31 August 2014

Trind Ridge Filler

Ako me pratite na Facebooku ili Instagramu mogli ste videti da su u prodaji novi Trind proizvodi. Jedan od njih je ravnajuća baza, koju isprva nisam planirala zasebno da predstavim, ali sam se uverila da ipak zaslužuje posebnu recenziju. Trind proizvode možete naći u određenim apotekama (vidite moju sekciju Gde kupiti), Ridge Filler košta 720 dinara, a pakovanje je od 9 ml. Ova baza je 5 free, tj. ne sadrži dibutilftalat, toluen, formalin, kamfor ni tosilamid.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you may have seen that there are new Trind products available in Serbia. One of them is ridge filling base coat, which I initially didn't intend to dedicate an individual post to, but it so deserves one so here it is. This base coat is big 5 free.

30 August 2014

Matching Manicures - gradijent

Zbog nedostatka slobodnog vremena nisam učestvovala u poslednjih nekoliko usklađenih manikira i pitanje je kada ću ponovo moći redovno da učestvujem, ali gradijent temu nisam mogla da propustim i hvatam poslednji trenutak da ga uradim. Koristila sam Flormar 400, Aura She Bunny 508 i mešavinu crnih lakova, kao i Miss Sporty Check Matte.

Due to lack of free time I was unable to take part in several past matching manicures and I don't know when I'll again be able to regularly take part in these challenges, but I couldn't give gradient manicure a miss and I'm taking the last opportunity to do it. I have used Flormar 400, Aura She Bunny 508 and a mixture of black polishes, as well as Miss Sporty Check Matte.

29 August 2014

MoYou Nails 123

Ovog leta je MoYou Nails izbacio 27 sasvim novih pločica, kao i šest novih boja lakova za pečatiranje. Meni će biti zadovoljstvo da vam predstavim neke od novih pločica, počevši od današnje.

This summer MoYou Nails has placed 27 new image plates on the market, as well as six new stamping polish shades. It will be my pleasure to show you several of these new plates, starting from today.

27 August 2014

Essie Over the Edge

Još jedan od Essie lakova koji se u drogerijama mogu naći upola cene je Over the Edge. On je na rasprodaji već dosta dugo (ovaj sam uzela prošlog avgusta), a još ga ima u prodaji. Za 450 dinara ćete dobiti 13,5 ml visokokvalitetne metalik radosti za nokte.

Another Essie polish that can be found at half price is Over the Edge. It has been on sale for quite some time (I have bought this one last August) and it still can be found. For 4 € you can get 13.5 ml of high quality metallic joy for your nails.

25 August 2014

Dance Legend New Promise

Poslednji dan jula mi je ulepšala vest da sam jedan od dobitnika Hypnotic Polish nagradne igre. Nagrada su tri Dance Legend Holodays laka po izboru dobitnika i verujte mi da nisam bila mirna dok moji odabrani lakovi nisu stigli. Morala sam da čekam sunce da mogu da počnem da ih pokazujem u svoj njihovoj lepoti, a prvi koji sam odabrala da nosim je New Promise.

On the last day of July I was thrilled to learn I was one of two winners of Hypnotic Polish giveaway. The prize was three Dance Legend Holodays polishes of the winner's choice and trust me, I've been on pins and needles until my chosen three have arrived. I had to wait for sunshine to see them in all their glory and the first one I chose to wear is New Promise.

24 August 2014

p2 Volume Gloss 180 Miss Velvet

Još jedan lak koji mi je Luchessa poslala prošle godine je ovaj p2 lakić. Već sam imala jedan (Sweet Darling) iz iste linije, što je uspeh kada se uzme u obzir koliko linija lakova p2 ima. Volume Gloss lakovi imaju 12 ml, skoro kockastu bočicu i verovatno najsavršeniju četkicu koju sam do sada imala prilike da probam. Na žalost, dostupni su samo u Nemačkoj i Austriji.

