31 January 2013
30 January 2013
China Glaze Scattered & Tattered
Prošle nedelje je u Alexandar Cosmetics i kod svih njihovih distributera stigla kolekcija Glitz—Bitz ’N Pieces China Glaze lakova. Kolekciju čini šest šljokičavih lakova. Deo šljokica u svim lakovima je crn, a drugi deo je srebrn, crven, zelen, plav, ljubičast ili ružičast. Svi se ovi lakovi mogu nositi preko drugih lakova ili sami. Cena im je nešto viša nego običnim China Glaze lakovima i iznosi 489 dinara za bočicu od 15 ml.
izvor/source |
Last week Glitz—Bitz ’N Pieces collection of China Glaze polishes arrived in Serbia. The collection consists of six glittery polishes, all of which have one part of black glitter and the other in one of six colours - silver, red, green, blue, purple or pink. They can all be worn either as toppers or on their own.
28 January 2013
China Glaze City Siren
City Siren (81069) jedan je od šest lakova iz Uptown dela Metro kolekcija za jesen 2011. Čini mi se da sam ga kupila posle Šmupsinog gostovanja kod Jelene na blogu. Sada je deo stalne kolekcije i može se naći po ceni od 387 dinara u Alexandar cosmetics i kod njihovih distributera.
City Siren (81069) is one of six polishes from Uptown part of Metro Collection for autumn 2011. I think I bought it after Shmoopsy did a post on it at Jelena's Wonderful Colors. It is part of the core collection now and should be available at your local retailers and etailers.
26 January 2013
Don Juan One Coat OC 235
Don Juan je izbacio šest novih nijansi One Coat lakova - dva veoma neutralna, jarko crveni, ružičasto-ljubičasti i dva u boji šljive. Kao da sam osetila da me čeka nešto lepo tamo, u Kristabell sam svratila onog dana kada su lakovi stigli. Odmah sam uzela najtamniji šljivasti lak jer mu je boja delovala veoma intenzivno, kao ljubičastija verzija mog dragog OC 228. One Coat lakovi imaju 12 ml i koštaju 160 dinara.
Don Juan cosmetics made six new shades of their One Coat line of polishes - two nudes, very bright red, pinkish-violet and two plums. As if I sensed there is something nice waiting for me there, I went to Kristabell the same day new polishes arrived. I immediately bought the darker plum polish because it looked so vivid, like purplish version of my favourite OC 228. One Coat polishes come in 12 ml bottles and cost about 1,5 €.
24 January 2013
Revvvolution ponovo
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Revvvolution je jedan od najlepših i najdražih mi lakova iz kolekcije. To je lak koji sam nosila za doček i jedan od retkih lakova koji nisam skinula nakon dva dana kako bih namazala drugi. Zato mislim da zaslužuje da vam još jednom pokažem koliko je lep. Spremite se na mnogo slika.
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Revvvolution is one of my favourite polishes and one of the most beautiful polishes in my collection. I wore it for New Year's Eve and is one of the few polishes I didn't take off after two days. That is why I think it deserves to be showcased again. Get ready for a picture spam.
22 January 2013
Disko buba
Napokon sam uzela da isprobam Essence Nail Art glitter 7 Have fun! Irizirajuće crne šljokice su se odlično uklopile u zelenu podlogu Emerald Fitzgerald. Osećam se kao da imam mračne disko kugle na noktima, a sjaj šljokica me podseća na krila insekata, posebno Sternocera aequisignata. Takođe mi je na pamet pala i pesma Buba rumba od Pekinške patke.
I have finally tried Essence Nail Art glitter 7 Have fun! Iridescent black glitter fits Emerald Fitzgerald green base perfectly. I feel like I wear dark disco balls on my nails, and the shimmer of glitter reminds me of beetle wings, especially Sternocera aequisignata. I was also reminded of a song Buba rumba by Pekinška patka.
20 January 2013
Miss Sporty Clubbing Colours 348
Miss Sporty Clubbing Colours 348 sam kupila na nekom sniženju u Mauricijusu i drago mi je što je bilo tako jer mi se lak na noktima uopšte ne dopada. Sastav Miss Sporty lakova se nigde ne može naći, kao ni veza između naziva koji stoje na zvaničnom sajtu i brojeva na bočicama. U bočicama je 7 ml laka, a četkica je široka i zaobljena. U DM i Lilly drogerijama koštaju oko 150 dinara, u Mauricius parfimerijama manje. Trenutno su na sniženju u DMu i koštaju 125 dinara.
