Ovaj april je bio veoma zanimljiv. Nisam planirala da kupujem lakove do sajma (pri čemu nisam bila sigurna da ću uopšte ići na sajam), ali drugi ljudi su me veoma dobro opskrbili. Prvo mi je stigla nagrada sa
Parokeets bloga - moji prvi Catrice lakovi. Onda sam od dragih drugara dobila kompletić Oriflame sredstava za negu, od kojih sam jedno već koristila, a jedno sam dugo želela da probam. O preostala dva malo znam, ali ću ih rado probati. Pre nekog vremena je drugarica, veoma talentovana keramičarka čije radove možete videti i kupiti u Čumićevom sokačetu u
Gallery 1250°, rekla da će mi proslediti svoju kolekciju lakova. Mislila sam da se zeza, ali nisam bila u pravu. Većina ovih lakova će kada ih oživim i očistim bočice naći novi dom jer uglavnom nisu moje boje, zato na gornjoj slici vidite samo četiri koja sam odabrala za sebe, ali niže možete videti šta mi je sve prosledila. Dugo sam želela da dođem do nekoliko piCture pOlish lakova, a zahvaljujući
Shine Eye sada imam dva -
Mallard i
Solar Flare. Potom je usledio moj dugo priželjkivani odlazak u London, sa posetama Pragu, Briselu i Minhenu. Nisam kupovala mnogo lakova jer sam jurila iz jednog muzeja u drugi i nisam imala mnogo vremena za radnje, ali sam ipak uzela dva od tri Maybelline Crystallize laka koja sam želela i jedan divni NYC lak. Vratila sam se u Beograd taman na vreme da posetim sajam i tamo ulovim nekoliko Morgan Taylor lakova,
China Glaze i
Depend, kao i željno iščekivane Zoje. I taman za kraj meseca mi je stigla još jedna nagrada, ovod puta sredstva za negu noktiju koja sam dobila na
Chester's Drawers rođendanskom darivanju.

This April was most interesting. I haven't planned to buy any polish before the cosmetics fair (and I was unsure if I shall attend the fair at all), but other people provided me with many. First, a prize I won on Parokeets giveaway - my first Catrice polishes - arrived. Then I received a set of Oriflame nail care products from my dear friends. I have already used one of these and I have wanted to try another. I don't know much about the other two, but I'll be more than happy to try them. Some time ago a friend of mine, a very talented ceramics artist whose works you can see and buy at Gallery 1250°, told me she'd give me her collection of nail polish. I thought she was japing, but I was wrong. Most of these are not my cup of tea and I shall pass them on after I have thinned them and cleaned their bottles. That is why the first picture in this post only shows four of them, but you can see all of these in the photo above. I have long desired to get my hands on several piCture pOlish polishes, and thanks to Shine Eye now I have two - Mallard and Solar Flare. Afterwards I went on a much desired trip to London, with visits to Prague, Brussels and Munich. I didn't buy much polish there because I was running from one museum to another, from one sight to another and I had very little time to visit shops, but I did get two of three Maybelline Crystallize polishes I wanted and a very pretty NYC polish. I came back to Belgrade just in time to go to the cosmetics fair and buy several Morgan Taylor polishes, a China Glaze and Depend, as well as long awaited Zoyas. The end of the month was marked by arrival of another giveaway prize, this time a selection of care products I had won at Chester's Drawers blogaversary giveaway.