Kozmetika Aura je poslednjih meseci punom parom krenula u unapređivanje svog brenda, ponude i dizajna i pojačava svoje prisustvo na domaćem i na inostranom tržištu. Među novitetima u ponudi, a u poslednje vreme ih je bilo mnogo, nalaze se i dva uljana skidača laka za nokte - acetonski i bezacetonski Color Off, koja vam danas predstavljam.
Aura Cosmetics has been trying its hardest to revamp its brand, products range and design and is widening its presence on local and international markets. Among the new products, and there have been quite a few lately, are two oil-based nail polish removers - acetone and non-acetone Color Off, and I have both to show you today.
Aura Color Off skidači laka za nokte se mogu nabaviti u dva pakovanja - od 50 ml i od 100 ml. Bezacetonski je u beloj bočici, a acetonski u ciklama bočici. Pakovanje je neprozirno i od prilično kvalitetne čvrste plastike, sa poklopcem na zavrtanje. Ja više volim da su pakovanja ovakvih proizvoda prozirna ili makar prozračna kako bih mogla da vidim koliko je proizvoda ostalo umesto da se oslanjam na težinu ili zvuk. Otvor bočica je mali, tako da nema bojazni da ćete neplanirano istisnuti suviše proizvoda ili da će se mnogo prosuti u slučaju da vam se bočica izvrne (što se meni dešava češće nego što bih želela). Što se sastojaka tiče, oba Color Off skidača sadrže ricinusovo i bademovo ulje, kao i propilen glikol, koji je humektant. Oba sadrže i mirise koji bi trebalo da maskiraju miris rastvarača - miris kivija u acetonskom i miris jagode u bezacetonskom skidaču. Ja u acetonskom skidaču ne osećam miris acetona, a osećam slatkast miris parfema, dok u bezacetonskom skidaču osećam i miris etil acetata. Moja majka, koja za razliku od mene ne pati od hiposmije, kaže da oba imaju oštar acetonski miris, ali i slatkastu notu. Acetonski skidač, naravno, sadrži aceton i etil acetat kao glavne rastvarače, dok se bezacetonski bazira na etil acetatu i alkoholu.
Aura Color Off nail polish removers come in two sizes - 50 and 100 ml bottles. Acetone-free remover comes in white and acetone-based remover is in fuchsia bottle. Bottles are opaque and made from good plastic material, with screw cap. I prefer this sort of product to be in transparent or at least translucent packaging so that I can see how much is left instead of relying on sound or weight. This packaging has small opening so there is no worry you'd pour too much or that a lot will spill if you knock the bottle over (which happens to me more often than I'd like to). Both contain almond and castor oil, as well as propylene glycol, which is humectant. Both also contain fragrance that should mask the smell of solvents - smell of kiwi in acetone-based remover and smell of strawberries in non-acetone remover. I can't smell acetone in acetone-based remover, but I can smell sweet fragrance. In non-acetone remover I can smell ethyl acetate as well. My mother, who unlike me isn't hyposmic, says that she can feel some sharp acetone-like smell and and sweet scent in both. Acetone-based remover, naturally, contains acetone and has ethyl acetate as main solvents while non-acetone one has ethyl acetate and alcohol.
