možete nam se pridružiti u grupi (nije potrebno da imate blog) ili možete baciti pogled na sledeće linkove:

Today us in Simples - Nail Art From Muggle To Mastery group embark on four weeks long exploration of dotting tools and dotticures. This first week is, naturally, dedicated to basic dotticure. As it happens, the theme for this Friday at Ana.rs was dots, so to me this is twice used manicure. My dots are on the larger side because I have used the largest dotting tool I have. I have used China Glaze Pool Party that was left to me for safekeeping as base colour and Flormar True Color 027 for dots. I didn't use top coat because I liked the texture. You can find more info about dotting tools and dotting in general at following articles:

Or you can join us in the group (you don't have to have a blog to join us).

20 June 2014

Razređivači za lak

Razređivači su važan pomoćnik svakoj lakoholičarki, ali i bilo kojoj drugoj korisnici lakova za nokte, a kod nas nisu dovoljno poznati kao vrsta proizvoda. Kao što im ime kaže, razređivači služe da razrede zgusnuti lak, bazu, nadlak. Oni nadomešćuju supstance koje su izvetrile i na taj način vraćaju svežinu laku. Za razređivanje ne treba koristiti aceton ili druge skidače laka jer je njihova funkcija razgrađivanje laka. Sigurno ste primetile ako ste koristile aceton ili skidač da razredite lak da je lak trenutno možda osvežen, ali kasnije da je u gorem stanju nego što je bio pre "razređivanja". Posebno ako skidač sadrži ulja. Zato nemojte to raditi. U zavisnosti od toga koliko vam se lak zgusnuo treba da dodate manje ili više razređivača, ali uvek je bolje dodavati malo po malo uz mućkanje u međuvremenu dok ne dostignete željenu gustinu laka. Na ovaj način je moguće ne samo u potpunosti iskoristiti lak, već možete oživeti onaj davno osušeni omiljeni lak koji čuvate jer ne možete da mu nađete zamenu.

Nail polish thinner is important helper to every polishaholic, but also to any other polish user, and at least in Serbia they aren't well known sort of product. As the name implies, nail polish thinners are used to thin out thickened polishes, base and top coats. They replace ingredients that have evaporated from polish and make it usable again. Acetone or other polish removers shouldn't be used for this purpose because they are used to break down polish. You may have noticed if you've put nail polish remover in nail polish that the polish may be more manageable at that moment, but later it becomes worse than it was. Especially if your remover contains oils. So don't do it. Depending on how thick your polish is, you should add more or less thinner into it, but it is always a good choice to start small, adding a few drops at a time and mixing in the meantime until you reach desired consistency. This way you can not only use up the polish, but you can revive that long dried up polish you love and keep because you can't find a dupe.

18 June 2014

Malena 7

Pre nekoliko meseci u Lilly drogerijama su se pojavili lakovi makedonske firme Malena. Nisu me preterano privlačili onako pobacani u bazene, gde se boje jedva vide i gde treba kopati da bi se možda našlo nešto zanimljivo. No imala sam sreću da među sedamdesetak boja odmah ugledam (svega) jedan zanimljiv lak. Malena lakovi imaju 12 ml (jedva nađoh na etiketi gde piše zapremina), običnu četkicu i, ako je verovati sastavu na bočici, ne sadrže nijedan od velikih pet loših sastojaka (formalin, toluen DBP, kamfor i tosilamid). Koštaju samo 129 dinara.

Several months ago we got an addition to Lilly drugstores - nail polishes from Macedonian company Malena. I wasn't attracted to them because they are "displayed" quite unattractively, thrown in large basins, where you can barely see the colours and you have to dig in in order to find something nice. I was fortunate, though, to have a single interesting polish catch my eye immediately. Malena polishes come in 12 ml bottles, quite ordinary brush and, if label is to be trusted, don't contain big 5 bad ingredients (formalin, toluene, DBP, camphor, formaldehyde resin). They retail for about 1 €.

16 June 2014

OPI 4 In The Morning

Danas predstavljam lak koji je neočekivano našao put do mene. U pitanju je crni "saten" iz prošlogodišnje praznične kolekcije, koju je OPI uradio u saradnji sa Gven Stefani. Ovi lakovi, poput klasičnih OPI lakova, imaju široku četkicu, 15 ml i koštaju koliko i obični OPI lakovi. Hvala OPI Srbija na prilici da ga probam.

Today I have a polish that had quite unexpectedly found its way to me to show you. This is a black "satin" from last year's holidays collection OPI and Gwen Stefani had made. Like regular OPI polishes, these come in 15 ml bottles, have flat brush and cost just as much as the regular OPI polishes. My thanks go to OPI Srbija for giving me a chance to try this one.

