09 October 2015

Born Pretty BP-L008

Danijela mi je proletos za rođendan poslala paketić u kome se našla i jedna velika Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje. Trebalo mi je malo vremena da smislim kako da je upotrebim jer je veoma pogodna za lead lighting tehniku, sa kojom ja nisam baš vešta. Na kraju sam je koristila za najklasičnije pečatiranje i, mada možda deluju jednostavno, zapravo sam zadovoljna krajnjim manikirima.


This spring I was sent a birthday gift from Danijela that contained, among other things, one of the large Born Pretty stamping plates. It took me some time to think about the way to use it, as it is well suited for lead-lighting technique, which I'm not that comfortable with. In the end I did some regular stamping and, even though they might look simple, I am pleased with my manis.

Rimmel Black Cherries preko OPI Stranger Tides

Četvorougaona pločica Born Pretty BP-L008 velika je 12,5 x 6,5 cm, ima plavu foliju spreda i belu plastiku na poleđini, nešto veću od metalnog dela pločice. Na ovoj pločici se nalazi četrnaest velikih motiva za ceo nokat (15 x 22 mm) i jedanaest manjih slika, zgodnih, recimo, za francuski manikir. Veliki motivi su cvetni (jedan sam koristila za cvetni usklađeni manikir), a manji podsećaju na razne trake i čipke. Ceo gornji red motiva je dušu dao za lead-lighting tehniku i pravljenje dekala, ali ja još uvek nisam dovoljno sigurna u svoju veštinu da bih se upuštala i u tu priču.

MoYou Nails Yellow preko OPI Aloha From OPI

Rectangular stamping plate Born Pretty BP-L008 is 12.5 x 6.5 cm in size, it has blue foil on the front and white plastic backing that is somewhat larger than the metal plate. This image plate has fourteen large full nail images (15 x 22 mm) and eleven smaller designs, which are suitable, for instance, for French tips. Large images are floral (I have used one of them for floral matching manicure), and smaller designs look mostly like different ribbons and lace. The entire top row of images is perfect for lead-lighting and stamped decals, but I'm not confident in my skills yet to give those two techniques a go.

Rimmel Black Cherries preko OPI Suzi Shops And Island Hops

Četiri motiva koje sam isprobala su veoma dobro urezana i odlično se prenose. Začudo ne moraju da se čiste posle svakog transfera, ali bih zarad jasnoće linija preporučila da ih čistite barem posle svaka dva transfera. Ne zahtevaju poseban tretman ni prilikom grebanja ni prilikom samog prenošenja motiva, što je dobra osobina.

MoYou Nails Gold preko Alessandro Rock it Baby

Four motifs I have tried are really well etched and they transfer smoothly. Surprisingly they don't need to be cleaned after each transfer, although I'd suggest you do clean them at least after every two transfers in order to keep the lines crisp. These images don't require any special scraping nor transferring treatment, which is a positive attribute.

Ukoliko budete naručivali sa BPS možete upotrebiti moj kod za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite LCFJ61 u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. Born Pretty Store šalje robu širom sveta i poštarina im je besplatna.

You can use my coupon code to get 10 % discount when you order from BPS. Just enter LCFJ61 at checkout. Born Pretty Store has free worldwide shipping.


  1. I have this wonderful plate and I love the patterns from it. Each mani you made looks great, especially the bright orange yellow combination!

    1. Thanks. I had to have one "pick me up" colour combination. :D

  2. Ohhh, all of these look amazing!! :)

  3. Lepe kombnacije. Treći manikir mi deluje baš veselo i lepršavo. :)

  4. I find it difficult to choose, but I think the first...!

  5. Koji pečat si koristila ??

  6. Nokti mi se bas svidjaju, obozavam kad vidim ovako nesto :)

  7. Baš mi je draga ova pločica, a naj naj kombinacija mi je ova zeleno ljubičasta!

    1. Dakle taj MM zadatak je dobio dobitnu kombinaciju. :D

  8. parne, odnosno druga i četvrta manikura su mi baš super :D


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