Prvo sam htela da napravim jedan post pod nazivom "Alat, oblikovanje, nega i održavanje", ali imam toliko materijala da ću morati ipak da podelim pisanije po sekcijama. U ovoj poruci ću se pozabaviti učvršćivačima i ojačivačima noktiju u obliku lakova.
At first I wanted to write a long post on nail care, but there is so much to write about that I'll have to split it into several sections. In this post I'll deal with the nail strengtheners. Link in the product name will take you to its ingredients list.
Učvršćivače u obliku lakova ne koristim jer mi nisu potrebni. Moji su nokti i sami dovoljno čvrsti, a posebno kada su namazani jer onda imaju još barem četiri sloja nečega na sebi (baza, 2 sloja laka, nadlak). Davno sam koristila Trind Nail Repair, koji mi je bio toliko dobar da sam se tada potpuno prebacila na Trind proizvode - učvršćivač, bazu, odstranjivač zanoktica, štapiće za potiskivanje, skidač laka i turpije. Šteta što ih kod nas više nema jer su svi njihovi proizvodi koje sam isprobala meni savršeno odgovarali.
I don't use nail hardeners because I don't need them. My nails are hard and strong on their own, and especially when they are polished because they have at least 4 layers of something on them (base coat, 2 coats of polish, top coat). I used to use Trind Nail Repair long ago, and it was so great that I started to use almost exclusively Trind products - nail hardener, base coat, cuticle remover, orange sticks, nail polish remover and nail files. Too bad they are no longer available in Serbia, because all of their products have fit me perfectly.
Za sada je Trind Nail Repair jedini učvršćivač za nokte koji sam koristila. Nemam sačuvanu ambalažu, samo letak koji sam tada uzela, i ne znam koji je aktivan sastojak ovog proizvoda. Svakog dana se nanosi jedan sloj ovog sredstva, ali se prethodno skine jučerašnji sloj. Proizvodi ove firme se više ne mogu nabaviti u Srbiji.
Trind Nail Repair is the only nail hardener I've used. I haven't kept the packaging, only a leaflet I picked up, and I have no idea what its active ingredient is. The application was a bit unusual to me - you put one coat of the product on clean nails every day. Trind products are no longer available in Serbia, but they are available through online stores. They are expensive, but are good value for money.
Koristila sam nekoliko baza za negu noktiju, ali više pažnje sam posvećivala tome koji se kako ponaša kao podloga za lak nego kao sredstvo za negu. Link u nazivu proizvoda vodi do spiska sastojaka i uloge svakog sastojka u tom proizvodu.
I have used several nail care base coats, but I paid more attention to their base coat properties rather than their nail care properties.
Miss Sporty Cement Nail Booster je prvi bazni lak koji sam isprobala i još nisam našla neki koji bi mi bio bolji od njega. On valjda treba da učvršćuje nokte i da ubrzava njihov rast. Ne bih znala jer nigde ne mogu da nađem njegov sastav, a na zvaničnom Miss Sporty sajtu ne postoji ni neko opšte predstavljanje ovog proizvoda. O nezi koju ovaj proizvod pruža ne mogu da govorim jer je nisam primetila, ali on odlično vezuje lak za sebe i produžava mu trajanje. Mana mu je što se brzo zgusne - otprilike na pola bočice već postaje teži za nanošenje. Pakovanje od 8 ml košta 120 dinara u Mauricius parfimerijama. Nešto je skuplje u Lilly i DM radnjama.
Miss Sporty Cement Nail Booster is the first base coat I tried out and I still haven't found one that would surpass it. I guess that it should harden the nails and boost their growth. I can't tell if I'm guessing right because I can't find its ingredients anywhere, and official Miss Sporty website doesn't give any sort of presentation of this product. I can't say anything about the nail care benefits provided by this product because I haven't noticed any, but this product bonds the polish to itself and increases its wear. Its only flaw is that it gets very thick quite quick - at about half the bottle it gets difficult to apply. The bottle contains 8 ml of product.
