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Astor Fash'n Studio 110 - Astor Fash'n Studio 111 |
Fash'n Studio je jedna od tri linije lakova za nokte koje Astor ima. U pitanju su mini lakovi (6 ml) u nešto zanimljivijim bojama od onih koje imaju u preostale dve linije. Mada na bočici ne piše skoro ništa, na sajtu se može naći paleta boja i lista sastojaka. Takođe na sajtu piše da se nanosi ujednačeno, da je intenzitet boje i sjaja visok i da lak traje do pet dana. Astor kozmetika se može nabaviti u Mauricius parfimerijama u Beogradu, a Fash'n Studio lakovi koštaju 175 dinara.
Fash'n Studio is one of the three Astor nail polish lines. These are minis (6 ml) in somewhat more interesting colours than polishes in other two lines. Even though the label on the bottle gives very little information, the website gives the colour palette and the list of ingredients. It is also stated on the website that it is applied evenly, that it has high colour and shine intensity and that it lasts up to 5 days.
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Astor Fash'n Studio 110 |
Uprkos tome šta piše na sajtu, 110 se ne nanosi ujednačeno. Naprotiv. Prvi sloj su više činile rupe u boji nego boja i nikako nisam mogla da postignem punu pokrivenost. Drugi sloj je dosta popravio situaciju, ali ne u potpunosti. Mislim da bi bio potreban i treći sloj, ali nisam nisam mogla da se nateram da ga namažem. Boja je bogata bordo-ljubičasta puna šimera. Veoma podseća na Ingrid Estetic 45. Šimer je sitan i fin, ali se opet vide tragovi četkice.
Contrary to what is said on the website, 110 is far from being applied evenly. The first coat was more bald spots than colour and I couldn't achieve full coverage. The second layer improved the look a lot, but not completely. I think that the third coat might be necessary, but I couldn't make myself do it. The colour is rich burgundy-purple, filled with fine shimmer and it is a bit frosty. It resembles Ingrid Estetic 45 a lot.
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Astor Fash'n Studio 110 |
Uzela sam nov brzosušeći nadlak - Golden Rose Quick Dry Top Coat. U Cristabell ovaj nadlak košta 150 dinara, ne znam gde se još može nabaviti jer je tek stigao u prodavnice. Bočica je od 10 ml, a četkica je široka i pljosnata. Mislim da je najveća mana ovog nadlaka upravo četkica - dlačice su grube i ostavile su trag. Mada na bočici piše da treba sačekati minut od mazanja laka da se nadlak namaže, ja sam sačekala desetak minuta i opet sam četkicom pokupila dosta boje sa noktiju. Takođe na bočici piše da suši lak za minut, ali to nije slučaj. Posle deset minuta sam i dalje noktom mogla da ostavim ureze u laku. Dvadesetak minuta je bilo potrebno za potpuno dubinsko sušenje laka. Nokte sam mazala malo pre spavanja i probudila sam se bez tragova posteljine. Zbog tragova četkice mi je nemoguće da govorim o sjaju koji daje. Ne vidim ikakav sjaj. Ne povlači lak sa vrhova noktiju.
I got a new top coat - Golden Rose Quick Dry Top Coat. It comes in 10 ml bottle and has a flat wide brush. I think that the brush is the flaw of this polish - the bristles are very rough and they left marks. Although it is said on the label that the top coat can be applied a minute after the polish, I waited ten minutes and still the brush picked a lot of colour from my nail. It is also stated on the label that it dries in 60 seconds, but that isn't the case. Even after ten minutes I could leave indentations in the polish. It took about twenty minutes for polish to dry completely. I painted my nails a little before I went to bed and I woke up without sheet marks. Because of the brush marks I can't say anything about the gloss it gives. I don't see any. There is no nail polish shrinkage.
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