I bought Miss Sporty Clubbing Colours 348 on a sale and I'm glad I didn't pay full price for it because I don't like it on my nails. Ingredients of Miss Sporty polishes are nowhere to be found, as well as connection between the names on official website and numbers on bottles. Bottles hold 7 ml of product. The brush is wide and rounded.
18 January 2013
Zvezde i zvezdice
Današnji zadatak za tematski petak je pečatiranje. Prvo sam htela da pečatiram motiv krljušti, ali se on nije primećivao na noktima pa sam odabrala motiv zvezdica sa pločice m17 kupljene u Aleksandru.
Today's task on Ana is stamping. At first I wanted to stamp full nail scales design, but it wasn't very visible on the nail so instead I picked stars motif from m17 fauxnad plate.
17 January 2013
Aura Nail Beauty 808 On the Edge, drugi put
Već sam spomenula da je na Ani tema za ovu nedelju Aura On the Edge i slični lakovi. Postoji razlog zašto je upravo Aura stavljena kao osnovni, a ne OPI Cuckoo For This Color, China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald ili neki treći lak poznatijeg proizvođača. Kada je na jesen 2011. godine Aura povukla neke lakove iz Nail Beauty kolekcije, On the Edge je bio među njima, a na Ani je nastala prava pomama za njim i dobio je veoma posebno mesto u lakololičarskim kolekcijama. Mislim da činjenica da nemam mnogo zelenih lakova, ali OTE imam i rezervnu bočicu dovoljno govori o tome.
I have already mentioned that this week's mani theme at Ana is Aura On the Edge and dupes. THere is a reason why Aura is chosen to be the main polish instead of OPI Cuckoo For This Color, China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald or some other polish by a better known brand. When Aura decided to discontinue some polishes from their Nail Beauty line in autumn 2011. there was a maniacal search for the remaining bottles among the members of Ana and it was given a very special place in polishaholics' collections. I believe that the fact that I own only several green polishes and that I have a backup bottle of this one goes to prove that.
15 January 2013
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 110
Jolly Jewels je najnovije čedo kompanije Golden Rose i veoma mi je drago što su izbacili kolekciju koja zapravo predstavlja nešto novo umesto da iznova prepakuju iste, uglavnom klasične boje koje ima maltene svaki proizvođač lakova. Ovog puta su se potrudili i napravili liniju od sedamnaest lakova koji više od svega podsećaju na, nama uglavnom nedostupne, indie lakove. Neki od lakova su duplikati drugih lakova (101 deluje kao odlična zamena za China Glaze Luxe & Lush, 103 za a England She Walks in Beauty, 115 za China Glaze It's a Trap-eze i bilo koji indie lak na osnovu kog je ovaj napravljen), neki nisu, neki su toperi, a neki se mogu mazati samostalno. Svi su spakovani u četvrtaste bočice poput Rich Color linije, ali imaju običnu četkicu. U Srbiji koštaju oko 250 dinara i mogu se naći na uobičajenim mestima na kojima ima Golden Rose lakova. Ja sam svoje uzela u parfimeriji Kristabell.
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Jolly Jewels is the newest line of polishes from Turkish company Golden Rose and I am very pleased to see they finally placed something new on the market instead of just repackaging same old, mostly classic shades likes of which almost every nail polish manufacturer has. This time they put some effort and gave us seventeen polishes that very much resemble stuff indie polish manufacturers offer. Some of the shades are dupes for existing polishes (101 seems like a great substitute for China Glaze Luxe & Lush, 103 for a England She Walks in Beauty, 115 for China Glaze It's a Trap-eze and every indie polish that one was made after),some aren't, some are toppers and some are meant to be worn by themselves. They all come in 11.8 ml bottles and have regular brush.
13 January 2013
N.Nail pločica za pečatiranje M05
Poslednji proizvod koji sam dobila da isprobam sa sajta KKCenterHK je N.Nail pločica za pečatiranje SPPMM05 [NNAIL-SPPMM05]. Šare na ovoj pločici, za razliku od prethodne, nemaju neku zajedničku temu. Tu su dva cveta, zvezdice, talasići, linije, pukotine, kineski čvor, božićni motiv i neka apstraktna šara koja me asocira na Engrovu violinu. Ukupno devet šara nezahvalnih za kombinovanje te ću vam ih predstaviti pojedinačno i priložiću samo jedan pun manikir.
N.NAIL Stamping Image Stamp Template Plate SPPMM05 [NNAIL-SPPMM05] |
The last product from KKCenterHK I have left to review is N.NAIL Stamping Image Stamp Template Plate SPPMM05 [NNAIL-SPPMM05]. Unlike the other one I got, the designs on this plate don't have some sort of theme that would connect them. There are two flowers, stars, waves, lines, cracks, some sort of Chinese knot, Christmas motif and an abstract design that brings Violon d'Ingres to mind. Nine designs in total, that are hard to combine so I'll present them individually and show only one full mani.
