30 March 2015

A England Dragon

Shvatila sam da mi suviše veoma lepih lakova stoji neisprobano jer ih čuvam za neku posebnu priliku koja nikako da dođe. Zato sam odlučila da kada je vreme lepo nosim svoje holiće umesto da stoje nenošeni. Tako sam posle više od godinu i po dana prvi put prošetala Draleta, a potom ga upotrebila i u dva manikira. A England lakovi imaju 11 ml, 3-free su i nose znak veselog zeke netestiranja na životinjama. Mogu se nabaviti samo preko interneta, a do svoja (za sada) jedina dva sam došla zahvaljujući MarryJ.

I came to realize that I have too many beautiful polishes among my untrieds only because I keep waiting for that special occasion to war them. That is why I decided to wear my holos when the weather is nice instead of keeping them unworn. So afer over a year and a half I have taken out Drale for a mani and ended up using it in two. A England polishes come in 11 ml bottles, they are 3-free and cruelty free. They can only be bought online and I have gotten my two thanks to MarryJ.

29 March 2015

Matching Manicures - gradijent

Nije prošlo ni šest meseci od poslednjeg usklađenog gradijenta, a već ponavljamo temu i ovo je tema koja se najčešće javlja. (Kliknite na tekst u boji da vidite prethodna tri gradijenta koja smo radili u sklopu Matching Manicures) Popularnost ove teme ne čudi jer je u pitanju tehnika koja je jednostavna, a stvara veoma zanimljiv i lep efekat.

Not six months have passed since we last did a matching gradient manicure and we are already repeating the theme and this is the theme we do most often. (Do click on text in colour and have a look at previous three takes on Matching Manicures gradient) It isn't strange that this technique is so popular as it is quite a simple yet very effective technique.

27 March 2015

MoYou Nails 125

Za ovo pečatiranje petkom sam odabrala da vam pokažem još jednu odličnu MoYou Nails pločicu, onu pod brojem 125.

Plate 125

For this Friday stamping I chose to show you another great MoYou Nails stamping plate, plate number 125.

25 March 2015

Essie Mind Your Mittens

Dugo nisam pisala o nekom Essie laku, sve se nadajući da će nam uskoro stići Cashmere Matte kolekcija i da ću predstaviti neki od tih lakova. Kako nam ta kolekcija nije stigla okrećem se starim neisprobancima, ovog puta iz Shearling Darling kolekcije za zimu 2013. Možda se još uvek može naći upola cene ili čak jeftinije u pojedinim DM i Lilly drogerijama.

It's been awhile since I last posted some Essie polish, all the while hoping that Cashmere Matte collection is about to arrive and that I'll show you some of those polishes. But it hasn't arrived (and I don't know if it ever will), so I turn to my old untrieds, this time from Shearling Darling, collection for winter 2013.

23 March 2015

Mentality Distinct

Zimus mi je u paketiću od Marije stigao između ostalog i jedan Mentality lak. Mentality Nail Polish je američki indie brend, koji postoji skoro tri godine i poznat je po svojim mat lakovima, kao i polumat holosima. Lakovi su im barem 3-free. Ovaj konkretan lak je 5-free. Bočica od 15 ml košta $ 7,5 kod proizvođača. Distributer za Evropu je Edgy Polish i tu ovaj lak košta € 6,64 bez PDVa.

The package I received last winter from Maria contained among other things one Mentality polish. Mentality Nail Polish is an American indie brand that exists nearly three years and that is best known for matte polishes and semi-matte holos. Their polishes are at least big 3-free. This particular polish is 5-free. Mentality polishes come in 15 ml bottles. This one retails for $ 7.5 if you order directly from Mentality. Distributor for Europe is Edgy Polish and you can buy it for € 6.64 without VAT / € 8.3 with VAT.

22 March 2015

Matching Manicures - fan brush mani

Još nije vreme za lepeze, ali došao je trenutak da upotrebim svoje lepezaste četkice - danas ih koristimo za usklađeni manikir.

It still isn't time to take out your fans, but the time has come for me to finally take out and use my fan brushes - today we do matched fan brush manis.

21 March 2015

Born Pretty BP-41

Pločica koju danas predstavljam je jedna od novijih Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje, a uskoro (26. marta) treba da se pojave na sajtu i novi dodaci kolekciji.


Today's stamping plate is one of the latest Born Pretty image plates and soon (March 26th) new additions to the collection are expected to arrive on their website.

20 March 2015

MoYou Nails 130

Opet je na redu MoYou Nails pločica koja pruža mnogo mogućnosti za različite manikire samim brojem motiva koje sadrži. Ja sam odabrala da pokažem šest.

