24 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L050

Geometrijski motivi i optičke varke su popularni motivi na pločicama za pečatiranje i Born Pretty Store ne zaostaje za drugim proizvođačima kada su ovakve slike u pitanju.


Geometric images and optical illusions are fairly popular designs on stamping plates and Born Pretty Store does not lag behind other manufacturers when it comes to these motifs.

20 December 2016

Misslyn Edgy

Misslyn je italijanski brend koji se trenutno nalazi u vlasništvu firme ArtDeco. Mada im se neki proizvodi u ponudi poklapaju, kada su lakovi u pitanju Misslyn nesporno ima originalniju ponudu, što me je i privuklo. Misslyn lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 10 ml i mogu se nabaviti u više zemalja širom sveta u Müller, Douglas i drugim drogerijama. U našem bližem okruženju ih ima u Hrvatskoj, Bosni, Rumuniji i Mađarskoj.

Misslyn is an Italian brand of cosmetics, currently owned by ArtDeco. While these two companies share some of the products, Misslyn undoubtedly has more original range of polishes, which is what had drawn me to them. Misslyn polishes come in 10 ml bottles and can be found in many countries worldwide in Müller, Douglas and other stores.

18 December 2016

Matching Manicures - Winter Wonderland

Današnja tema za nedeljni manikir je prava sezonska i predstavlja zimsku čaroliju. Prva pomisao mi je bila miran planinski krajolik, pokriven snegom, ali pošto je to van mojih sposobnosti ipak sam završila sa daleko jednostavnijim i diskretnijim manikirom. Nadam se da će vam se svideti.

This weeks matching manicures theme is a true seasonal theme. My first thoughts when I saw that we're doing winter wonderland were of a peaceful snowed in mountain scenery, but since that is beyond my abilities, I ended up with far more simple and delicate mani. I hope you'll like it.

16 December 2016

Flormar 399

U poslednjih nekoliko godina retko kupujem Flormar lakove. Ne zbog onog uvoznika već zbog nepostojanja uzbudljivih novih boja na našem tržištu. I pored toga sam proletos uzela dva, više zbog toga što su pametno postavljeni pored kase u DM-u i zato što su bili 99 dinara nego zato što mi je neki zaista trebao. Realno, da li mi ijedan lak više treba? Sve u svemu, računala sam da neću propasti za toliko i da mogu da isprobam još koji Flormar. Redovna cena u DMu im je oko 140 dinara, a bočice su od 11 ml.

I haven't been buying Flormar polishes much these last several years. Not because of that importer, but because there are no new and exciting colours on the market. Despite all that, I did get a couple this spring, more thanks to their smart position next to the POS in DM than because I needed them. To be honest, do I need any more polish? Anyhow, I knew that the world won't end because of it and that I could give Flormar a go again.

14 December 2016

Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red

Pre nekoliko godina sam bila u Milanu i tamo sam posetila Layla Land. Uzela sam nekoliko njihovih lakova i narednih par godina žalila što nisam uzela još jedan. Srećom, iskoristila sam drugaričino putovanje da ipak ispravim taj propust i sada vam konačno pokazujem Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red. Layla lakovi nažalost nisu dostupni kod nas, ali se mogu naručiti sa njihovog sajta, a ima ih i kod nekih online prodavaca. Ceramic Effect linija je spakovana u bočice od 10 ml, a lakovi koštaju oko 8 €. Ukoliko putujete u Milano, od srca preporučujem da posetite njihovu prodavnicu Layla Land, koja se nalazi veoma blizu ključnih znamenitosti, jer tamo imaju tester za svaki lak, a možete i na licu mesta da dobijete profesionalni manikir.

Several years ago I went to Milan, where I visited Layla Land. I got several of their polishes and lamented over not getting one more for the next two years. Fortunately, a friend was going there so I had taken that opportunity to get it and now I am finally showing you Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red. Layla polishes can be ordered from their website, but some e-tailers carry them too. Ceramic Effect line comes in 10 ml bottles, with price tag of around 8 €. I honestly recommend you to visit their store Layla Land in Milan if you happen to travel there. It is situated quite near the key monuments, they have testers for all polishes and you can get a professional manicure on the spot.

