30 April 2015

L'Oreal LaquiResist 838 i Jet-Set 410

Verovatno se ne sećate hrpe lakova koju mi je prošle godine prosledila drugarica keramičarka. Rad sa glinom očigledno nije kompatibilan sa lakiranjem noktiju, ali odricanje od lakiranja vredi jer iz takvog kreativnog izraza proizilaze lepi i korisni predmeti koje možete videti i kupiti u Gallery 1250°. Većinu ovih lakova sam prosledila dalje, sebi sam ostavila četiri, a dva od njih vam predstavljam danas.

You probably don't remember the pile of nail polish a potter friend of mine had sent me. Working with clay is clearly not compatible with paining nails, but giving up nail polish is worth it when you see beautiful and useful fruits of such work and if you are in Belgrade you too can see and buy them at Gallery 1250°. I have passed most of her polishes on, but I have kept four for myself and today I am showing you two of them.

29 April 2015

OPI Avoplex Exfoliating Cuticle Treatment

Novi pomoćnik u mojoj stalnoj borbi protiv zanoktica je OPI Avoplex Exfoliating Cuticle Treatment. Malo Prase ga je preporučila pre dve godine, a ja sam tek sada odlučila da dam šansu hidroksilnim kiselinama pored omiljenog mi kalijum hidroksida. Drugi OPI Avoplex proizvodi su mi prijali pa mi nije bilo teško da upravo iz ove linije uzmem i sredstvo za zanoktice. Cena mu je 1570 dinara za pakovanje od 30 ml.

New helper in my continuous battle with overgrown cuticle is OPI Avoplex Exfoliating Cuticle Treatment. Malo Prase recommended it two years ago and I have only recently decided to give hydroxy acids a go besides my favourite potassium hydroxide. I loved other OPI Avoplex products so it was easy for me to choose cuticle treatment from that line as well. It comes in 30 ml bottle and 120 ml bottle.

27 April 2015

Jade Holografico Uau!

Uau! Wow! Vau! Da, mislim da je naziv sasvim prikladan za ovaj veseli lak. To je takođe ispravna reakcija na ovaj lak, posebno ako ga vidite na suncu. :D
Jade je brazilski proizvođač lakova za nokte, a pažnju svetskih lakoholičarki su na sebe skrenuli svojom linijom prizmatičnih lakova Holographico. Ja sam svoje nabavila preko Llarowe, a mislim da ih niko u Evropi ne uvozi. Pakovanje od 8 ml košta 7 $.

Uau! Wow! Vau! Yes, I think that this cheery polish is very aptly named. Its name is also the appropriate reaction to this polish, especially if you see it in sunshine. :D
Jade is Brazilian nail polish brand that has caught attention of polishaholics of the world with its holographic nail polish line Holographico. I've gotten mine from Llarowe, and I don't think there are European stockists. They retail for 7 $ for 8 ml bottle.

26 April 2015

Matching Manicures - glitter (Essie Rock at the Top)

Šljokica je osnivač naše grupe za usklađivanje manikira i prigodno je da za temu imamo upravo šljokice. Iznenadila sam se kada sam videla koliko lakova iz moje kolekcije sadrži šljokice pa sam se da bih olakšala izbor odlučila za neisprobani šljokičavi toper.

This week's matching manicures theme is glitter, which is fitting because that is the name of our group's founder's blog (Šljokica). I was surprised to see how many of my polishes contain some sort of glitter so to make choice easier for me I opted for an untried glittery topper.

25 April 2015

Svet Lepote Expo 2015.