15 June 2014

Matching Manicures - mornarski

Leto je pravo vreme za mornarsku temu te je to izbor za današnji usklađeni manikir. Nisam htela da komplikujem pa sam odabrala jednostavan skittle od crveno-belih i teget-belih pruga, talasića i pečatiranog sidra.

Summer is just the right time for nautical theme and that was our choice for Matching Manicures for today. I wanted to keep it simple so I settled on simple skittle ow red-white and navy-white stripes, some waves and stamped anchor.

14 June 2014

Depend nega

Još u decembru sam iskoristila akciju u Liliju da kupim tri Depend proizvoda za negu, a platim samo dva, no moji odabrani proizvodi nikako da stignu na red za isprobavanje, trošenje, predstavljanje. Sada je konačno došlo vreme za njih. Odabrala sam serum za nokte, ulje za nokte i kremu za zanoktice. Uzela sam ih bez ikakvog predznanja o njima jer recenzije za njih nigde nisam uspela da nađem pa se nadam da će vama moje iskustvo pomoći ako planirate da uzmete neki od ovih proizvoda. Sve ove proizvode sam koristila barem jednom dnevno tokom nekoliko nedelja na zdravim, čvrstim, hidriranim noktima i isušenim zanokticama.

Three Depend products for nail and cuticle care have been sitting in my "to try" box since last December and I had no time or opportunity to try, test and review them until now. My chosen products are Strengthening Nail Serum, Cuticle Cream and Myrrh Oil. I had no previous knowledge about these products and I couldn't find reviews so I hope my experience will help you if you plan to buy some of these. I have used these products at least once per day for several weeks on my healthy, strong, hydrated nails and dry cuticles.

13 June 2014

MoYou Nails 86

Nedavno mi je, posle nekih peripetija, stigao veliki paket sa MoYou Nails pločicama i lakovima za pečatiranje. Bilo bi mi teško da odaberem koju ću pločicu prvo da probam da mi jedan komentar na forumu nije pomogao u izboru (Hvala, Estya). Zato danas prikazujem pločicu pod brojem 86. Lakove neću predstavljati u zasebnim člancima jer ćete kroz recenzije pločica ćete videti i svih pet MoYou Nails lakova za pečatiranje koje sam dobila.

After some vicissitudes a package with nail polishes, stamping polishes and image plates from MoYou Nails had reached me some short while ago. It would have been difficult to decide which stamping plate to try first if it weren't for a comment on Ana.rs that had settled the matter. That is why today I present to you the plate #86. I won't be doing separate posts about stamping polishes because I shall write about them in posts about image plates.

11 June 2014

Morgan Taylor Polished Up Punk

Ako me pratite na Instagramu (@cajkinekandze) mogli ste da vidite moj novi omiljeni teget lak. Polished Up Punk je jedan od šest lakova iz Glam Rock kolekcije za zimu 2013. Poput drugih Morgan Taylor lakova ni ovaj ne sadrži formalin, dibutilftalat i toluen i nije testiran na životinjama. Bočice su od 15 ml i koštaju 864 dinara. O novinama u Morgan Taylor ponudi se možete informisati na Morgan Taylor Srbija stranici, a lakove možete nabaviti kod uvoznika GP Contour u Novom Sadu i Beogradu.

If you follow me on Instagram (@cajkinekandze) you may have noticed my new favourite dark navy polish. Polished Up Punk was one of six polishes from Glam Rock collection for winter 2013. Like other Morgan Taylor polishes, this one is big 3-free and cruelty free. Bottles hold 15 ml of product and have wide flat brush.

09 June 2014

Zoya Matte Vevet Jewels LE Set Trio

Današnji članak će obilovati fotografijama, ali vas molim da obratite pažnju i na tekst. Za mene je recenzija Zoya mat seta priča o nadi, očekivanjima, razočaranju, korisničkoj službi i veri u ljude. Matte Velvet Jewels trio je luksuzna, ograničena kolekcija mat lakova koju je Zoya izbacila za praznike 2013. godine. Matte Velvet lakovi su prvo bili trodelna ograničena kolekcija za jesen 2009. godine, koja se sastojala od lakova Loredana, Dovima i Posh. Za zimu te godine su dodata još tri - Savita, Harlow i Veruschka. Za leto 2011. godine su izbacili Mod Mattes kolekciju, opet od tri laka (Lolly, Mitzi i Phoebe), ali bez šimera. Zimus je ponuđena ekskluzivna i veoma ograničena kolekcija setova koje čine Posh, Savita i Veruschka u luksuznom pakovanju, a ovi su se lakovi, uz Dovimu, mogli naći i u pojedinačnom pakovanju. Nisam očekivala da će ova kolekcija stići do nas, ali Ultra Sun me je silno obradovao kada je uvezao setove. Ura za njih!

