U Liliju su nedavno Aurini proizvodi bili na akciji - kupi dva, treći dobijaš za 1 dinar. Ja sam uzela tri magnetna laka. Izbor je pao na 945 - Apollo secret; 946 - Houston controlled i 949 - Rocket Fuel. Poskupeli su - bili su 279, sada su 309 dinara. Još mi je zapao jedan otvaran - bočica je bila sasvim puna, ali je na grliću skoren lak, a na četkici toliko konca da mogu da ušijem dugme. Bez problema su mi ga zamenili u radnji.
Aura products were on speciall offer at Lilly drugstores - buy two get one for 1 dinar. I chose to buy three magnetic polishes and I picked 945 - Apollo secret; 946 - Houston controlled and 949 - Rocket Fuel. It turned out that one of the bottles had been opened - there was dried polish on the bottle and so much thread on the brush that I could easily sew a button with it. They gave me another, unopened one in the shop.
Prvo sam odlučila da isprobam Rocket Fuel jer ovaj lak deluje kao da je baš u mom fazonu - taman i metalik. Osnovna boja vidljiva u bočici je hematit siva sa ljubičastim odsjajem. Nisam taj ljubičasti odsjaj uspela da uhvatim i prikažem na slikama, ali prisutan je, mada je veoma blag. Kada se približi magnet, izdvaja se čelično siva šara iz tamne, skoro crne osnove.
Rocket Fuel is the first one I wanted to try because it seems to be so me - dark and metallic. The colour visible in the bottle is hematite grey with purplish sheen. I couldn't capture that sheen in pictures, but it is present, albeit it is very soft. When magnet is applied, steel grey pattern is separated from dark, almost black base.
Morala sam namazati dva sloja jer je samo jedan suviše prozračan. Nisam previše zadovoljna veličinom četkice u kombinaciji sa gustinom laka. Morala sam uzimati baš velike kaplje laka kako bih prekrila ceo nokat izjedna, što znači da su mi slojevi veoma debeli, a sušenje sporije. Na jednom noktu su mi se pojavili mehurići, ali moguće je da to nije do laka nego do vetra koji povremeno pirne i u moju sobu.
I had to put two coats because one is too sheer. I'm not thrilled with the combination of the brush size with the formula of the polish. I had to take very large drops of polish in order to cover whole nail in single dipping of the brush, which made the coats very thick and drying time longer. I had bubbling on one of my nails, but it could be due to sporadic gushes of wind that found their way into my room.
Magnet je bio mnogo bolji nego onaj na Sputnik Parts, ali mora se držati duže nego što je naznačeno. U uputstvu piše 5-10 sekundi. Na malom prstu sam ga držala 20 sekundi, na ostalim prstima po 30. Razlika je upadljiva. Posle sam na mali prst dodala još jedan sloj i držala magnet 30 sekundi te sam dobila jasnu šaru. Iako sam sačekala petnaestak minuta pre nego što sam namazala nadlak, lak se nije dovoljno osušio te mi se šara razmrljala i ceo lak sada izgleda mnogo svetlije.
The magnet was far better than the one on Sputnik Parts, but it has to be held longer than specified. It says that you should hold magnet 5-10 seconds. I held it for 20 seconds on my pinkie and 30 seconds on other fingers. The difference is obvious. I added another coat on my pinkie and held magnet for 30 seconds so I got a clear design. Even though I waited for about 15 minutes before applying top coat, the polish wasn't completely dry and designs got smudged and the entire polish looks far lighter now.
Zaključak bi mogao biti da ovo nije loš lak, mada bi mogao biti bolji, gušći, a četkica veća. Magnet treba držati tridesetak sekundi i treba čekati da se lak potpuno osuši pre nego što se nanese nadlak. Možda bi preko crne osnove ovaj lak delovao još upadljivije.
The conclusion could be that this isn't a bad polish, but it could be more opaque and the brush bigger. Magnet should be held about 30 seconds and the polish should be completely dry before top coat is applied. Perhaps the whole thing would look more striking over black base.
Usput, naletela sam na ova dva sjajna članka o tome kako možete sami napraviti originalne šare koristeći obične štampane magnete za frižider http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/how-to-make-your-own-nail-art-magnets.html http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/four-new-magnet-designs-to-make-at-home.html
By the way, I found these two great articles on how to make your own magnetic designs out of regular fridge magnets http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/how-to-make-your-own-nail-art-magnets.html http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/four-new-magnet-designs-to-make-at-home.html
Prikaze ostalih Aura Magnetic Intergalactic lakova/Reviews of other Aura Magnetic Intergalactic polishes
Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 945 Apollo Secret
Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts
Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 946 Houston Controlled
Osnovni članak o magnetnim lakovima
Aura products were on speciall offer at Lilly drugstores - buy two get one for 1 dinar. I chose to buy three magnetic polishes and I picked 945 - Apollo secret; 946 - Houston controlled and 949 - Rocket Fuel. It turned out that one of the bottles had been opened - there was dried polish on the bottle and so much thread on the brush that I could easily sew a button with it. They gave me another, unopened one in the shop.
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Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 945 Apollo secret - 946 Houston controlled - 949 Rocket Fuel |
Prvo sam odlučila da isprobam Rocket Fuel jer ovaj lak deluje kao da je baš u mom fazonu - taman i metalik. Osnovna boja vidljiva u bočici je hematit siva sa ljubičastim odsjajem. Nisam taj ljubičasti odsjaj uspela da uhvatim i prikažem na slikama, ali prisutan je, mada je veoma blag. Kada se približi magnet, izdvaja se čelično siva šara iz tamne, skoro crne osnove.