Plate 130

It is again time for a MoYou Nails image plate that gives so many opportunities for different manis with sheer number of images that are on it. I've chosen to show you six.

18 March 2015

Morgan Taylor Party at the Palace

Nisam osoba kojoj letnje i prolećne kolekcije bilo čega odgovaraju pa mi je samo jedan jedini lak iz Morgan Taylor Cinderella kolekcije privukao pažnju. Poput drugih Morgan Taylor lakova ni ovaj ne sadrži formalin, dibutilftalat i toluen i nije testiran na životinjama. Bočice su od 15 ml i koštaju 984 dinara. Možete ih nabaviti kod uvoznika GP Contour u Novom Sadu i Beogradu i u Janković apotekama u Novom Sadu.

I am not a sort of person that spring and summer collections of anything appeal t, which is why only one polish from Morgan Taylor Cinderella collection had caught my eye. Morgan Taylor polishes are big 3-free and cruelty free. They come in 15 ml bottles and have wide flat brush.

16 March 2015

China Glaze Pine-ing For Glitter

Novogodišnje-božićni praznici su odavno prošli, ali vreme za šljokice nije. Iako nisam imala nameru da uzmem ovaj lak, on je našao put do mene u sklopu novogodišnjeg paketića iz Alexandar Cosmetics. Ako sutra idete na neku žurku sa zelenom temom, evo ideje šta da stavite na nokte. China glaze lakovi koštaju 498 din, a možete ih nabaviti preko Alexandar Cosmetics i njihovih distributera.

Christmas holidays are far behind us, but that doesn't mean we stop wearing glitter. Even though I didn't mean to take this polish, it had found its way to me as it was part of New Year's gift I got from Alexandar Cosmetics. If you are going to a green-themed party tomorrow this is a suggestion what you can wear on your nails.

15 March 2015

Matching Manicures - Spun Sugar

Postoji nekoliko boja koje ne nosim. Tirkizna i zlatna su među njima, ali kombinacija ove dve boje mi se veoma dopada. Zato ih koristim u ovonedeljnom usklađenom manikiru, koji za temu ima tehniku šećernih niti. Nije mi prvi put da radim ovakav manikir, ali ovog puta sam užvala mnogo više u smišljanju i izradi samog manikira.

There are several colours I don't wear. Turquoise and gold are among them, but I like the combination of the two very much. That is why I chose this combo for this weeks Matching Manicure, which has spun sugar mani for theme. This isn't my first go at this technique, but I enjoyed both thinking up and doing this mani much more than the previous one.

14 March 2015

Born Pretty 05 i BP-05

Spomenula sam u članku o pločici BP-19 da je BPS na toj pločici promenio jedan motiv, a još jedan izbacio. To nije prvi put da su izmenili izgled pločice. Ubrzo pošto su ponudili svoju prvu liniju pločica za pečatiranje ispostavilo se da većina nije najbolje osmišljena. Sličice su bile premale, bilo ih je previše ili su bile smeštene suviše blizu jedne drugima. Stoga je devet od deset inicijalnih pločica unapređeno. Ja imam tri takve pločice, kao i njihove novije verzije. Predstavljaću ih u paru jer želim da vam pokažem koliko se razlikuju iako se starije verzije ne mogu više naći.


I have mentioned in my article about BP-19 image plate that BPS has changed one motif. Tat wasn't the first time that thay have done such thing. Soon after they placed their original line of stamping plates it turned out that most of the designs weren't really thought through. Images were too small, too close to each other or there was too many of them. That is why they have improved nine out of ten initial image plates. I have three sets of original and improved versions of these plates and I shall be showing them in pairs because I'd like you to see how they differ from each other despite the older ones being discontinued.

13 March 2015

MoYou Nails 223

Ponovo posle nove na red za predstavljanje stiže još jedna starija MoYou Nails pločica, sa velikim dezenima za pun nokat.

Image plate 223

Again after one newer MoYou Nails image plate I present to you one older MoYou Nails stamping plate, with long full nail images.

11 March 2015

Cuccio Dubai Me An Island

Videli ste u izveštaju sa 25. dodira Pariza da su mesto u mojoj kolekciji našla i četiri Cuccio laka za nokte. Ranije sam slušala pohvale na račun Cuccio sredstava za negu, a jesenas sam se upoznala i sa njihovom ponudom lakova za nokte, delom na 24. sajmu kozmetike, a delom kroz emisiju Nail'd It. Cuccio je američka firma koja proizvodi profesinalne proizvode za manikir i pedikir, a nama su ovi proizvodi dostupni kroz Aluna centre. Iako je sajam prošao lakovi su i dalje na popustu i koštaju 600 dinara, a redovna cena im je u rangu sa Jessica lakovima. Pakovanje je od 13 ml, a lakovi su 3-free i, prema tvrdnji sa zvaničnog sajta, nisu testirani na životinjama.