2. međunarodni sajam kozmetike, nege kose, zdravlja i estetike Svet Lepote Expo održava se danas i sutra u beogradskom Belexpocentru. Kao i prošle godine sajam je prevashodono posvećen profesionalcima, ali ima i dosta toga za nas koji nismo stručnjaci. U poređenju sa prethodnim sajmom ovaj je na lepšem prostoru, i sami štandovi imaju dosta mesta, a ima dovoljno mesta i za prolaz, a da ceo raspored ne deluje previše razuđeno. Naravno, ja sam se usredsredila na proizvode za nokte, ali ima i izlagača sa proizvodima za negu kože i kose i nešto malo šminke. Ako vas zanimaju predavanja, šminkerska i frizerska takmičenja, performansi, ima i toga. Raspored možete pogledati ovde. Radno vreme sajma je od 10 do 19 časova, a cena ulaznice je 350 dinara.

24 April 2015

Cuccio So So Sofia

Niz predsajamskih članaka (od prošlog petka sam predstavljala lakove koje ćemo moći da kupimo na Svetu Lepote za vikend) završavam predstavljanjem drugog od četiri Cuccio laka koja sam uzela na 25. Dodiru Pariza. Cuccio je američka firma koja proizvodi profesinalne proizvode za manikir i pedikir, a nama su ovi proizvodi dostupni kroz Aluna centre. Aluna učestvuje na Svetu lepote pa verujem da će ponuditi i Cuccio proizvode i treba iskoristiti sajamsku cenu jer im je redovna cena u rangu sa Jessica lakovima. Pakovanje je od 13 ml, a lakovi su 3-free i, prema tvrdnji sa zvaničnog sajta, nisu testirani na životinjama.

I am ending this series of articles about brands that will be available at the upcoming beauty expo with the second of four Cuccio polishes I got at the previous expo. Cuccio is an American brand that makes professional manicure and pedicure products. Cuccio Colour nail polishes come 13 ml bottles, they are 3-free and according to official website they are not tested on animals.

22 April 2015

Zoya Oswin

Prvi PixieDust lak koji sam kupila bila je Zoya Chyna. Danas vam predstavljam njen Ultra PixieDust pandan - Oswin. Kao i drugi PixieDust lakovi, košta 950 dinara i može se nabaviti u Ultra Sunu i njihovim distributivnim centrima, a na Svetu lepote koji će biti održan ovog vikenda moći ćete da ih kupite sa popustom od 10%. O novitetima i povremenim posebnim ponudama se možete informisati na Zoya Srbija Facebook stranici. Zoya lakovi ne sadrže toluen, dibutil ftalat, formalin, formalinski rezin, kamfor, sastojke životinjskog porekla i ne testiraju se na životinjama. Svi lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 15 ml. Zoya je prestala da proizvodi sve verzije Pixie lakova te više neće biti prilike da ih nabavimo kada se rasprodaju ove količine.

The firs PixieDust polish I ever bought was Zoya Chyna. Today I am showing you its Ultra PixieDust counterpart - Oswin. Like other PixieDusts it retails for $10. Zoya polishes come in 15 ml bottles. They don't contain toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and animal products and are not tested on animals. Zoya has announced that they will discontinue all forms of Pixie Dust polishes this may be the last chance to get this one.

21 April 2015

Matching Manicures - Pinterest

Sa malim zakašnjenjem radim odgovor na ovonedeljnu temu za usklađeni manikir, a tema je inspiracija sa Pinteresta. Meni je ovo problematična tema jer retko na Pinterestu tražim nalazim inspiraciju uopšte, a ono što mi se svidi nije inicijalno sa Pinteresta već sa nekog bloga, sajta, Instagrama... Spominjanje Pinteresta umesto originalnog mesta poticanja meni predstavlja problem jer mislim da uskraćuje autore za prepoznavanje dela i klikove (ne stavljaju svi pineri tačno poreklo slika). Ja inspiraciju jesam našla na Pinterestu ovde, a originalno je odavde.

Finger Paints Black Expressionism, Barielle - Elle's Spell, Essie - Matte about You
slika koja mi je poslužila kao inspiracija

I am doing this weeks matching manicure a bit late. The theme this time is "inspiration found on Pinterest". I find this theme a bit troublesome as I rarely look for find inspiration there in general and what I like is not from Pinterest as such, but from another blog, website, Instagram... Mentioning Pinterest instead of original place of origin does pose a problem to me as I find it deprives original authors of proper credit and clicks (not all pinners link to the source). I have found inspiration for this mani on Pinterest here and the original mani is from here.