Another polish I received as part of my swap with Luchessa is this p2 nail polish. I have already had some experience with one of Volume Gloss polishes (Sweet Darling), which I think is a feat in itself as p2 has so many different nail polish lines. Volume Gloss polishes come in 12 ml almost cubic bottle and have the single greatest brush I have tried to date. Unfortunately they are only available in Germany and Austria.

23 August 2014

Kreme za ruke

Najavila sam u mesečnom pregledu da ću uraditi grupni članak o kremama za ruke. Predstaviću ukratko pet krema koje sam koristila ove godine. Sa izuzetkom jedne (p2), sve su dostupne kod nas, a sa izuzetkom druge (Essence) sve su stalno dostupne. Ovo su sve glicerinske kreme, što meni generalno ne odgovara pa imajte to u vidu kada čitate moje utiske. Svih pet krema je spakovano u tube od po 100 ml.

I have mentioned in my monthly review that I'll be doing a post about hand creams. I will present five creams I have been using this year. With one exception (p2) all of these are available in Serbia and with other exception (Essence) they are all core products. All of them are glycerine-based, which doesn't suit me well, so please bear that in mind when you read my impressions. All these creams come in 100 ml tubes.

22 August 2014

MoYou Nails 84

MoYou Nails pločica koju danas predstavljam je za neko vreme poslednja od starih pločica koju ću vam pokazati. Stigla mi je pošiljka sa novim pločicama u MoYou Nails ponudi i želim da vam prvo pokažem njih pre nego što se vratim ovim pločicama iz standardne postave. Usput, preporučujem vam da se prijavite na MoYou Nails newsletter jer često imaju vikend rasprodaje o kojima ne stižem da vas obavestim.

MoYou Nails image plate I am showing you today is the last one of the older plates I will show you for a while. I have received a shipment of newly designed and made stamping plates and I'd rather show you those before I get back to the ones that have been available for some time. I'd also recommend subscribing to MoYou Nails newsletter because they often have weekend and flash sales I usually don't get to inform you about.

20 August 2014

Manhattan Bonnie Strange 006 The Wow-Show!

Drugi Manhattan lak koji je ikada došao do mene je ovaj tamni lepotan kog mi je poslala Luchessa. Ovo je jedan od šest lakova koje je Manhattan prošle godine napravio u saradnji sa Bonnie Strange, nemačkom blogerkom i javnom ličnošću, i meni najlepši u kolekciji. Manhattan lakovi imaju 7 ml. Ne znam ima li ove kolekcije još u ponudi.

The other Manhattan polish that ever came into my stash is this dark beauty that was sent to me by Luchessa. This is one of six polishes Manhattan made last year in cooperation with Bonnie Strange, German blogger and public figure, and of the six this one is the most beautiful to me. Manhattan polishes come in 7 ml bottles. I don't know if this collection is still available.

18 August 2014

Essie Vested Interest

Pošto je Danijela rekla da se nada da ću brzo mazati ovaj lak odlučila sam da joj zadovoljim znatiželju i ne samo da ga namažem već i da ga uslikam i predstavim, bez obzira na polomljen nokat. Vested Interest je jedan od lakova iz prošlogodišnje For The Twill Of It kolekcije i treći iz te kolekcije koji imam, što mislim da dovoljno govori o tome koliko Essie pogađa moj ukus kada su jesenje kolekcije u pitanju (usput, jedva čekam da nam stigne ovogodišnja jesenja kolekcija Dress To Kilt). U Lilly drogerijama je na rasprodaji i može se kupiti za 450 dinara.

Since Danijela rooted for me to wear this polish soon I decided to wear it, take photos and post about it now, despite having a broken nail. Vested Interest is one of six polishes from For The Twill Of It collection for last autumn and it is the third polish from that collection that I own, which says a lot about how Essie is nailing (no pun intended) my taste with their fall collections (by the way, I can't wait for Dress To Kilt collection to hit our stores).

