Ovo je treći put da u sklopu naše vesele Matching Manicures grupe radimo gradijent, ali kako je u pitanju veoma lepa, jednostavna i raznovrsna tehnika ukrašavanja, verujem da nikome to ne smeta. Ovom prilikom sam primenila znanje stečeno u Simples grupi pa je ovaj gradijent znatno mekših ivica od prethodnog. Toliko da se srednji ton sasvim izgubio :D
This is the third time that we do gradient in our cheery Matching Manicures group, but I believe no one minds it because this is a simple, diverse and pretty technique. I have taken this chance to use the tips and tricks I've learned in Simples group so this mani turned out to be much softer than the previous one. So much so that the middle shade got entirely lost.