Today's article will be photo heavy, but I hope you'll pay attention to the words as well. For me, the review of Zoya Matte set is a story of hope, expectations, disappointment, customer service and faith in people. Matte Velvet Jewels trio is a luxurious limited edition of polishes Zoya had offered for holidays 2013. The first Matte Velvet polishes were a three-piece limited edition for autumn 2009. which consisted of Loredana, Dovima i Posh. For winter they had added another three polishes - Savita, Harlow and Veruschka. In summer 2011. Zoya had placed Mod Mattes collection, again consisting of three polishes (Lolly, Mitzi i Phoebe), but these polishes weren't as shimmery as the previous two collections. Last winter Zoya has re-released Posh, Savita and Veruschka in an exclusive limited edition trio as well as individual packaging and Dovima was available in individual packaging only. I didn't expect any of these polishes to find it's way to us, but I was thrilled to learn that Ultra Sun had imported sets. Yay them!

08 June 2014

Matching Manicures - Black & White

Posle pauze, danas se vraćamo usklađenim manikirima. Ove nedelje smo za temu odabrale crno-beli manikir. Za bazu sam koristila omiljeni mi crni lak Don Juan One Coat OC229, a šaru sa MoYou Nails pločice 86 sam pečatirala MoYou Nails belim lakom. Mislim da je više nego očigledno koliko je ovaj lak dobro pigmentovan.

We start again with Matching Manicures after a hiatus. The theme we have picked for this week is black & white manicure. I have used my favourite black polish Don Juan One Coat OC229 and I have stamped an image from MoYou Nails plate #86 with MoYou Nails white stamping polish. I think it is quite obvious how well pigmented this polish is.

07 June 2014

Simples - Week 4 - Saran wrap mani

Ove nedelje je tema Simples manikira manikir rađen uz pomoć celofana. Jednom sam radila ovakav manikir za Matching Manicure i nije mi se dopao, a i ovog puta mi je utisak isti. Koristila sam Nella Milano lakove u nijansama Mango i Turquoise, koje sam dobila sa MoYou Nails sajta. Uskoro ćete videti i recenzije ovih lakova. Nadlak koji sam koristila im je malo promenio boju na slikama.

This week's Simples theme is saran wrap mani. I have done this sort of manicure once for Matching Manicure and I didn't like the technique and my opinion hasn't changed. I have used Nella Milano polishes in Mango and Turquoise, sent to me for review by MoYou Nails. You will see reviews soon. Top coat I have used has changed their shades in photos.

06 June 2014

Flormar Supershine Miracle U29

Ovo je još jedan od lakova koje sam uzela kada me je uhvatio neizdrž. Posebno sam odabrala ovaj jer se Miracle linija Supershine lakova više ne proizvodi, a nisam uzela onaj baš crveni. Ostaci ove kolekcije se još mogu naći ponegde, ali ne očekujte da ćete naći duohrome poput U33 ili U31.

This is one more plish I hed bought when I had the polishaholics' itch. I have picked this one especially since Miracle line of Flormar Supershine polishes is no longer manufactured and I failed to get the true red one. You can still find remnants of this collection, but don't hold your breath for duochromes such as U33 or U31.

05 June 2014

Dobitnice 2

Pošto mi se četiri dobitnice nisu javile, nove dobitnice za te nagrade su izvučene. Za vas važi isto - imate 48 časova da mi pustite poruku ili mejl sa adresom na koju želite da vam pošaljem nagradu.

Since I haven't heard from four winners, new winners for those prizes have been drawn. The same applies to you - you have 48 hours to message me or email me with your shipping address.

04 June 2014

Depend Chameleon 2086 Green With Envy

Chameleon kolekcija Depend lakova je verovatno najveća kolekcija duohrom lakova u ponudi na našem tržištu. Od dvanaest lakova u kolekciji ja imam tri, a danas predstavljam drugi od njih. Lakovi iz Depend Chameleon kolekcije imaju 5 ml i koštaju 289 dinara. Svi Depend proizvodi su još nekoliko dana na sniženju od 20%.

Depend Chameleon collection of polishes is probably the largest collection of duochrome polishes available in Serbia. I have three of twelve polishes and today I present you the second one. Like other Depend polishes, the ones from Chameleon line come in 5 ml bottles and retail for about 2.5 €.

03 June 2014


Iiiiii dobitnice darivanja su:

Aaaand the winners are:

Zoya Magical Pixie Trio - Katarina K.

Trind Keratin Nail Protector, Trind Cuticle Balsam i Trind Caring Color 194 - Tina I.
Trind Caring Base Coat, Trind Quick Dry i Trind Caring Color 168 - ferdinanda

New York State Of Mind, Under The Stars, Who's That Girl, Stick With It baza i Make It Last nadlak - Ivana S.

tri OPI Brazil laka + Avojuice balzam - Tijana P.