20 April 2015

OPI Thanks a Windmillion

U poslednjih nekoliko nedelja ponedeljak je bio dan za OPI lakove, a to je slučaj i danas. Za vikend nas očekuje drugi Svet lepote, na kome će učestvovati i Primax pa evo jednog laka iz korpice sa prethodnog sajma. Pitam se šta će se sve novo i lepo ovog puta naći u korpici. Znam da će se van korpice naći nove kolekcije - Hawaii, Fifty Shades of Grey i Soft Shades, kao i Infinite Shine sistem lakova.

Last several weeks Monday was a day for OPI polishes and that is the case today as well. Svet lepote expo will be held this weekend and importer of OPI will have a booth there, which means there will be a discount basket so I decided to show you a polish I got from the basket at the last expo.

19 April 2015

Born Pretty 02 i BP-02

Posle poređenja pločica Born Pretty 05 i BP-05 na red za poređenje su stigle stara i nova verzija pločice broj 02. Starija verzija (Born Pretty 02) više se ne može naći, dakle ako budete naručivali dobićete onu sa oznakom BP-02.


After comparison of Born Pretty 05 and BP-05 stamping plates, it is now time to compare old and new image plates #02. Born Pretty 02 is no longer available, which means that if you order this image plate now you will get the one marked BP-02.

18 April 2015

MoYou Nails 219

Pre par nedelja sam spomenula kako su mi sve zanimljiviji životinjski motivi i predstavila sam pločicu koja ima dve životinjske šare. Sada je na redu MoYou Nails pločica koja ima samo takve motive.

One of the most popular designs is the zebra design, and you can find it on the MoYou Plate 219, as a full-nail print.

I mentioned how I find animal print more and more appealing several weeks ago when I reviewed an image plate that has two such designs. Now I am showing you a MoYou Nails stamping plate that has only animal patterns.

17 April 2015

CND Vinylux Pretty Poison

Hibridni lakovi su relativno nova kategorija u svetu lakova za nokte i zauzimaju mesto između klasičnog laka za nokte i gel laka. Slični su klasičnim lakovima po tome što ne zahtevaju sušenje u UV lampi i što se skidaju bez natapanja, a gel laku su bliski po trajnosti i sjaju koje obećavaju. Začetnik ove kategorije lakova je američka firma CND i njihova linija Vinylux lakova za nokte. Ovo je, kako proizvođač kaže, lak za nokte sa jednonedeljnim trajanjem. Za pun efekat se koriste samo lak i Vinylux nadlak, bez ikakve baze. Lakovi postoje u 90 boja i sve CND Shellac boje postoje i kao Vinylux lakovi, što ovaj sistem čini zgodnim za popravljanje Shellac manikira kada niste u mogućnosti da odete u salon. Ovaj sistem, kao i druge CND proizvode, možete nabaviti u Unitech-u ili preko njihovog sajta. Cena lakova je 988 dinara, a nadlaka 679 dinara. I lakovi i nadlak sadrže 15 ml proizvoda i 3-free su. Ja sam ovaj uzela na prethodnom Dodiru Pariza, na kome su Vinylux lakovi koštali dvostruko manje, a možda će opet biti na takvom popustu na predstojećem Svetu lepote.

Hybrid polishes are a relatively new category in nail polish world and they fill the space between regular nail polish and gel nail polish. They are similar to regular nail polish in that they don't require curing in UV lamp nor soaking for removal, and they resemble gel polish in terms of wear and shine they promise. Pioneer of this category of polish is CND with Vinylux line of nail polish. Manufacturer states that this is a polish that should last a week. For full effect it is used without any base coat, just Vinylux polish and Vinylux top coat. These polishes come in 90 shades and all CND Shellac colours have a match among Vinylux, which makes this system a good choice for shellac touch ups when you are unable to go to a salon. Vinylux polishes and top coat come in 15 ml bottles and they are 3-free.

