Verovatno ste primetile u proteklih godinu dana da je Essie ponuda u Srbiji sve siromašnija i da se nove kolekcije ne uvoze. Essie stalci po drogerijama stoje poluprazni, sa lakovima sumnjivog stanja koji izgledaju kao da im treba dobro brisanje prašine i spolja i iznutra. Tužan prizor. Svako zamiranje brenda kod nas me malo rastuži, mada za Essie mi nije preterano žao jer su im kolekcije vazda sigurne i dosadne - malo nude, malo roze, nešto crveno i jedna boja koja odskače od ostatka. Verujem da to može biti jedan razlog za smanjenj interesovanja kupaca za ove lakove. Drugi je sasvim sigurno cena. Puna cena je povremeno povećavana, ali lakovi su skoro stalno bili na sniženju, što je dobar pokazatelj stepena prodaje - jednostavno nisu išli po novoj punoj ceni.
Essie nail polish range available in Serbia has been diminishing consistently for a year or two now and we haven't been getting new collections. Essie stands are half-empty, with suspiciously-looking polishes that look like they need a good dusting both on the outside and on the inside. A sad sight indeed. Every time I see a brand fail in certain market I get a bit sad, although I am not too sad about Essie because I find their collections safe and boring - some nudes, some pinks, some reds and one colour that does not match the rest of them. I believe that to be one of the reasons buyers aren't as interested in these polishes. The other one is definitely price. When they first introduced drugstore range of Essie, they were about half the price they are now, but nowadays they are on sale quite often, showing that they weren't selling at full price.