Cuticle Oil treatment, Stop grickanju noktiju, Nail Care Cream, Jelly Top Coat, Matte Top Coat, The strong hardener, Hranljivi tretman za jačanje noktiju, uljani odstranjivač laka za nokte bez acetona, Nail Beauty 205 Cream i Nail Beauty 208 Deep Wine - z0ka
Jelly Top Coat, Cuticle Oil, Lux Glitter 58 Trafic Stopper and Lux Glitter 60 Meet Me At The Disco - ElineG.
Matte Top Coat, Cuticle Oil and Nail Beauty 208 Deep Wine - Juliana M.

five MoYou Nails stamping plates of her choice - Helena J.
coupon code for 50% off order - PetiteandSweet D.

Čestitam, devojke! Imate 48 časova da me kontaktirakte bilo na e-mail (kovertić u gornjem desnom uglu) bilo preko Facebooka i da mi dostavite adrese na koje želite da vam se pošalju nagrade. Ostalima hvala na učešću. Želim vam više sreće nekom idućom prilikom. Posebna zahvalnica ide divnim sponzorima koji su ovo darivanje učinili mogućim.

Congratulations gals! You have 48 hours to email me (envelope icon in the upper right corner of social media icon cloud) or message em through Facebook with you shipping address. I'd like to thank others on taking part in this giveaway. I wish you better luck next time. Special thanks goes to the generous sponsors who have made this giveaway possible.

Ultra Sun - Zoya Srbija
Kolino doo - Trind Srbija
Air-cond doo - Morgan Taylor Srbija
Primax doo - OPI Srbija
Kozmetika Aura
MoYou Nails

02 June 2014

Trind Top Coat Matt


Mogli ste da primetite u poslednje vreme, a videćete i ubuduće, mat lakovi su mi postali znatno zanimljiviji nego što su bili do nedavno. Ako ne želite da kupujete mat lakove, koji se mažu drugačije od običnih i zahtevaju poseban tretman, možete zamatirati neki od običnih lakova. Najnoviji matirajući nadlak u mojoj kolekciji je Trind Top Coat Matt. Poput drugih Trind lakova i tretmana i ovaj je spakovan u elegantnu bočicu od 9 ml i kutiju sa uputstvom za upotrebu. Košta 720 dinara, a spisak prodajnih mesta možete naći u Gde kupiti sekciji na blogu, a sve informacije o proizvodima možete videti na stranici uvoznika. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.

preko Morgan Taylor Under the Stars

You may have noticed lately, and it will become more noticeable in the future, that matte look became far more interesting to me than it was before. If you don't want to buy matte polishes, that require special treatment and different application than regular polish, you may try a matte top coat. The newest such top coat in my collection is Trind Top Coat Matt. Like other Trind polishes and treatments this one comes in elegant 9 ml bottle with box and instructions for use. It retails for about 7 €. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info check my disclosure policy.

01 June 2014


Ovaj maj je bio težak, kao što i sami znate, no u njemu je bilo i lepih momenata. Proslavila sam drugi blogorođendan i zajedno sa darežljivim sponzorima organizovala nagradne igre, koje traju još danas i sutra. Ako se niste prijavili za neku od nagrada to možete učiniti ovde - http://cajkinekandze.blogspot.com/2014/05/blogoroendanske-radosti.html. Pridružila sam se i Simples - Nail Art from Muggle to Mastery grupi, a to možete učiniti i vi. Nije potrebno iamti blog, samo želju da naučite nešto o nail artu. Blogerke su se udružile i organizovale rasprodaju kozmetike, a sav prihod ide za pomoć žrtvama poplava. Ova prodaja još traje tako da još uvek možete da potražite nešto za sebe i pritom učinite dobro delo - http://www.makeupandmore.net/blog/humanitarna-rasprodaja-kozmetike-blog-sale/. Ukoliko radije želite da kupite komad nakita, a da time pomognete žrtvama poplava, i moja humanitarna prodaja nakita i dalje traje.

As you know, this May has been difficult, but there were some nice moments as well. I have celebrated my second blogaversary and thanks to generous sponsors I have organized giveaways, that last for two more days. If you haven't entered one of two internationally open you can do it here - http://cajkinekandze.blogspot.com/2014/05/blogoroendanske-radosti.html. I have joined Simples - Nail Art from Muggle to Mastery group, and you can join us too. You don't need to have a blog, just desire to learn about nail art. Serbian beauty bloggers have organized flood relief charity blog sale. This one isn't internationally open, but if you want to help you can donate to any of official flood relief accounts.

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