16 April 2015

ANNY The Answer is Love

U skladu sa time što sam rekla da neću da čekam posebne prilike da nosim posebne lakove danas imam vanredni članak i nešto što se dugo nije desilo - lak koji predstavljam je onaj koji zapravo ovog trenutka imam na noktima. Lak koji mi je već dve godine na listi želja i koji sam planirala da kupim na predstojećem putu u Beč stigao mi je u neočekivanom paketiću od Male Palčice i jedan sasvim običan dan učinio fantastičnim (i Čoksa sa puckavim bombonama je dosta pomogla :D). Mislim da je sasvim jasno zašto mi je ovaj lak bio na listi želja i zašto sam odmah morala da ga namažem. Tamni šimeri izgledaju najbolje na suncu, a ovi dani su veoma sunčani. ANNY lakovi su dostupni samo u Douglas parfimerijama. Dolaze u masivnim staklenim bočicama od 15 ml i koštaju oko 10 €.

Going with what I said about not waiting for special events in order to wear special polishes I have an unplanned post and something that I haven't done in a while - a post about polish I currently have on my nails. A polish that has been on my wish list for two years and that I intended to buy on my upcoming trip to Vienna reached me as part of an unexpected package from Mala Palčica and it turned and ordinary day into an awesome day (Čoksa with popping candy helped as well :D). I believe it is quite clear why this polish was on my wish list and why I needed to use it immediately. Dark shimmers come to life in sunlight and we've been having lot of sunshine these days. ANNY polishes are only available in Douglas parfumerie. They come in massive 15 ml bottles and and retail for about 10 €.

15 April 2015

Catrice Chromeo & Julia

Ne znam kako sam zaboravila na ovaj lak kada sam ga mesecima jurila (tačnije molila ljude da mi ga ujure) po inostranstvu. Do mene je došao prošlog maja sa još tri Catrice Luxury Lacquers Chameleon laka koja mi je poslala Maria i onda sam ga potpuno neopravdano zapostavila. Sada kada je krenulo lepše vreme ipak želim da uživam u ovoj lepoti koja menja boje i podseća na svitanje. Kako je bio deo ograničene kolekcije ovaj lak više nije u prodaji, ali još se kod nas može naći pravi duplikat.

I have no idea how could I forget about this polish that I was looking for abroad (or better said that I was begging people to find it for me). It had reached me last May along with three other Catrice Luxury Lacquers Chameleon nail polishes that Maria was kind to send me and I had completely forgotten about it afterwards. Now that we have nice weather I want to enjoy this colour-changing beauty that resembles sunrise. Since it was limited edition it is no longer available, but there is a true dupe for it.

13 April 2015

OPI Fifty Shades of Grey

Nisam čitala knjige, nisam gledala film i nemam želju da znam bilo šta o njima, ali čim je izašla najava za OPI Fifty Shades of Grey kolekciju znala sam da ću uzeti mini set, a kasnije i velika pakovanja većine lakova. Volim sivu boju, a fale mi lakovi te boje u kolekciji. OPI Fifty Shades of Grey kolekcija se sastoji od šest lakova - tri siva, jednog srebrnog, jednog srebrnog sa šljokicama i jednog crvenog. Mini Pack sadrži svih šest boja iz ove kolekcije (6 x 3,75 ml), lakovi imaju OPI ProWide četkicu, a preporučena maloprodajna cena za set je 2340 dinara. Pojedinačne lakove u punoj veličini možete nabaviti po ceni od 1200 dinara.

I haven't read the book, I haven't seen the film and I don't want to know anything about them, but as soon as OPI Fifty Shades of Grey collection was announced I knew I'd get mini set and later full size bottles of most of these polishes. I love grey colour and I miss these shades in my collection. OPI Fifty Shades of Grey collection consists of six polishes - three greys, one silver, one silver glitter and a red one. Mini Pack contains all six shades (6 x 3.75 ml) and polishes come with OPI ProWide brush.

