Sećam se da je, pre nego što sam ušla u lakoholičarske vode, Essence imao toper sa ljuspicama koji mi se izuzetno svideo, ali je bio TE i nedostupan u Srbiji. Posle nekog vremena su ga ubacili u standardnu postavku Special Effects topera pod imenom Night in Vegas, i znala sam da ga moram uzeti tada. Uzela sam i rezervnu bočicu, ali mi nije bilo dosta. Merkala sam Inglot 202 (uvek rasprodat) i Nfu.Oh i onda mi je uletelo da uzmem Essie Luxefects Shine of Times.
I remember how, before my polishaholic times, Essence had a flakie topper I liked, but it was TE and unavailable in Serbia. Some time after that, they rereleased it as part of Special Effects toppers line, and named it Night in Vegas, and I knew I had to have it. I got a spare bottle as well, but that was not enough. I was eying Inglot 202 (which was always sold out) and Nfu.Oh, and then I got an opportunity to get my hands on Essie Luxeffects Shine of Times.
Showing posts with label Essie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essie. Show all posts
03 May 2021
30 April 2021
Flormar Matte M11 Dark Purple
Davnijeh dana sam lakove sa kojima nisam znala šta da radim nudila za razmenu na Krpicama, a u zamenu sam uzimala lakove koje verovatno ne bih nikada sama kupila, čisto da ih isprobam. Tako sam došla do para Flormar Matte lakova. Pošto su mat i bez šimera, nisam ih nosila dok me jedna lakoholičarka nije podsetila da bih mogla da ubijem dve muve jednim udarcem - da isprobam lak koji još nisam nosila i toper koji nisam nosila.
A long time ago I used to swap polishes that I didn't know what to do with, and I would take polishes that I normally wouldn't buy on my own, just to give them a try. That is how I came to own two Flormar Matte polishes. Since they are just plain matte, I didn't wear them until a polishaholic reminded me that I could kill two birds with one stone - try an untried polish with a topper I haven't worn.
14 March 2021
Born Pretty BP-111
Ne znam zašto ovaj članak nisam objavila kada sam već uradila manikire i spremila slike, ali grešku ispravljam sada. Nažalost, neće vam pomoći da se odlučite da kupite ovu pločicu, jer je više nema na BPS sajtu, ali makar možete da gledate sličice iz ovog perioda pečatiranja koji mogu opisati samo kao dosadan.
I have no idea why I haven't published this article when I did all the manis and edited photos, but I am correcting that mistake no. Unfortunately, it will not help you as a recommendation for purchase of this plate since it has been discontinued, but at least you can feast your eyes on my staming from the boring period.
09 June 2018
Essie Tribal Text-Styles
Verovatno ste primetile u proteklih godinu dana da je Essie ponuda u Srbiji sve siromašnija i da se nove kolekcije ne uvoze. Essie stalci po drogerijama stoje poluprazni, sa lakovima sumnjivog stanja koji izgledaju kao da im treba dobro brisanje prašine i spolja i iznutra. Tužan prizor. Svako zamiranje brenda kod nas me malo rastuži, mada za Essie mi nije preterano žao jer su im kolekcije vazda sigurne i dosadne - malo nude, malo roze, nešto crveno i jedna boja koja odskače od ostatka. Verujem da to može biti jedan razlog za smanjenj interesovanja kupaca za ove lakove. Drugi je sasvim sigurno cena. Puna cena je povremeno povećavana, ali lakovi su skoro stalno bili na sniženju, što je dobar pokazatelj stepena prodaje - jednostavno nisu išli po novoj punoj ceni.
Essie nail polish range available in Serbia has been diminishing consistently for a year or two now and we haven't been getting new collections. Essie stands are half-empty, with suspiciously-looking polishes that look like they need a good dusting both on the outside and on the inside. A sad sight indeed. Every time I see a brand fail in certain market I get a bit sad, although I am not too sad about Essie because I find their collections safe and boring - some nudes, some pinks, some reds and one colour that does not match the rest of them. I believe that to be one of the reasons buyers aren't as interested in these polishes. The other one is definitely price. When they first introduced drugstore range of Essie, they were about half the price they are now, but nowadays they are on sale quite often, showing that they weren't selling at full price.
15 April 2017
Born Pretty BP-L010
Mada generalno nisam ljubitelj etno motiva na noktima, ovi na Born Pretty BP-L010 pločici su toliko topli da sam morala da ih iskoristim za ovo lepo vreme.
