28 April 2021

A England Tristam Revisited

Plavi lakovi su nam trenutna tema za usklađene manikire na Ani. Plavo nije moja boja, ali volim teget i odmah sam suzila izbor na dva laka - omiljeni mi China Glaze Strap on your Moonboots ili A England Tristam, koji nisam prošlog puta mogla lepo da uhvatim jer nije bilo sunca. Zato danas dobija čestite slike.
Our current theme for manicures is blue polishes. Blue is not my colour, but I do like navy blues and I immediately got my selection down to two polishes - a favourite of mine China Glaze Strap on your Moonboots or A England Tristam, which I couldn't capture well because there was no sun. That is why today it is finally getting some decent photos.
Tristam je teget/džins plavi lak ispunjen finim rasutim holo česticama. Na mahove mi deluje čak i indigo plavo. U zatvorenom i u senci deluje plavo sa srebrnastim šimerom, slično Essence Blue-jeaned. Sjaj koji ima sam po sebi je pristojan, ali ne preterano visok, tako da svakako savetujem da nanesete i sloj nadlaka. A England je neke nijanse lakova prestao da proizvodi i izgleda da je Tristam među njima. Iako, kao što rekoh, nisam ljubitelj plavaca, a ni diskretnog holo efekta poput ovog u A England lakovima, ipak mi je žao što ove nijanse više nema jer je celokupan dojam veoma prefinjen.
Tristam is a navy/jeans blue polishe filled with fine scattered holo particles. At moments it looks almost indigo blue. Inside and in shade it looks blue filled with silver shimmer, similar to Essence Blue-jeaned. It does not have high gloss so I suggest you apply a layer of top coat as well. A England discontinued some of their shades and it looks like Tristam is among them. Even though, as I already mentiioned, blue is not my colour, and I am not a fan of this sort of soft holo effect that A England is known for, I am sorry to see this shade is no more because the overall look is really refined.


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