17 August 2014

OPI Avojuice Skin Quenchers Cran & Berry i Hibiscus Blossom

OPI Avojuice Skin Quenchers su losioni za ruke i telo lagane teksture i atraktivnih mirisa. U ponudi ima devet mirisa i svaki se može nabaviti u dva pakovanja - malom od 30 ml, savršenom za torbicu, i velikom od 200 ml, za kućnu upotrebu. Malo pakovanje košta oko 290 dinara, a veliko oko 1200 dinara.

OPI Avojuice Skin Quenchers are lightweight hand and body lotions with attractive scents. There are nine scents and every lotion comes in two sizes - purse-size 30 ml bottle and larger 200 ml bottle for at home use. Small size retails for about 2.5 € and large one is about 9 €.

16 August 2014

Essie Quick-e kapi za brzo sušenje laka

Danas vam predstavljam Essie kapi za brzo sušenje, relativno nov proizvod u drogerijskoj ponudi Essie tretmana (dostupan tek od sredine maja). Essie Quick-e kapi dolaze u bočici od 13,5 ml, a u pakovanju se nalazi i pipeta kojom se proizvod nanosi na nokte. Cena ovog proizvoda je 1049 dinara, ali Essie proizvodi su trenutno na sniženju u drogerijama i ove kapi koštaju 839 dinara.

Today I have to show you a relatively new product in Serbian drugstores - Essie Quick-e drying drops. These drying drops come in 13.5 ml bottle, with a dropper on the side.

15 August 2014


Poput baza i nadlakovi imaju više uloga, ali glavne tri su produžavanje trajnosti manikira, davanje sjaja laku i ubrzavanje sušenja. Poput baza, svi nadlakovi sadrže rastvarače, plastifikatore i celulozne supstance. Odnos ovih sastojaka se manje ili više razlikuje od baza i zato imamo i 2 u 1 baze/nadlakove, ali je i razlog zašto neke nadlakove nikako ne treba pomešati sa bazom. Problem sa sastojcima koji čine nadlak je da je lako postići da nadlak ispunjava dve od tri osnovne uloge, ali teško je da ispunjava sve tri. Ako izuzmemo nadlakove koji lakovima daju poseban efekat (matirajući, svetleći, prizmatični, magnetni, teksturni...) najlakše mi je da nadlakove grubo podelim na brzosušeće i nebrzosušeće.

Like base coats, top coats have several roles, but main three are increasing your manicure wear time, high gloss and quick drying. Like base coats, all top coats contain solvents, plasticizers and cellulose chemicals. The ratio of these ingredients is more or less different from base coats which is why some top coats should never be used as base coats, but also why we have 2 in 1 base/top coats. The issue with all these ingredients is that it is easy to get the ratio that would fill two of three main roles of top coat, but it is very difficult to get it to fill all three. If we don't take special effects top coats (matte, glow in the dark, prismatic, magnetic, texture...) into consideration it is easiest to me to split top coats into two groups - fast-drying and not fast-drying.

13 August 2014

p2 Last Forever 110 Dating Time

P2 je jedan od onih brendova koji imaju gomilu linija lakova za nokte, no kako je ovo brend koji nije dostupan u Srbiji nisam imala da se upoznam sa svim linijama u ponudi niti da saznam po čemu se razlikuju jedna od druge. Drugar koji mi je doneo ove lakove je izabrao po jedan iz svake tada dostupne linije lakova te je ovaj iz Last Forever linije. Ovi lakovi su veganski i imaju 11 ml.

P2 is one of those brands that have many different lines of polishes, but since they aren't available in Serbia I am not acquainted with their entire range nor with the differences between all the nail polish lines. The friend who brought these to me had picked one from each then available line and this one is from Last Forever line. These polishes are vegan and come in 11 ml bottles.

11 August 2014

Essie Aruba Blue

Aruba Blue je lak koji sam dobila na poklon kada sam preko foruma kupila neke lakove. Odmah sam videla da po kvalitetu ne zaostaje za drugim Essie drogerijskim lakovima, ali boja nije po mom ukusu pa je čekao dugo na red za nošenje. Ovaj lak je u stalnoj ponudi, pakovanje je od 13,5 ml i do kraja avgusta u Lilly drogerijama košta 759 umesto redovnih 949 dinara.