You could see in my report from 25. Touch of Paris that four Cuccio nail polishes have found a place in my collection. I've been hearing praises about Cuccio hand and feet care products, and last fall I had a chance to get to know their nail polish range, partly through 24. beauty expo and partly through Nail'd It. Cuccio is an American brand that makes professional manicure and pedicure products. Cuccio Colour nail polishes come 13 ml bottles, they are 3-free and according to official website they are not tested on animals.

10 March 2015

Maybelline Colorshow Red Excess

Prošle godine sam još uvek bila veoma zaljubljena u teksturisane lakove i na putovanju sam uspela da nabavim dva od tri Maybelline Colorshow Crystallize laka za kojima sam tada silno patila. I dalje volim teksturce, ali nisam više tako grozničava kada vidim neki koji poput ovog ne može da se nabavi kod nas.

Last year I was still head over heels in love with textured polishes and on my trip to London I managed to get two of three Maybelline Colorshow Crystallize lemmings. I still love textured polishes, I'm just not as frantic when I see one that can't be bought here.

09 March 2015

Catherine Arley 667

Ne znam za vas, ali meni baš nedostaje sunce i toplije vreme. U nadi da ću prizvati lepše vreme vam pokazujem lak koji zahteva sunce. Ovo je jedini Catherine Arley lak koji imam, a ni njega ne bih imala da mi ga Jelena nije prosledila. Catherine Arley je turska marka čiji lakovi nisu na žalost dostupni kod nas, ali mogli su se nabaviti u Bugarskoj.

I don't know about you, but I do miss sunshine and warmer weather. I am showing you a polish that requires sunshine in hope of summoning nicer weather. This is the only Catherine Arley polish I have and I wouldn't even have it if it weren't for Jelena. Catherine Arley is a Turkish brand, sadly unavailable in Serbia, but that could be found in Bulgaria.

08 March 2015

Matching Manicures - Lightning

Zbog sajma i drugih obaveza nisam mogla da posvetim mnogo vremena ovonedeljnom usklađenom manikiru. Kako sam već imala zamisao šta bih želela da uradim odlučila sam da ipak učestvujem iako rezultat nije baš zadovoljavajuć.

I couldn't take my time with this week's Matching Manicure because of the beauty expo and other duties. Since I have already had an idea of what I wanted to do for this theme I did make something for today even though I am not quite happy with the result.

07 March 2015

25. sajam kozmetike "Dodir Pariza"

Danas i sutra se u hali 2 beogradskog Sajma održava 25. međunarodni kongres i sajam kozmetike, nege kose, estetike i zdravlja "Dodir Pariza". Većina izlagača koje smo navikli da vidimo na sajmu kozmetike ponovo učestvuje, a ima i nekih novih učesnika. Najveće iznenađenje mi je bio povratak jeftinijih brendova lakova za nokte, mada ne onih koje smo ranijih godina viđali na sajmu. Uz dobro društvo, koje su činile Jelena, Meri i Di, dan na sajmu mi je proleteo. Njihove utiske (i više o nelakoholičarskoj ponudi) možete pročitati ovde, ovde i ovde.

06 March 2015

Morgan Taylor Seal the Deal

Pošto je Morgan Taylor Srbija za ovaj sajam najavio poseban popust htela sam da vam pre sajma pokažem još jedan MT lak iz svoje kolekcije. Poput drugih Morgan Taylor lakova ni ovaj ne sadrži formalin, dibutilftalat i toluen i nije testiran na životinjama. Bočice su od 15 ml i koštaju 984 dinara. Možete ih nabaviti kod uvoznika GP Contour u Novom Sadu i Beogradu i u Janković apotekama u Novom Sadu. Ovog vikenda ćete moći da ih kupite i na sajmu kozmetike za popustom od 20%. Ako uzmete više od 6 komada popust je 25%, a za više od 12 bočica 35%.

Because the cosmetics expo is this weekend and Morgan Taylor Serbia has announced some special discounts I wanted to show another MT polish from my collection. Morgan Taylor polishes are big 3-free and cruelty free. They come in 15 ml bottles and have wide flat brush.