12 April 2015

Matching Manicures - Black & White

Danas u sklopu usklađenog manikira ponovo za temu imamo crno i belo. Prošlog puta sam pečatirala nokte, a i ovom prilikom sam se odlučila za sličan pristup, sa malim obrtom.

Today we combine black and white for our matching manis. Previous time we had this theme I did a stampicure and I went similar route this time, but with a twist.

11 April 2015

Born Pretty BP-50

Kao što sam prošle nedelje napisala, narednih nekoliko nedelja ću predstavljati Born Pretty pločice koje sam sama naručila sa sajta. Više o naručivanju sa Born Pretty Store možete videti kod Danijele.


As I have already mentioned, in the following weeks I will show you Born Pretty image plates I have ordered myself. Danijela has a video that explains how to order from Born Pretty Store, but the video is only in Serbian.

10 April 2015

MoYou Nails 211

Poslednjom prilikom sam za recenziranje odabrala čak četiri MoYou Nails pločice sa motivima za francuski manikir, a ovo je jedna od njih.

Image plate 211

Last time I have chosen four MoYou Nails image plates with French tips to review and this is one of them.

08 April 2015

Morgan Taylor Little Black Dress

Dugo nisam pokazala neki klasičan crn lak, uglavnom zato što takve lakove nisam ni kupovala u poslednje vreme i više sam se usredsredila na trošenje onih koje imam. No prošle godine sam potrošila dva crna laka i zato sam sebi dozvolila da kupim dva nova, a činjenica da su oba bila deo posebne ponude samo je šlag na torti. Ovaj sam uzela kada i All White Now. Poput drugih Morgan Taylor lakova ni ovaj ne sadrži formalin, dibutilftalat i toluen i nije testiran na životinjama. Bočice su od 15 ml i koštaju 984 dinara, ali do 15. aprila su na popustu od 30%. Možete ih nabaviti kod uvoznika GP Contour u Novom Sadu i Beogradu i u Janković apotekama u Novom Sadu.

It's been awhile since I last showed you a classic black creme polish, mostly because I haven't been buying them lately. I have been more focused on using the ones I already had, but since I've used up two black polishes last year I have allowed myself to get two new ones. The fact that both were on offer is just a cherry on top. I have gotten this one on the same occasion that I got All White Now. Morgan Taylor polishes are big 3-free and cruelty free. They come in 15 ml bottles and have wide flat brush.

06 April 2015

OPI Hawaii - Little Hulas

Napokon su stigle nove kolekcije OPI lakova, uključujući i letnju kolekciju, inspirisanu Havajima. Osim dvanaest pojedinačnih lakova u prodaji se nalazi i set od četiri mini laka. Meni se ovakvi setovi dopadaju jer mi daju priliku da isprobam boje koje inače ne bih ili da imam mikro pakovanje nekog laka koji mi treba za nail art, a ne bih ga koristila često. Ovaj set se zove Little Hulas, sadrži četiri mini laka (4 x 3,75 ml) sa OPI ProWide četkicom i košta 1560 dinara. Ove ste boje juče mogli da vidite zajedno u usklađenom manikiru, a danas svaku predstavljam pojedinačno.

At last the new OPI collections have arrived, including Hawaii collection for this summer. Along twelve individual full size polishes it also contains a four piece mini set. I love this sort of nail polish sets because they give me opportunity to try colours I normally wouldn't or to own a micro package of a polish I'd only use for nail art and seldom at that. This set is called Little Hulas and it contains four mini polishes with OPI ProWide brush. You have seen all these colours in my yesterday's mani, and now I show them individually.