Color line Calcium Gel sam uzela krajnje neplanirano na predlog ubedljive prodavačice u Višnjica parfimeriji u Svetogorskoj ulici. Ovaj domaći proizvod košta samo 60 dinara i sadrži 5,5 ml. Meni se dopao. Nisam videla neku veliku promenu, ali malo po malo nokti mi jesu postali nešto čvršći. Ne mnogo, ali mislim da moji nokti i ne mogu mnogo više da očvrsnu.
I bought Color line Calcium Gel thanks to the persuasive cashier. This product by local Serbian brand costs less than 1 € and the bottle holds 5.5 ml of product. I liked it. I haven't seen great deal of benefit from it, but bit by bit my nails did get somewhat harder. Not much, but I think that my nails can't get much harder anymore.
Titania Kalzium-Gel je jedino pravo razočaranje među svim proizvodima za nokte koje sam koristila. Kupila sam ga na preporuku članica foruma, posebno kada sam čula da bi mogao da mi pomogne oko noktiju koji se krive na unutra. Prvo sam jedva pronašla ovaj proizvod u Beogradu, a onda sam bila veoma razočarana efektom jer ovo sredstvo ne da mi nije učvrstilo/ojačalo/nahranilo nokte, već je počelo da se ljušti istog dana kada sam ga namazala (zajedno sa lakom koji je bio namazan preko). Posle sam videla da su se još neki žalili na isti problem. Sada ga koristim samo kada radim poređenja lakova jer znam da ću ih ionako odmah skinuti. Pakovanje je od 10ml.
Titania Kalzium-Gel is the only true disappointment among all the nail care products I used. It was highly recommended on, especially for wonky nails. It was very hard to find in Belgrade. This product had not only failed to strengthen/harden/nourish my nails, but it started to peel the same day (along with the polish over it). I've seen afterwards that some other people have experienced the same problem. Now I only use it for nail polish comparisons because I know I'll remove the polish immediately anyway. The bottle contains 10ml of product and it costs about 4 €.
Miss Sporty Nutri Complex Vitamin E & Calcium baza je još jedan proizvod kome nisam uspela da nađem listu sstojaka. U pitanju je dvofazni bazni lak koji, prema pisaniju na etiketi, sadrži vitamin E i kalcijum. Meni ne pokazuje nikakve rezultate. Možda su mi nokti dovoljno jaki da ne primećujem dodatno ojačanje (ako ga ima), a pošto stalno mackam ulja da ne vidim dejstvo vitamina E. Ni kao baza mi nije ništa posebno. Nije loš, ali nije ni prineti Cement Nail Boosteru, mada za razliku od njega zadržava žitkost skoro do samog dna bočice. Pakovanje od 8 ml košta 120 dinara u Mauricius parfimerijama. Nešto je skuplje u Lilly i DM radnjama. Detaljan prikaz ovog proizvoda možete videti u Kutku za lakove.
Miss Sporty Nutri Complex Vitamin E & Calcium base coat is another product whose ingredients list I was unable to find. This is two phase base coat that, according to the label, contains vitamin E i calcium. I haven't seen any results at all. Perhaps my nails are so strong that I can't notice any additional strengthening (if there is any), and since I use oils all the time I can't see the effect of vitamin E. It is nothing special as base coat either. It's not bad, but nowhere near Cement Nail Booster, although unlike the latter it stays liquid till the end of the bottle. The bottle contains 8 ml of product.
Avon Lemon Fortifier je, uz Titania Kalzium-Gel, najgora baza koju sam koristila. Četkica je prevelika, metlasta i na njoj ostaje previše proizvoda. Mada se sam proizvod maže lepo, brzo se suši i dobro vezuje lak za sebe, propustio je crveni lak, koji mi je obojio nokte, a lak se teško maže preko ove baze. O nezi i učvršćivanju ne mogu govoriti jer te efekte uopšte ne vidim. Košta oko 200 dinara, a bočica sadrži 12 ml proizvoda.
Avon Lemon Fortifier is, along with Titania Kalzium-Gel, the worst base coat I had ever used. The brush is too big and bushy and picks up too much product. Even though the product itself went on smoothly and dried fast, it did let the red polish stain my nails and the application of polish over it was difficult. I can't say anything about its nail care properties because I haven't seen any.