Aruba Blue is a polish I got as a gift when I bought some polishes last year. I could easily see that quality-wise it is up to par with other drugstore Essie polishes, but since it is not my shade of blue it was untried for quite a while. It is part of core range of Essie polishes and comes in 13.5 ml bottle.

10 August 2014

MoYou Nails 82

Predstavljanje pločica sa motivima za pun nokat nastavljam MoYou Nails pločicom pod brojem 82.

I continue showcasing full nail image stamping plates with MoYou Nails 82.

09 August 2014

Body Resort Oriental Pear krema za ruke

Još jedan novitet u Lilly drogerijama su Body Resort sredstva za negu kože holandske kompanije Mades Cosmetics. Body Resort proizvodi postoje u pet linija, a svaka sadrži balzam za usne, sapun, kremu za ruke, šampon, gel za tuširanje, kupku, piling za telo, losion za telo i osvežavajući sprej. Kod nas nisu uvezeni samo sapuni, kupke i šamponi. Proizvodi Oriental Pear linije mirišu na krušku i sadrže ektrakt ove voćke, uz druge negujuće sastojke. Krema za ruke ima 100 ml i košta 239 dinara. O nekim drugim Body Resort proizvodima možete saznati više kod Jelene.

Another new brand in Lilly drugstores is Body Resort - skin care collection from Dutch company Mades Cosmetics. Body Resort products come in five lines and each line consists of lip balm, soap tablet, hand cream, shampoo, bath pearls, bath & shower gel, body scrub, body lotion and refreshing body mist. Oriental Pear line smells of pear and have pear extract among other skin conditioning ingredients. Hand cream comes in 100 ml tube and retails for about 2 €.

08 August 2014

Nella Milano 008 Sunny Yellow

Treći i poslednji Nella Milano lak koji imam da vam pokažem je savršeno imenovan sunčano žuti Sunny Yellow. Ovaj i druge Nella Milano lakove za nokte možete poručiti sa sajta MoYou Nails. Koštaju 7,99 £, trenutno su na sniženju i koštaju 3,99 £. Na žalost Royal Mail ne šalje lakove van Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.

The third and the last Nella Milano nail polish I have is perfectly named sunny yellow Sunny Yellow. You can order this and other Nella Milano polishes from MoYou Nails. They ship worldwide, but Royal Mail doesn't ship nail polish abroad. Nella Milano polishes retail for 7,99 £, but at the moment they are on sale and go for 3,99 £. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.

06 August 2014

S.he Stylezone 310

Ne pišem često o S.he Stylezone lakovima, a nekoliko mi ih stoji neisprobano još od septembra. Ovo je jedan od njih. Uzela sam ga kada me je uhvatila zelena groznica i odmah se ohladila od njega jer sam se setila koliko zapravo ne volim ovaj brend. S.he Stylezone je DMova marka i stoga dostupna samo u DM prodavnicama. Lakovi imaju 10 ml i koštaju oko 290 dinara. Ne znam koji im je sastav, a na zvaničnom sajtu samo piše da ne sadrže formalin i toluen.

I don't writhe that often about S.he Stylezone polishes, and several have been sitting in my untrieds box since last September. This is one of them. I bought it when I was in my green phase and almost immediately grew cold towards it because I actually don't like this brand. S.he Stylezone is a DM Drogerie Markt brand and therefore available only in DM stores. Polishes come in 10 ml bottles for about 2.5 €. I can't find the ingredients list anywhere, but the official website of the brand states that it doesn't contain toluene or formalin.

04 August 2014

Crisnail 421 Vert Nuit

Nije retkost da lakovi koji su me isprva oduševili, a na rozetni razočarali čekaju dugo da ih isprobam. Vert Nuit španskog brenda Crisnail je jedan od takvih lakova. Crisnail lakovi su 3-free i imaju 14 ml. Prodaju se u Karika group radnjama po ceni od 299 dinara.