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While I am normally not a fan of ethic patterns on nails, these from Born Pretty BP-L010 stamping plate are so warm that I had to use them for this nice weather.
Born Pretty,
Color Club,
Ya Qin An,
20 March 2017
EnjoyOurs Nail Vinyls
U nail art svetu su lepljivi šabloni veoma popularni u poslednjih par godina i proizvođači se stalno utrkuju ko će izbaciti originalnije motive. I na EnjoyOurs sajtu se mogu nabaviti proizvodi ovog tipa te sam ja iskoristila priliku da neke isprobam.
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Nail vinyls have been very popular for the last couple of years and manufacturers keep competing who will offer more original designs. EnjoyOurs has a selection of these products and I took a chance to try some of them.
21 February 2017
Matching Manicures - Matte
Mat lakovi i manikiri su nešto što mnogo volim, a tako često smetnem s uma. Na svu sreću, tu je usklađeni manikir da me podseti da se nokti mogu matirati i da je ponekada veoma poželjno to učiniti.
Matte polishes and manis in general are something I like a lot, but so often forget. Fortunately, Matching Manicure is here to remind me that I can mattify my nalis and that sometimes it is preferable to do so.
14 January 2017
Born Pretty BP-L054
Kada pomislim na pločice sa geometrijskim dezenima, nešto poput ove pločice mi nije baš prva pomisao. To je dobro jer znači da nisu u pitanju baš česti motivi. |
When I think of stamping plates with geometric designs, something like this image plate does not exactly spring to mind, which is good because it means that there are not many like it out there.
08 December 2016
Essie Bahama Mama
Zimski praznici su nam već na vratima, a ja još uvek nisam isprobala ni sve lakiće koje sam prošle godine dobila od drage Suzane, ni one koje sam od nje dobila proletos za rođendan. Jedan mi je bio pravo iznenađenje, jer bih rekla da je boja koju ne bih sama odabrala (naravno to nije sasvim tačno jer već imam skoro isti ovaj lak od istog proizvođača), ali ovo je boja koju Suzi tako dobro nosi da čak i ja poželim da nosim nešto slično. Essie Bahama Mama je deo stalne postavke i stalno se može naći u drogerijama koje drže Essie, te se neću baviti nedostupnim duplićem koji imam. Essie lakovi su trenutno na sniženju i u DM-u i u Liliju i koštaju 699 dinara.
Winter holidays are upon us, and I haven't Even tried all of the polishes I got last year from my dear Suzana, nor those that were part of my birthday gift this spring. One of those was a true surprise because it is a colour that Suzy wear so well that even I wish to wear it, even though on its own it may not be my colour (this is actually not entirely true because I have a near dupe for this one, by the same brand). Essie Bahama Mama is part of permanent range and is available at any drugstore that carries Essie polishes.
12 November 2016
Born Pretty BP-L040
U poslednje vreme sve više viđam pločice sa geometrijskim motivima, ali uglavnom se drže poznatih motiva optičkih varki. Ova pločica, s druge strane, iako se donekle drži tog puta, ipak pravi iskorak sa njega, čime mi je privukla pažnju. |
Lately I've been seeing more and more image plates with geometric designs, but they mostly keep to well know optical illusion motifs. This stamping plate, on the other hand, even though it is along the same lines to an extent, steps out of it, which is why it had caught my eye.
10 November 2016
MoYou Nails 432
MoYou Nails s vremena na vreme organizuje takmičenje/izazov za blogere i ovog puta sam se i ja priključila i mogu reći da zaista jeste bio izazov. Dobila sam dve pločice po izboru MoYou Nails i trebalo je sa njima da napravim dovoljno reprezentativne manikire da mogu da ih podelim sa svetom. Jedna pločica mi je bila prilično neinspirativna, a ova sa motivima za francuski manikir mi se svidela, samo sam se plašila da neću moći ništa da izvedem zbog trenutne dužine noktiju. No snašla sam se i zapravo sam zadovoljna rezultatom, a nadam se da će se i vama svideti ovo što sam spremila.
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From time to time, MoYou Nails holds a contest/challenge for bloggers and this time I took part in it and I can honestly say that it was challenging. I received two image plates chosen by MoYou Nails and was supposed to make manis that would look good enough to share. One stamping plate didn't really speak to me, but this one with French tips designs I liked, I was just worried that wouldn't be able to showcase it with my current nail length. However, I did manage to come up with something I like and I hope you'll like it as well.