05 April 2015

Matching Manicures - distressed mani

Pre par godina je vremešeni izgled postao trend u mnogim oblastima dizajna, a nije zaobišao ni nokte. Raslojeno drvo, ispucala boja koja otkriva starije slojeve boje i tekstura koja se tako dobija meni su veoma privlačni u umetnosti (predlažem da posetite Zepter muzej za dozu domaće savremene umetnosti) te sam se radovala današnjoj temi.

Some years ago distressed look has become a trend in design, including nail art. I find aged wood, cracked paint revealing older layers of paint and thus achieved texture very appealing in art so I was looking forward to this theme for Matching Manicures.

04 April 2015

Born Pretty BP-51

Danas je na redu poslednja od tri Born Pretty pločice za pečatiranje koje su stigle za recenziju. Narednih nedelja ću ponovo predstavljati pločice koje sam sama naručila.


Today the last Born Pretty plate I got for review is getting its post. In the following weeks I will show you some image plates I ordered myself.

03 April 2015

MoYou Nails N20

Ne znam za vas, ali meni se sve više dopadaju životinjske šare na noktima. Zato danas predstavljam MoYou Nails pločicu koja ima čak dva takva motiva.

MoYou image plate 20

I don't know about you, but I am liking animal pring on nails more and more. Which is why I am showing you a MoYou Nails image plate that has two such designs.

02 April 2015

Catrice Entering Atlantis

Prošle godine je par drugarica lakoholičarki mislilo na mene kada su bile na putovanjima pa su mi donele neke lakiće kojih kod nas nema, a izbor je uglavnom bio Catrice. Lak koji danas predstavljam sam dobila od MarryJ i deo je Le Grand Bleu kolekcije, koja je bila aktuelna prošlog juna i jula.

Last year several fellow polishaholics had thought of me while they were on their vacations and they surprised me with some polishes that are unavailable in Serbia, mostly Catrice. The polish I am showing you today came to em thanks to MarryJ and it was part of Le Grand Bleu limited edition, that was in stores last June and July.

01 April 2015


U martu obično nemam mnogo noviteta, ali ove godine je Dodir Pariza održan u martu te je to uticalo i na količinu novih stvari u mojoj kolekciji. Pre svega su tu noviteti sa samog sajma - o njima možete više pročitati ovde. Potom su počele da mi pristižu Born Pretty i MoYou Nails pločice za pečatiranje - što naručene, što osvojene u nagradnim igrama, što dobijene za recenziju. Neke od njih ste već imali prilku da vidite na blogu sada tokom marta. Znajući moju naviku da stalno mažem ruke Jelena i Dijana su me dodatno opskrbile kremama. Hvala ženske :*. Mazalica za ruke meni nikada nije dosta. Ako me pratite na Instagramu (@cajkinekandze) i Facebooku, a trebalo bi jer tamo ima i stvari koje ne završe na blogu, videli ste da su OPI noviteti stigli sa zakašnjenjem i da je napravljena prezentacija i demonstracija sistema Infinite Shine (ovde možete naći ceo izveštaj). Deo tih noviteta, tačnije Little Hulas i 50 Shades of Grey, moći ćete da vidite uskoro i na blogu, a u komentarima mi slobodno napišite šta od ta dva želite da vidite prvo.

I usually don't have that many new additions to my collection in March, but having Touch of Paris in March this year instead of April had an influence this time. Firstly there are new stuff I got on the expo itself. You can see them here. Then stamping plates from Born Pretty and MoYou Nails started to arrive - some of them for review, some won at giveaways and some ordered. You have already seen some of those on blog during March. Knowing that I tend to use hand cream constantly, Jelena and Dijana got me some hand creams. Thanks gals :*. I can never have too many of those. If you follow me on Instagram (@cajkinekandze) and Facebook, and you should as you can find things that don't end up on blog there, you could see that new OPI collections have arrived too late for expo, but there was a separate promotion and demonstration of Infinite Shine system (you can see some photos here, text in Serbian only). You will see Little Hulas and 50 Shades of Grey on my blog soon and feel free to leave me a comment which of the two you'd like to see first.

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