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Sastojci/Ingredients - Acetone, Ethyl Acetate, Aqua, Propylene Glycol, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Prunus Amigdalys Dulcis Oil, Parfum. |
Oba skidača sam testirala tokom maratonskih pečatiranja, kada po desetak puta za veče namažem nokte i skinem lak pa sve to ponavljam tokom nekoliko dana. Acetonski skidač je veoma delotvoran i nije masan. Iako sam i nokte i zanoktice dosta izlagala ovom sredstvu, nisam videla bele tragove isušivanja niti sam morala da pravim pauze između seansi pečatiranja kako bih dodatno negovala eponihijum. Za skidanje laka je dovoljno sasvim malo proizvoda i kratko držanje na noktu. Skidač laka bez acetona je preporučen za veštačke nokte, ali naravno da prirodnima ne škodi. Osećam da ima oštriji miris od acetonskog skidača, a miris jagode koji mu je dodat se duže zadržava na noktima. Ne ostavlja bele tragove isušivanja, ali sam posle svakog skidanja laka imala potrebu da dodatno utrljam malo ulja u nokte i zanoktice. Sporije rastvara lak od acetonskog skidača. Nije masan. Aura Color Off skidači ispunjavaju skoro sve što je proizvođač o njema rekao - da brzo, efikasno i lako odstranjuju lak sa noktiju, da ne isušuju nokte, da ne ostavljaju bele tragove na noktima i na koži oko noktiju i da daju noktima sjajan i gladak izgled. Prijatan miris je pitanje ukusa i sposobnosti da se osete mirisi te mislim da nisam prava osoba da o tome govori. Deo o dodatnoj nezi noktiju (regenerisanju kutikule i pozitivnom uticaju na regeneraciju keratinoznih struktura) mislim da nijedan skidač ne može da ispuni prosto zato što to i ne treba da bude uloga skidača laka, ali svakako je bolje koristiti neki skidač koji ima hranljive sastojke, poput ovih, nego neki koji ga nema. Bez obzira na to kakve negujuće sastojke sadrži, skidač laka ne treba da bude jedino sredstvo koje ćete koristiti za negu i u tu svrhu treba da imate neko ulje ili kremu za nokte i zanoktice.
I have been testing both of these removers during marathon stamping sessions, when I paint my nails and remove polish dozen times for an evening and repeat for several days. Acetone-based remover is very efficient and it isn't greasy. Even though my nails and cuticles were well exposed to it I couldn't see any trace of dryness and I didn't have to take breaks between stamping sessions to nourish eponychium. It takes tiny amount of product and you only have to hold it on nail for short time to remove polish. Non-acetone remover is recommended for use on artificial nails, but you can safely use it on natural nails as well. I feel it has sharper smell and the added strawberry scent remains on nails longer. It doesn't leave white marks of dryness, but I did feel the need to use cuticle oil after using this remover. It takes longer time than acetone-based remover to dissolve polish. It isn't greasy. Aura Color Off removers live up to almost everything manufacturer says about them - they removes nail polish quickly, efficiently and easily, they don’t dry out nail plate, they don't leave white traces on nails and cuticles and that they give nails glossy and smooth look. Nice fragrance is a matter of personal preference and ability to smell so I am not the right person to talk about it. I don't think that any remover can fulfill claims about nail plate and cuticle regeneration and revitalization and positive effect on keratin structures simply because it shouldn't be its role, but it is certainly better to use a remover that contains some nourishing ingredients, as these do. Regardless of what nourishing potential a remover may have, it shouldn't be your only nail care product and you should use some cuticle and nail oil or cream.
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Sastojci/Ingredients - Ethyl Acetate, Alcohol, Aqua, Propylene Glycol, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Prunus Amigdalys Dulcis Oil, Parfum. |
Sve u svemu, meni je acetonski Color Off odličan, bolji čak i od mog omiljenog Daplex acetona, a bezacetonski skidač mi nije po ukusu. Maloprodajna cena acetonskog skidača u Lilly drogerijama je 115 dinara za pakovanje od 50 ml i 193 dinara za pakovanje od 100 ml. Bezacetonski od 50 ml je 119 dinara, a od 100 ml 199 dinara. U DMu su nešto jeftiniji - oba skidača od 50 ml su 109 dinara, a od 100 ml su 179 dinara. U privatnim parfimerijama koje drže Aura proizvode se možda mogu naći i po još nižoj ceni. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.
All in all, I find acetone-based Color Off to be excellent, better than even my favourite Daplex acetone, but non-acetone remover is not to my liking. Aura Color Off in 50 ml bottles retails for about 1€ and 100 ml packaging retails for about 1.5€. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.
I think it's difficult to find a truly nice non-acetone remover, I have tried expensive ones too, but they all drive me mad slowly but surely LOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe the word slow is the key ;)
I've always been partial to acetone-based ones so my experience with non-acetone removers is really modest. It must be frustrating if you have certain expectations and are let down, especially if the product was really expensive.