Rocket Fuel is the first one I wanted to try because it seems to be so me - dark and metallic. The colour visible in the bottle is hematite grey with purplish sheen. I couldn't capture that sheen in pictures, but it is present, albeit it is very soft. When magnet is applied, steel grey pattern is separated from dark, almost black base.
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Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 949 Rocket Fuel |
Morala sam namazati dva sloja jer je samo jedan suviše prozračan. Nisam previše zadovoljna veličinom četkice u kombinaciji sa gustinom laka. Morala sam uzimati baš velike kaplje laka kako bih prekrila ceo nokat izjedna, što znači da su mi slojevi veoma debeli, a sušenje sporije. Na jednom noktu su mi se pojavili mehurići, ali moguće je da to nije do laka nego do vetra koji povremeno pirne i u moju sobu.
I had to put two coats because one is too sheer. I'm not thrilled with the combination of the brush size with the formula of the polish. I had to take very large drops of polish in order to cover whole nail in single dipping of the brush, which made the coats very thick and drying time longer. I had bubbling on one of my nails, but it could be due to sporadic gushes of wind that found their way into my room.
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Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 949 Rocket Fuel |
Magnet je bio mnogo bolji nego onaj na Sputnik Parts, ali mora se držati duže nego što je naznačeno. U uputstvu piše 5-10 sekundi. Na malom prstu sam ga držala 20 sekundi, na ostalim prstima po 30. Razlika je upadljiva. Posle sam na mali prst dodala još jedan sloj i držala magnet 30 sekundi te sam dobila jasnu šaru. Iako sam sačekala petnaestak minuta pre nego što sam namazala nadlak, lak se nije dovoljno osušio te mi se šara razmrljala i ceo lak sada izgleda mnogo svetlije.
The magnet was far better than the one on Sputnik Parts, but it has to be held longer than specified. It says that you should hold magnet 5-10 seconds. I held it for 20 seconds on my pinkie and 30 seconds on other fingers. The difference is obvious. I added another coat on my pinkie and held magnet for 30 seconds so I got a clear design. Even though I waited for about 15 minutes before applying top coat, the polish wasn't completely dry and designs got smudged and the entire polish looks far lighter now.
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Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 949 Rocket Fuel + Essence BTGN Top Sealer |
Zaključak bi mogao biti da ovo nije loš lak, mada bi mogao biti bolji, gušći, a četkica veća. Magnet treba držati tridesetak sekundi i treba čekati da se lak potpuno osuši pre nego što se nanese nadlak. Možda bi preko crne osnove ovaj lak delovao još upadljivije.
The conclusion could be that this isn't a bad polish, but it could be more opaque and the brush bigger. Magnet should be held about 30 seconds and the polish should be completely dry before top coat is applied. Perhaps the whole thing would look more striking over black base.
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Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 949 Rocket Fuel + Essence BTGN Top Sealer |
Usput, naletela sam na ova dva sjajna članka o tome kako možete sami napraviti originalne šare koristeći obične štampane magnete za frižider http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/how-to-make-your-own-nail-art-magnets.html http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/four-new-magnet-designs-to-make-at-home.html
By the way, I found these two great articles on how to make your own magnetic designs out of regular fridge magnets http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/how-to-make-your-own-nail-art-magnets.html http://www.morenailpolish.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/four-new-magnet-designs-to-make-at-home.html
Prikaze ostalih Aura Magnetic Intergalactic lakova/Reviews of other Aura Magnetic Intergalactic polishes
Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 945 Apollo Secret
Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 947 Sputnik Parts
Aura Magnetic Intergalactic 946 Houston Controlled
Osnovni članak o magnetnim lakovima
Svidja mi se boja laka i lepe su šare koje pravi magnet. Šteta je što ceo proces ide dosta sporo sa ovim lakovima.. TS ga je baš pokvario :(((
ReplyDeleteZbilja je ispalo neočekivano dobro. Meni ne smeta brzina, tj. sporost procesa, ali shvatam da je to potpuno subjektivna stvar.
DeleteMnogo mi je žao što ga je TS zamrljao i ubledeo jer je ovako delovao baš rakunasto i oštro.
ja još nemam ni jedan magnetic lak, neverovatno. sviđaju mi se imena lakova, izgleda da su ovi naši ipak maštoviti!
ReplyDeleteZaista neverovatno, posebno kada se uzme u obzir da među magnetnim lakovima ima najfantastičnijih nijansi plave :D
DeleteAura je jedina kod nas koja proizvodima daje imena, a ne samo šifre ili brojeve. Neka imena su okej, neka nisu, ali u ovom slučaju mi se dopada što je kolekcija tematska i nazivi odgovaraju temi.
Hey, ciji 'magnetni' lakovi su najbolji?
ReplyDeletePa, s obzirom na to da sam isprobala samo Essence, Golden Rose i Auru, ne mogu govoriti uopšteno čiji su najbolji. Od ova tri, meni je Golden Rose zakon - odličan magnet, odlični lakovi, odlična cena. Aura ima zanimljive boje, ne tako dobar magnet (imaju i samo jednu šaru nasuprot tri koje ima GR), skuplji su od GR, a količina je manja.
DeleteE super, hvala ti. :]
DeleteNema na čemu.