It is not a rare case that a nail polish that I was so keen on and then got disappointed with when I'd swatched them on a wheel wait a long time to get a proper swatch. Vert Nuit by Spanish brand Crisnail is one such polish. Crisnail polishes are big 3-free and come in 14 ml bottles.

03 August 2014

MoYou Nails 22

Još jedna dobra pločica za pečatiranje koju imam da vam predstavim je MoYou Nails N22. Njome se vraćam svojim omiljenim motivima za pun nokat.

Another fine stamping plate I got to show you is MoYou Nails N22. With it I have returned to my favourite full nail images.

02 August 2014

Baze za nokte

Izgled i trajanje manikira zavise od više faktora, a jedan od važnijih je bazni lak. Njegova uloga je da poveže lak sa noktom, da zaštiti nokat od pigmenata iz laka i po potrebi da neguje nokat. Baza ima najrazličitijih, što je dobro jer se ne slaže svaka sa svakim tipom ili brendom laka. Takođe ne slaže se svaka baza sa svačijim noktima te nije loše isprobati više različitih baza dok ne nađete onu ili one koje vam odgovaraju. Obratite pažnju na njihov sastav jer će vam to pomoći da kasnije prepoznate baze koje vam manje ili više odgovaraju. Sve baze sadrže rastvarače, sastojke koji drže na okupu druge sastojke a potom isparavaju ostavljajući aktivne sastojke na noktu, zatim plastifikatore, čija je uloga da daju fleksibilnost i celulozne sastojke koji služe da povežu nokat i lak. Odnos količina ovih sastojaka i drugih dodataka čini svaku bazu posebnom.

Look and longevity of a manicure depend on several factors with base coat being one of more important ones. Its role is binding polish to the nail, protecting nail plate from pigments in polish and if needed to provide additional care. There are so many different base coats, which is great as not every base coat agrees with every type or brand of nail polish. Also different people have different nails and they require different base coats. It is good choice to try several different sorts of base coats in order to find the one(s) that work well for you. You should pay attention to the ingredients list so that you can recognize which ones might be good for you later. All base coats contain solvents, which keep other ingredients in solution and deliver them to the nail, then there are plasticizers, which give flexibility and cellulose chemicals to give connection between nail and polish. Ratio of these ingredients and additional components is what makes each base coat unique.

01 August 2014


Moji julski noviteti su skromni po količini, ali ne i po kvalitetu. Opet sam se okrenula sajtu Moje krpice i došla do nekih rariteta ili kod nas nedostupnih lakova. Nabavila sam svoje prve HE lakove po odličnim cenama, još jedan Layla hologramski lak i veselog Flormar žućka. Zdušno preporučujem saradnju sa ProdajemSminku, doroti i cuvita ako ste korisnik Krpica. Takođe sam tamo ponudila neke svoje lakove pa ako želite da im pružite nov dom možete da bacite pogled na Cajkine krpice. Na testiranje sam dobila Essie Quick-e, lak Sixteen Cosmetics 492 i novitet ekskluzivno u Lilly drogerijama - Body Resort kremu za ruke sa mirisom kruške. Iskoristila sam sniženje cena pojedinih Essie nijansi da uzmem Vested Interest. Morala sam da obnovim zalihu turpija, a uzela sam da probam i tufere za nokte koji ne ostavljaju vlakna i time sam završila ovomesečne kupovine.

This July's new-in is modest, but it doesn't lack quality products. I looked for good deals on second hand website and found some great deals, including some HTFs. I bought my first HE polishes at unbelievable price. I also got another Layla holographic polish and a cheery yellow Flormar polish. I got Essie Quick-e, Sixteen Cosmetics 492 and a new product on the market - Body Resort pear-scented hand cream to review. I also took the opportunity to get Essie Vested Interest at recent sale. I also had to renew my nail file stash and I decided to pick a pack of lint-free nail wipes.
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