11 January 2013
China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald
Tema današnjeg petka su zeleni lakovi poput Aura On the Edge. Bilo mi je teško da odlučim da li ću ponovo mazati taj lak ili China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald, ali činjenica da mi je Emerald Fitzgerald neisproban prevagnula je u njegovu korist. Emerald Fitzgerald (80511) je lak izbačen u sklopu Vintage Vixen kolekcije za jesen 2010. godine, ali nalazi se u stalnoj ponudi tako da se za razliku od OTE može lako nabaviti. China Glaze lakovi se u Beogradu mogu nabaviti u Kiwi Sunu (Despota Stefana 23), Ultra Sunu (Gandijeva 99V, lok.1) i Beo Cosmeticsu (Klare Cetkin 14), a za druge gradove proverite sajt Alexandar cosmetics.
Today's theme is Aura On the Edge and similar polishes. It was hard for me to decide whether to use On the Edge or China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald, but the fact that I haven't yet tried Emerald Fitzgerald helped me make up my mind. Emerald Fitzgerald (80511) was part of Vintage Vixen Collection for Fall 2010. but is now part of core collection and is easily available.
Today's theme is Aura On the Edge and similar polishes. It was hard for me to decide whether to use On the Edge or China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald, but the fact that I haven't yet tried Emerald Fitzgerald helped me make up my mind. Emerald Fitzgerald (80511) was part of Vintage Vixen Collection for Fall 2010. but is now part of core collection and is easily available.
10 January 2013
Neuspelo pečatiranje
Malo sam se igrala pečatima, posebno velikom tablom i pokušala sam nokte da ispečatiram prilično oštrom geometrijskom šarom. Nije mi baš sasvim pošlo za rukom. Iako se cela šara prenela na pečat, iz nekog razloga nije i na nokat. Koristila sam L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 za bazu i Rimmel I <3 193 Black Cherries za pečatiranje.
I played around with stamping plates, especially the xl one and I tried to transfer a rather stark geometric pattern. It wasn't a complete success. Even though I could pick the entire design up with the stamper, it didn't transfer on the nail that well. I used L'Oreal Jet-Set 115 as base colour and Rimmel I <3 193 Black Cherries for stamping.
08 January 2013
Teksturisani nokti
Jedan od najvećih trendova za 2013. godinu kada su lakovi u pitanju su rapave teksture. Od ranije su nam poznati mat, suede, rubber i velvet finiši lakova. Sada proizvođači uzdižu teksturu laka na novi nivo. Prošle godine je Catrice izbacio nekoliko lakova sa Brushed Metal efektom, a Nails inc. ima Leather Effect lakove u crnoj i bež boji. OPI u januaru izbacuje četiri laka sa Liquid Sand teksturom u kolekciji koju je uradio u saradnji sa Marajom Keri, China Glaze je najavio prolećnu kolekciju pod imenom Texture, koju će činiti šest teksturisanih lakova. Zoya takođe izbacuje šest teksturisanih lakova pod imenom Pixie Dust.
One of the biggest trends in nail polish for 2013. is going to be gritty, textured finish. We know matte, suede, velvet and rubber finishes. Manufacturers are bringing textured polishes to the next level. Last year Catrice placed several Brushed Metal effect polishes on the market and Nails inc. has its Leather Effect polishes in black and tan. OPI's Mariah Carrey collection has four Liquid Sand textured polishes, China Glaze announced the Texture collection for Spring 2013. which will contain six textured polishes, and Zoya is also having a six-polish texture collection called Pixie Dust.
06 January 2013
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 116
Jolly Jewels je najnovije čedo kompanije Golden Rose i veoma mi je drago što su izbacili kolekciju koja zapravo predstavlja nešto novo umesto da iznova prepakuju iste, uglavnom klasične boje koje ima maltene svaki proizvođač lakova. Ovog puta su se potrudili i napravili liniju od sedamnaest lakova koji više od svega podsećaju na, nama uglavnom nedostupne, indie lakove. Neki od lakova su duplikati drugih lakova (101 deluje kao odlična zamena za China Glaze Luxe & Lush, 103 za a England She Walks in Beauty, 115 za China Glaze It's a Trap-eze i bilo koji indie lak na osnovu kog je ovaj napravljen), neki nisu, neki su toperi, a neki se mogu mazati samostalno. Svi su spakovani u četvrtaste bočice poput Rich Color linije, ali imaju običnu četkicu. U Srbiji koštaju oko 250 dinara i mogu se naći na uobičajenim mestima na kojima ima Golden Rose lakova. Ja sam svoje uzela u parfimeriji Kristabell.