At first I wanted to write a long post on nail care, but there is so much to write about that I'll have to split it into several sections. In this post I'll deal with the nail strengtheners. Link in the product name will take you to its ingredients list.
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Miss Sporty Cement Nail Booster - Miss Sporty Nutri Complex Vitamin E & Calcium - Avon Lemon Fortifier - Titania Kalzium-Gel |
Učvršćivače u obliku lakova ne koristim jer mi nisu potrebni. Moji su nokti i sami dovoljno čvrsti, a posebno kada su namazani jer onda imaju još barem četiri sloja nečega na sebi (baza, 2 sloja laka, nadlak). Davno sam koristila Trind Nail Repair, koji mi je bio toliko dobar da sam se tada potpuno prebacila na Trind proizvode - učvršćivač, bazu, odstranjivač zanoktica, štapiće za potiskivanje, skidač laka i turpije. Šteta što ih kod nas više nema jer su svi njihovi proizvodi koje sam isprobala meni savršeno odgovarali.
I don't use nail hardeners because I don't need them. My nails are hard and strong on their own, and especially when they are polished because they have at least 4 layers of something on them (base coat, 2 coats of polish, top coat). I used to use Trind Nail Repair long ago, and it was so great that I started to use almost exclusively Trind products - nail hardener, base coat, cuticle remover, orange sticks, nail polish remover and nail files. Too bad they are no longer available in Serbia, because all of their products have fit me perfectly.
Trind Nail Repair - staro pakovanje slika preuzeta sa sajta |
Za sada je Trind Nail Repair jedini učvršćivač za nokte koji sam koristila. Nemam sačuvanu ambalažu, samo letak koji sam tada uzela, i ne znam koji je aktivan sastojak ovog proizvoda. Svakog dana se nanosi jedan sloj ovog sredstva, ali se prethodno skine jučerašnji sloj. Proizvodi ove firme se više ne mogu nabaviti u Srbiji.
Trind Nail Repair is the only nail hardener I've used. I haven't kept the packaging, only a leaflet I picked up, and I have no idea what its active ingredient is. The application was a bit unusual to me - you put one coat of the product on clean nails every day. Trind products are no longer available in Serbia, but they are available through online stores. They are expensive, but are good value for money.
Koristila sam nekoliko baza za negu noktiju, ali više pažnje sam posvećivala tome koji se kako ponaša kao podloga za lak nego kao sredstvo za negu. Link u nazivu proizvoda vodi do spiska sastojaka i uloge svakog sastojka u tom proizvodu.
I have used several nail care base coats, but I paid more attention to their base coat properties rather than their nail care properties.
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Miss Sporty Cement Nail Booster |
Miss Sporty Cement Nail Booster je prvi bazni lak koji sam isprobala i još nisam našla neki koji bi mi bio bolji od njega. On valjda treba da učvršćuje nokte i da ubrzava njihov rast. Ne bih znala jer nigde ne mogu da nađem njegov sastav, a na zvaničnom Miss Sporty sajtu ne postoji ni neko opšte predstavljanje ovog proizvoda. O nezi koju ovaj proizvod pruža ne mogu da govorim jer je nisam primetila, ali on odlično vezuje lak za sebe i produžava mu trajanje. Mana mu je što se brzo zgusne - otprilike na pola bočice već postaje teži za nanošenje. Pakovanje od 8 ml košta 120 dinara u Mauricius parfimerijama. Nešto je skuplje u Lilly i DM radnjama.
Miss Sporty Cement Nail Booster is the first base coat I tried out and I still haven't found one that would surpass it. I guess that it should harden the nails and boost their growth. I can't tell if I'm guessing right because I can't find its ingredients anywhere, and official Miss Sporty website doesn't give any sort of presentation of this product. I can't say anything about the nail care benefits provided by this product because I haven't noticed any, but this product bonds the polish to itself and increases its wear. Its only flaw is that it gets very thick quite quick - at about half the bottle it gets difficult to apply. The bottle contains 8 ml of product.
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Color line Calcium gel |
Color line Calcium Gel sam uzela krajnje neplanirano na predlog ubedljive prodavačice u Višnjica parfimeriji u Svetogorskoj ulici. Ovaj domaći proizvod košta samo 60 dinara i sadrži 5,5 ml. Meni se dopao. Nisam videla neku veliku promenu, ali malo po malo nokti mi jesu postali nešto čvršći. Ne mnogo, ali mislim da moji nokti i ne mogu mnogo više da očvrsnu.