04 March 2015

OPI My Private Jet

Verovatno nijedan OPI lak nije izazvao toliko pometnje kao My Private Jet. Prvo se pojavio 2007. godine kao deo Night Brights kolekcije i bio je linearni prizmatični sivo-braon lak da bi vremenom prešao u stalnu postavku kao sivo-braon lak sa rasutim holo efektom, koji uglavnom izgleda kao srebrni šimer, a u međuvremenu je postojala i verzija sa plavim odsjajem. MPJ koji ja imam je iz aktuelne stalne postavke. Ukoliko vam se dopada možete ga nabaviti ovog vikenda na sajmu, verovatno sa znatnim popustom koji OPI Srbija tradicionalno daje.

Probably no OPI polish had caused as much confusion as My Private Jet. It was first released in 2007. as part of Night Brights collection and it was a greyish-brown linear prismatic polish. In time it became part of regular OPI offer, but now it is greyish-brown polish with scattered holo particles that look like silver glitter most of the time. There was also a blue flash version between these two. MPJ that I have is the most recent one.

02 March 2015

Zoya Sansa

Lak koji danas predstavljam je poslednji deo poklona koji mi je pred novogodišnje praznike stigao od Ultra Suna. Iako će Ultra Sun učestvovati na sajmu 7. i 8. marta, tamo nećete moći da kupite lakove, ali zato će u njihovoj radnji u Gandijevoj ulici od 7-10. marta biti na popustu od 15%. Redovna cena im je 853 din. Osim u Ultra Sun radnji, Zoya lakove možete kupiti i preko Ultra Sun sajta i distributivnim centrima. O novitetima i povremenim posebnim ponudama se možete informisati na Zoya Srbija Facebook stranici. Zoya lakovi ne sadrže toluen, dibutil ftalat, formalin, formalinski rezin, kamfor, sastojke životinjskog porekla i ne testiraju se na životinjama. Svi lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 15 ml.

The polish I am showing you today is the last of three Zoyas I have received as a gift from importer of Zoya polishes for Serbia. Like other regular Zoya polishes it retails for $9. Zoya polishes come in 15 ml bottles. They don't contain toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and animal products and are not tested on animals.

01 March 2015


Najkraći mesec je ove godine bio veoma bogat novitetima. Toliko da sam u istom danu nabavila više lakova nego za ceo januar. Morgan Taylor lakovi su bili na posebnoj ponudi gde se uz svaki kupljeni lak na poklon dobija jedan od 24 laka odabrana za ovu akciju. Očekivala sam da među lakovima za poklon nađem mahom roze i crvene nijanse (akcija je bila povodom dana zaljubljenih), ali izbor lakova je bio šaren i uz dve boje sa liste želja (Truth or Dare i Totally A-Tealing) odabrala sam crni i beli lak na poklon (All White Now i Little Black Dress). Već kada sam bila u tom kraju nisam mogla da preskočim posetu Sefori u Delta Sitiju. Imala sam sreće i našla sam oba Sephora siva holo laka i OPI My Dogsled is a Hybrid. Kod kuće me je dočekao paketić od Baby's Dolce Vita - Essie Luxeffects Shine of the Times koji sam naručila i Catrice koji mi je ubacila kao poklončić. (Jesam li spomenula ranije kako su lakoholičarke veoma darežljiv svet?) Već narednog dana je stigla nova pošiljka, takođe sa Essie Luxeffects lakom - Rock at the Top. Ovog puta je to bila nagrada za manikir koji sam pravila za Essie Nailfie konkurs. Stigao mi je i XL pečat koji sam naručila sa Born Pretty Store, o kome ste mogli da čitate u članku o poređenju pečata. Balea kremica se tu našla pre svega zbog simpatične ambalaže, ali i zato što sam skoro potrošila sve zalihe krema za ruke. Žao mi je što nisam uspela da nađem i drugu kremu iz ove mini kolekcije.

This year the shortest month was filled with new arrivals. So much so that I managed to get more polishes in a single day than for the entire month of January. Morgan Taylor polishes were on special offer so I killed two lemmings (Truth or Dare and Totally A-Tealing) and chose (All White Now and Little Black Dress) to get as plus ones. I also managed to snag both Sephora grey holos and OPI My Dogsled is a Hybrid. A package from Baby's Dolce Vita was waiting for me at home. It had Essie Luxeffects Shine of the Times that I had ordered from her and one Catrice that she sent me as a gift. (Have I mentioned how generous polishaholics are?) The next day brought me more nail mail, another Essie Luxeffects polish - Rock at the Top. This was a prize I got for taking part in Essie Nailfie contest. Another new arrival was the XL stamper I ordered from Born Pretty Store and that you could read about in my post about stampers. Balea cream is here because of cute tin, but also because I've nearly used up all the hand creams I had in stash. I am sorry I failed to get the other cream from this mini collection.

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