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Jolly Jewels is the newest line of polishes from Turkish company Golden Rose and I am very pleased to see they finally placed something new on the market instead of just repackaging same old, mostly classic shades likes of which almost every nail polish manufacturer has. This time they put some effort and gave us seventeen polishes that very much resemble stuff indie polish manufacturers offer. Some of the shades are dupes for existing polishes (101 seems like a great substitute for China Glaze Luxe & Lush, 103 for a England She Walks in Beauty, 115 for China Glaze It's a Trap-eze and every indie polish that one was made after),some aren't, some are toppers and some are meant to be worn by themselves. They all come in 11.8 ml bottles and have regular brush.
04 January 2013
Rimmel Lycra Pro 385 Hot List
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Rimmel Hot List je jedan u moru lakova napravljenih da budu zamena za Chanel Paradoxal. Nisam htela da ga kupim jer već imam Flormar 418, ali kada je Šmizla ponudila da prosledi svoj primerak, nisam odolela ukazanoj prilici. Taman imam neisproban lak za današnji tematski petak - Paradoxal i zamene.
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prirodno svetlo natural light |
Rimmel Hot List is one in a myriad of dupes for Chanel Paradoxal. I didn't intend to buy it because I already had Flormar 418, but I couldn't resist Šmizla's offer to give hers away. So I have an untried polish for Paradoxal-and-dupes-themed Friday.
02 January 2013
Flormar 398 Blue Black
Flormar 398 je, čini mi se, jedan od omiljenih teget lakova na forumu Ana.rs. Flormar lakovi se sada mogu nabaviti po mnogim, ako ne i po svim Lilly drogerijama, naravno po ceni koju je odredio novi uvoznik, a pristojan izbor lakova po staroj ceni još postoji u parfimeriji Kristabel u podzemnom prolazu na Terazijama kod kuće Krsmanovića. Flormar lakovi ne sadrže DBP, toluen i kamfor (formalin se podrazumeva jer ga lakovi ne sadrže).
Flormar 398 is, I think, one of the most popular dark navy blue polishes at Ana.rs forum. Flormar is a Turkish cosmetics brand. Their polishes are big 4-free.
01 January 2013
Liebster award/That's who I am
Ranije sam spomenula da ne volim piramidalne šeme, lance svetog Antuna i slične stvari, ali nemam spreman post za danas, pa sam odlučila da na svoj način odgovorim na Liebster nagradu koju mi je dodelio Fitzy (Lacquer Lad). U suštini, nagradu i ja treba da dodelim blogovima koji imaju manje od 200 sledbenika i da postavim svoj set pitanja za njih, što neću učiniti, ali ću svakoga pozvati da pregleda blogove koje pratim i da vidi da li se možda među njima nalazi neki blog za koji nisu znali ranije, a koji im je možda zanimljiv. Pošto kroz odgovore na pitanja predstavljam sebe, taman ću kao mali Mujo poći za ostalim Turcima i dodati nekoliko That's who I am sličica.
I've mentioned in one of my earlier posts (only in Serbian, though), that I don't like chain letters/emails, pyramid schemes, awards that are designed in such manner and similar stuff. While I do understand that blog awards are a way of giving acknowledgement to the blogs and bloggers you like and promoting them, I don't like that system. But I haven't prepared a post for today so I'll respond to the questions Fitzy (Lacquer Lad) asked when he awarded me among other bloggers Liebster award. I am supposed to nominate 11 other blogs and ask my own set of questions, which I won't do, but I invite you all to check out blogs I'm following because maybe there's a blog you don't know about that you may like among them. And since I'll tell you a bit about myself through answers on Fitzy's questions, I'll just jump on the bandwagon and include several That's who I am pics.
I've mentioned in one of my earlier posts (only in Serbian, though), that I don't like chain letters/emails, pyramid schemes, awards that are designed in such manner and similar stuff. While I do understand that blog awards are a way of giving acknowledgement to the blogs and bloggers you like and promoting them, I don't like that system. But I haven't prepared a post for today so I'll respond to the questions Fitzy (Lacquer Lad) asked when he awarded me among other bloggers Liebster award. I am supposed to nominate 11 other blogs and ask my own set of questions, which I won't do, but I invite you all to check out blogs I'm following because maybe there's a blog you don't know about that you may like among them. And since I'll tell you a bit about myself through answers on Fitzy's questions, I'll just jump on the bandwagon and include several That's who I am pics.
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