25 October 2016
Essie Maximillian Strasse Her
Osim crvenih, roze i nude lakova, koji verovatno čine 90% boja u Essie postavci, Essie veoma često pravi i zasivljene plave i zelene lakove, koji se, kada se smene kolekcije, obično mesecima povlače po policama i činijama sa robom na rasprodaji. Ponekada čak po zaista neverovatnim cenama, na koje ja retko naletim, ali imam dobre drugarice lakoholičarke koje uredno javljaju kada nalete na neku takvu ponudu. Tako je i ovaj lak došao do mene, za "ogromnih" 209 dinara.
Essie is know by red, pink and nude polishes, which probably make 90% of their entire production, but they also make greyed-out green and blue polishes quite often. Those polishes end up in discount bins and usually remain there for months, ending up with a ridiculously low price tag. Now, I seldom run into Essies at that low a price, but fortunately I have very good polishaholic friends who tend to tip me off about them, which is how I came to own this one for less than €2.
01 October 2016
MoYou London Holy Shapes 03
Proletos me je Alexandar Cosmetics prijatno iznenadio novim brendom u svojoj ponudi - MoYou London je konačno dobio uvoznika za Srbiju. Iako su pločice prilično skupe, spremila sam se da na sajmu skoro sve novce dam upravo za njih, ali avaj, nisu poneli celu ponudu i uspela sam da nađem samo jednu pločicu sa svog podužeg spiska. U međiuvremenu mi se čini da je stigla dopuna i da su sada u dostupne i neke pločice kojih nije bilo proletos, na sajmu će biti izložene sve pločice trenutno u ponudi, a organizovaće i demonstraciju za one koji još uvek nisu upoznati sa ovim brendom koji je postao globalni fenomen. Redovna cena pločica je 990 dinara.
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This spring we got local importer for MoYou London image plates. At the last cosmetics expo I was prepared to spend a lot of money on these plates, but they had only one of many I had on my wish list. However, this time they will bring the whole lot and I can't wait to get more of these.
25 September 2016
Matching Manicures - Honour Nails You love
Današnjim manikirom završavamo skup tema iz tridesetjednodnevnog izazova. Od svih manikira koje smo radile tokom izazova treba da odaberemo jedan tuđ i da ga rekreiramo. Nisam sigurna koji stepen sličnosti se očekuje - da li naš treba da bude što približnija kopija ili samo treba da bude inspirisan tuđim, ali sam se iz više razloga odlučila za prvu varijantu.
With today's mani we're bringing to a close round of 31 Day Challenge themes. We have to choose a mani somebody else did during the course of the challenge and recreate it. I am not sure how similar they should be - if we should try to come as close to the original or if we should just look for the inspiration, but for several reasons I opted for the first option.
11 September 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by Supernatural
Posle letnje pauze, vraćaju se i Usklađeni manikiri. Nastavljamo gde smo stali sa temama za Izazov 31 dana, što znači da je na redu manikir inspirisan natprirodnim. Pošto sam i dalje prilično nevešta u crtanju, morala sam da se ograničim na ono što mogu da izaberem sa pločica koje imam i brzo sam našla motive koji mi se sviđaju. Iako sam zamišlju zadovoljna, izvedbom baš i nisam, a u nastavku možete pročitati zašto.
Matching Manicures are returning after summer break. We're picking up from where we'd stopped with 31 Day Challenge themes, which means that this week it is turn to be inspired by supernatural. Since I am still bad at drawing, I had to limit myself to motifs I could find on my stamping plates and I was actually quick to find suitable images. However, even though I am happy with my particular idea, I am not as pleased with how it turned out. You can read why after page break.
17 July 2016
Matching Manicures - Inspired by Artwork
Svaki put kada radimo tematski manikir težimo tome da napravimo malo umetničko delo. Danas nam umetnička dela pružaju inspiraciju. Pošto bi mi bilo teško do nemoguće da izvedem nešto u stilu omiljenih mi starih majstora, okrenula sam se jedom od podjednako dragih, ali nešto savremenijih slikara - Vasiliju Kandinskom.
Every time we do a matching manicure we strive to create a piece of true artwork, but today it is existing artwork that we turn to for inspiration. Since it would be hard to impossible for me to do something in line of my favourite old masters, I have turned to one of my equally favourite, but a bit more modern painters - Wassily Kandinsky.
