Današnja MoYou Nails pločica je jedna od starijih u njihovoj ponudi. Kada skratim nokte vraćam se starijim pločicama jer su na njima motivi za pun nokat manji od onih na novim pločicama i stoga mogu lepše njih da pokažem.
MoYou Nails image plate I have prepared for today is one from their older collection. When I cut down my nails I go back to these older stamping plates because thir full nail images are smaller than the ones on newer plates and they fit my shorter nails better than the newer ones.
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MoYou Nails Gold preko Urban Decay Gunmetal |
MoYou Nails 21 ima četiri slike za pun nokat i manji kapljasti motiv. Velike slike su listovi, rombovi, apstraktne krive i veliki cvet. Dimenzije slika za pun nokat su 16x12 mm, što je ista veličina kao kod Konad motiva za ceo nokat.
MoYou Nails 21 has four full nail motifs and a smaller "splash" design. Larger images are leaves, rhombuses, abstract curves and large flower. Full nail image size is 16x12 mm, which is the same size as Konad full nail motifs.
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Kiko Verdone preko Essence Little Miss Sunrise |
Ovo je jedna od retkih MoYou Nails pločica kod koje sam morala da se potrudim da otkrijem kako najbolje da prenesem motive. Pokazalo se da je tajna u pritisku - svi motivi se moraju lagano grebati, bez velikog pritiska. Takođe pločicu treba prebrisati čistim acetonom posle svakog transfera. Jednom kada nađete pravi pritisak grebanja nećete imati nikakvih problema da prenesete sliku i verujem da ćete uživati u pečatiranju koliko i ja.
This is one of rare MoYou Nails image plates that I had to really try to figure how to transfer images from. It turned out that the secret lies in pressure I apply when scraping - all of these images have to be scraped lightly, without too much pressure. They should also be wiped clean with pure acetone after every transfer. Once you find the right amount of pressure you should have no trouble with this stamping plate and I believe you'd enjoy stamping as much as I do.
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Aura She Bunny 508 preko Flormar 400 |
Ovu i mnoge druge pločice, kao i ukrase za nokte, možete poručiti sa sajta MoYou Nails. Sve pločice koštaju 5,82 € (4,99 £), ali ova pločica je trenutno na sniženju i košta 3,99 £. Poštarina za Srbiju je 10,27 €. Ukoliko vam se poštarina čini visokom, imajte na umu da je reč o preporučenoj pošiljci sa praćenjem i potvrdom o prijemu. Dakle možete biti sigurni da će vam pošiljka stići. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.
You can order this and many other stamping plates, along with nail decorations from MoYou Nails. They ship worldwide. All images plates are 4,99 £, but this plate is currently on sales and retails for 3,99 £. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.
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MoYou Nails Yellow preko Sephora Jungle Playground |
Svi lepi, posebno 1 i 3.
DeleteMy votes also go to 1 and 3 LOL - and #1 is the favorite!
ReplyDeleteThanks. That one was an afterthought, but it turned out quite nicely :D