12 December 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by Pinterest

Još jedan manikir čija se tema ponavlja je na redu ove nedelje. Inspiraciju tražimo na Pinterestu, a plašim se da sam ja malo preterala i skoro u potpunosti iskopirala manikir koji mi je privukao pažnju.

We have another repeat for a theme this week. We're looking for inspiration on Pinterest, and I am afraid I overdid it and nearly completely copied the mani that had caught my eye.

10 December 2016

Born Pretty BPX-l012 Exoticism

Već neko vreme sam bila u potrazi za pločicom sa dobrim izborom slika plamena, a ova pločica mi je došla kao naručena. Ne samo što ima plamenove, nego ima i nekoliko feniksa, što znači da sam mogla da na bolji način uradim manikir inspirisan natprirodnim koji smo radili pre nekoliko meseci, a kojim nisam bila zadovoljna.

I've been looking for a stamping plate with good selection of flame images for some time now, and this plate was just what I had in mind. Not only does it have flames, but it also has some phoenix designs, which means that I could remake Inspired by Supernatural Matching Manicure we had done several months ago, that I was not pleased with.


Obično za predstavljanje pločica uradim četiri manikira sa po jednom slikom, ali ovom prilikom sam iskoristila četiri motiva za jedan manikir. Nadam se da vam se rezultat sviđa.

I usually do four manis using one image for each when I do stamping plate reviews, but this time I used four designs for a single mani. I do hope you like the end result.

08 December 2016

Essie Bahama Mama

Zimski praznici su nam već na vratima, a ja još uvek nisam isprobala ni sve lakiće koje sam prošle godine dobila od drage Suzane, ni one koje sam od nje dobila proletos za rođendan. Jedan mi je bio pravo iznenađenje, jer bih rekla da je boja koju ne bih sama odabrala (naravno to nije sasvim tačno jer već imam skoro isti ovaj lak od istog proizvođača), ali ovo je boja koju Suzi tako dobro nosi da čak i ja poželim da nosim nešto slično. Essie Bahama Mama je deo stalne postavke i stalno se može naći u drogerijama koje drže Essie, te se neću baviti nedostupnim duplićem koji imam. Essie lakovi su trenutno na sniženju i u DM-u i u Liliju i koštaju 699 dinara.

Winter holidays are upon us, and I haven't Even tried all of the polishes I got last year from my dear Suzana, nor those that were part of my birthday gift this spring. One of those was a true surprise because it is a colour that Suzy wear so well that even I wish to wear it, even though on its own it may not be my colour (this is actually not entirely true because I have a near dupe for this one, by the same brand). Essie Bahama Mama is part of permanent range and is available at any drugstore that carries Essie polishes.

06 December 2016

ILNP The Road To Awe

Poslednjom nabavkom indie i boutique lakova dominirali su ILNP lakovi, a po prvi put sam uzela i nekoliko Ultra Chrome ljuspastih lakova. The Road To Awe je jedan od njih. Pakovanje je od 12 ml i košta €12,3 i na Hypnotic Polish i na NailLand.

ILNP polishes dominated my last order of indie and boutique polishes, and for the first time I got several Ultra Chrome Flakies polishes. The Road To Awe is one of them. It comes in 12 ml bottle and retails for €12.3 both on Hypnotic Polish and NailLand.

04 December 2016

Matching Manicures - V Manicure

Ovonedeljna tema je već bila na tapetu za usklađene manikire i plašim se da mi mi ovog puta nije mnogo uspešnija od prethodnog.

This weeks theme has already been a theme for matching manicures and I am afraid that this time was not more successful than the previous one.

03 December 2016

Born Pretty BP-L049

Od momenta kada se pojavila, BP-L049 pločica mi je privukla pažnju i morala sam da je posedujem. Već sam spomenula da studiram turski jezik pa mi je pločica sa bliskoistočnim motivima bila prirodan izbor. Nadam se da će se i vama svideti.


From the moment it first showed up, BP-L049 image plate had caught my eye and I just had to own it. I have already mentioned that I study Turkish language and literature, so a stamping plate with middle eastern designs was a natural choice for me.

01 December 2016

Novembarski noviteti

Ni novembar, poput septembra, nije bio nešto bogat noktonovitetima, ali to nije tako loše jer ionako planiram da dobrano skrešem kolekciju.

Like September, November was not rich in new nail products, but that's not a bad thing since I intend to do a major destash anyway.
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