Matching Manicures,
Morgan Taylor,
nail art,
14 June 2016
Rimmel Super Gel lakovi
U mesečnom pregledu noviteta ste mogli da vidite da su nam u drogerije stigli Rimmel Super Gel lakovi. Ovo je sistem hibridnih lakova koji trenutno čini dvadeset lakova u boji (kod nas dostupno šesnaest) i nadlak. Veoma ambiciozno obećavaju postojanost do čak dve nedelje, a kako su se pokazali na delu možete pročitati u nastavku teksta.
You could see in my monthly overview that new Rimmel Super Gel polishes have arrived in our stores. This is a hybrid polish system, consisting of twenty colour polishes and a top coat. They are quite ambitiously promisin up to two weeks of wear and you can read how they performed in the article below.
06 June 2016
Jessica Fishnets and Fringe
Zeleno, volim te zeleno, ali ne volim kada se druge boje predstavljaju kao ti. Svojevremeno sam kod Scrangie videla sliku Jessica Fishnets and Fringe i zaljubila sam se u tu petrolejastu boju. Nažalost, ono što se nalazi u bočici koju ja imam ne liči na ono što je Scrangie predstavila i ne liči ni na plavu ni na zelenu boju čak ni u najluđim snovima. Upozoreni ste. Jessica lakovi su spakovani u bočice od 14,8 ml, mogu se kupiti u Aluna salonima i koštaju oko 1200 dinara.
Green, I love you, but I don't like when other colours want to impersonate you. Some years ago I have seen Jessica Fishnets and Fringe at Scrangie's and I had fallen in love with that gorgeous teal polish. Sadly, contents of the bottle I have is nothing like it and I couldn't consider it green, blue or teal even in my wildest dreams. You've been warned. Jessica polishes come in 14.8 ml bottles and retail for about €10.
19 May 2016
Essie Frock'n Roll
Do kraja meseca su Essie lakovi na sniženju od 30% i ovo sniženje sam iskoristila da konačno uzmem jedan lak iz jesenje-zimske mešavine koju je naš uvoznik mislio da nam uvali kao jedinstvenu kolekciju. Ako zvučim ogorčeno zbog takve politike rada, to je zato što i jesam ogorčena. Essie se kao kompanija jesenas i zimus zeznuo i ponudio nekoliko drugačijih boja u odnosu na njihovu uobičajenu paletu (skoro belo, roze, crveno), a nama je zahvaljujući lošim idejama tima koji odlučuje šta će se gde uvesti stigla samo jedna od njih. Neću spominjati kako još uvek nema naznaka da će nam stići ovogodišnja prolećna ili letnja kolekcija, a plašim se da će, ako i kada budu stigle, biti "oslobođene" boja koje su meni zanimljive.
Essie has been on sale here in Serbia so I took this chance to get the only polish from the fall-winter mix our importer tried to pass of as a single collection. If I sound bitter, that is because I am embittered by such policies. As a company, Essie went out of their comfort zone and in autumn and winter last year they offered several shades different from their regular palette (nearly white, pink, red) and thanks to bad ideas of the team that decides what will be imported where, we got only one of them. There are no signs that this year's spring or summer collections will be hitting our stores any time soon and I am afraid that if and when they do, they'd be "free of" polishes that are of interest to me.
27 January 2016
Essie Toggle To The Top
Sećate li se vremena pre nego što je Essie stigao u naše drogerije? Salonske boje smo nabavljali u Nail Line-u iz Subotice, ali se ne sećam da li su oni uvozili sezonske kolekcije. Sve i da jesu, krajem 2012. godine je nastalo zatišje, nastupio je uvoznički interregnum te nam zimska kolekcija za 2012. nikada nije stigla, a tako ni lak Leading Lady. No naredne godine, kada se Essie već udobno smestio u Lilly drogerije, stiže nam Shearling Darling kolekcija, a u njoj Toggle To The Top - tamnija verzija Leading Lady. Davno sam ga nosila i bezuspešno fotografisala. Danas mu konačno dajem mesto na blogu.
There was a time before Essie came into Serbian drugstores. We could buy salon versions in Nail Line ina Subotica, but I can't remember if they imported seasonal collections or just core colours. Even if they did, by the end of 2012. there was a sort of importers interregnum for Essie and we never got Leading Lady and its eponymous star. However, the following year, when Essie was comfortably settled in Serbian drugstores they released Shearling Darling collection and in it the darker version of Leading Lady - Toggle To The Top. I have worn it long ago and fruitlessly tried to photograph it. Today I am finally giving it a blogpost it deserves.
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