I bought Color line Calcium Gel thanks to the persuasive cashier. This product by local Serbian brand costs less than 1 € and the bottle holds 5.5 ml of product. I liked it. I haven't seen great deal of benefit from it, but bit by bit my nails did get somewhat harder. Not much, but I think that my nails can't get much harder anymore.
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Titania Kalzium-Gel |
Titania Kalzium-Gel je jedino pravo razočaranje među svim proizvodima za nokte koje sam koristila. Kupila sam ga na preporuku članica foruma, posebno kada sam čula da bi mogao da mi pomogne oko noktiju koji se krive na unutra. Prvo sam jedva pronašla ovaj proizvod u Beogradu, a onda sam bila veoma razočarana efektom jer ovo sredstvo ne da mi nije učvrstilo/ojačalo/nahranilo nokte, već je počelo da se ljušti istog dana kada sam ga namazala (zajedno sa lakom koji je bio namazan preko). Posle sam videla da su se još neki žalili na isti problem. Sada ga koristim samo kada radim poređenja lakova jer znam da ću ih ionako odmah skinuti. Pakovanje je od 10ml.
Titania Kalzium-Gel is the only true disappointment among all the nail care products I used. It was highly recommended on, especially for wonky nails. It was very hard to find in Belgrade. This product had not only failed to strengthen/harden/nourish my nails, but it started to peel the same day (along with the polish over it). I've seen afterwards that some other people have experienced the same problem. Now I only use it for nail polish comparisons because I know I'll remove the polish immediately anyway. The bottle contains 10ml of product and it costs about 4 €.
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Miss Sporty Nutri Complex Vitamin E & Calcium |
Miss Sporty Nutri Complex Vitamin E & Calcium baza je još jedan proizvod kome nisam uspela da nađem listu sstojaka. U pitanju je dvofazni bazni lak koji, prema pisaniju na etiketi, sadrži vitamin E i kalcijum. Meni ne pokazuje nikakve rezultate. Možda su mi nokti dovoljno jaki da ne primećujem dodatno ojačanje (ako ga ima), a pošto stalno mackam ulja da ne vidim dejstvo vitamina E. Ni kao baza mi nije ništa posebno. Nije loš, ali nije ni prineti Cement Nail Boosteru, mada za razliku od njega zadržava žitkost skoro do samog dna bočice. Pakovanje od 8 ml košta 120 dinara u Mauricius parfimerijama. Nešto je skuplje u Lilly i DM radnjama. Detaljan prikaz ovog proizvoda možete videti u Kutku za lakove.
Miss Sporty Nutri Complex Vitamin E & Calcium base coat is another product whose ingredients list I was unable to find. This is two phase base coat that, according to the label, contains vitamin E i calcium. I haven't seen any results at all. Perhaps my nails are so strong that I can't notice any additional strengthening (if there is any), and since I use oils all the time I can't see the effect of vitamin E. It is nothing special as base coat either. It's not bad, but nowhere near Cement Nail Booster, although unlike the latter it stays liquid till the end of the bottle. The bottle contains 8 ml of product.
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Avon Lemon Fortifier |
Avon Lemon Fortifier je, uz Titania Kalzium-Gel, najgora baza koju sam koristila. Četkica je prevelika, metlasta i na njoj ostaje previše proizvoda. Mada se sam proizvod maže lepo, brzo se suši i dobro vezuje lak za sebe, propustio je crveni lak, koji mi je obojio nokte, a lak se teško maže preko ove baze. O nezi i učvršćivanju ne mogu govoriti jer te efekte uopšte ne vidim. Košta oko 200 dinara, a bočica sadrži 12 ml proizvoda.
Avon Lemon Fortifier is, along with Titania Kalzium-Gel, the worst base coat I had ever used. The brush is too big and bushy and picks up too much product. Even though the product itself went on smoothly and dried fast, it did let the red polish stain my nails and the application of polish over it was difficult. I can't say anything about its nail care properties because I haven't seen any.
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