09 November 2021

China Glaze Heroine Chic

Da li vam se nekada desilo da ste kupile lak za nokte i onda čim ste ga uzele odustale od njega? Meni se to dešavalo prilično često u jeku mog lakoholizma, delom zato što sam lakove uzimala zato što su na popustu, delom zato što me je prošla želja za određenom bojom ili završnicom. Heroine Chic je takav lak, zato mi je bilo potrebno pet godina da ga namažem po prvi put. To je tačno bio period kada sam se hladila od lakova generalno, a posebno od krema i šimera i više se usredsredila na multihrome i holiće. Sada nemam predstavu zašto sam ga uopšte kupila. Verovatno reda radi, da ne bude da na sajmu nisam uzela ništa.
Have you ever bought a nail polish and as soon as you had it gave up on it? It used to happen to me a lot at the peak of my polishaholism, partly because I would buy polishes on sales, partly because I no longer cared for certain colours or finishes. Heroine Chic is one such polish, which is why it took me five years to wear it for the first time. I bought it right at the time when I was cooling down from polishes in general, and especially from creme and shimmer finishes and focused more towards multichromes and holos. Now I don't know why I even bought it in the first place. Probably just because, just so that I buy something at cosmetics expo.
Heroine Chic je hematit sivi lak sa metalik ružičastim šimerom. Zanimljiv je jer nije običan sivi metalik lak, šimer mu daje trunku topline. Iako na prvi sloj deluje da je lak prozračan bled poput Brand New Skates ili Not Like The Movies, drugi sloj mu ipak pojača intenzitet. Meni, koja volim tamne i intenzivne boje, ovo je sasvim okej lak. Nažalost samo okej. Nisam sigurna da je dovoljno zanimljiv da ostane u kolekciji, mada može poslužiti kao baza za neke ljuspice ili pečatiranje.

Nešto što sam primetila je da mi sa godinama sve više odgovara tanka četkica (Zoya četkica mi je omiljena), a China Glaze četkica savršeno funkcioniše sa formulom ovog laka. Tankom četkicom mogu preciznije da nanesem lak, bolje da priđem eponihijumu i da lepše izvučem luk. Preciznost mi je sada važnija od brzine, a i shvatila sam da su neke široke četkice preširoke za moje nokte. Znam da je China Glaze promenio četkicu pre neku godinu, ali nisu stavili neku lopatu već četkicu sličnu Cuccio četkici (što mi je takođe jedan od favorita). Šteta što više nisu dostupni kod nas.
Heroine Chic is a hematite grey polish with metallic pink shimmer. It is interesting because it is not your run of the mill metallic grey polish, the shimmer is giving it a touch of warmth. While on the first coat it may look too sheer and pale, like Brand New Skates or Not Like The Movies, the second coat give is full coverage and intensity. To me, who likes dark and strong colours, this is an okay polish. Unfortunately, it is just okay. I am not sure it is interesting enough to remain in my collection, although it may serve as a base for some nice flakes or stamping.

One thing I noticed with time is that I like skinny brusher more (with Zoya being my favourite), and China Glaze brush works so well with this polish formula. Thin brush enables me more precise application, getting closer to eponychium and to get a smoother arc. I find the precision more important than speed, and I learned that there are brushes that are too wide for my nails. I know that China Glaze chanded their brush a couple of years ago, but they didn't put in a shovel, but a brush similar to Cuccio one (which is also one of my favourites). Too bad they are no longer available in Serbia.


  1. I know that feeling haha the buzz of buying is good though.

    I do like this one :-D

    Thanks for your lovely email <3

  2. I really enjoy how this nail polish has metallic pink shimmer that gives off a warm touch.


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