11 April 2015

Born Pretty BP-50

Kao što sam prošle nedelje napisala, narednih nekoliko nedelja ću predstavljati Born Pretty pločice koje sam sama naručila sa sajta. Više o naručivanju sa Born Pretty Store možete videti kod Danijele.


As I have already mentioned, in the following weeks I will show you Born Pretty image plates I have ordered myself. Danijela has a video that explains how to order from Born Pretty Store, but the video is only in Serbian.

Depend Green With Envy preko OPI Thanks a Windmillion

Born Pretty BP-50 plčica pripada istoj seriji iz koje sam već pokazala BP-41, BP-42 i BP-51. I ovo je klasična okrugla pločica, sa zaštitnom poleđinom i zaštitnom plavom folijom spreda. Kvalitet izrade je veoma dobar - nema oštrih ivica, a svi motivi su duboko urezani i lepo se prenose. Poput Born Pretty BP-42 sadrži samo četiri motiva, ali svaki zauzima oko četvrtinu pločice, što znači da su dovoljno veliki i za dugačke ili široke nokte. Slike su takođe dovoljno velike da se na svim noktima može dobiti drugačija šara prenošenjem različitih delova iste slike, mada sam ja nekako ovaj mramorni motiv uspela da prenesem približno isto na sve nokte.

MoYou Nails Burgundy preko Don Juan OC230

Born Pretty stamping plate BP-50 is an image plate from the same collection as BP-41, BP-42 and BP-51. This is a regular round image plate with protective backing and blue foil on the front. It is well manufactured - there are no sharp edges, all images are etched deeply and they transfer well. This stamping plate has only four designs, each covering about one quarter of the plate, which means that they fit even very long or wide nails. All images are large enough that you can transfer different parts of image and get unique design on each nail, but I somehow managed to transfer the marbled design more or less in the same way on all nails.

Jessica Lucy preko Essence Little Miss Sunrise

Četiri slike na pločici BP-50 su deteline (koje su dušu dale za lead light tehniku), srca, mramor (koji mi je otvorio apetit jer sam odmah pomislila na alvu) i razni zavijuci. Sve četiri slike su veoma lepo urezane i ne moraju se čistiti posle svakog transfera. Ja sam uspela da prenesem svaki motiv po četiri puta, a da nisam morala da čistim pločicu.

Manhattan Liquid Metals 101z preko Golden Rose Rich Color 16

Four images on BP-50 stamping plate are shamrocks (perfect for lead light stamping), harts, marble (that made me crave helva) and some swirly motifs. All four images are really well etched and don't require cleaning after each transfer. I managed to get four transfers of each motif without needing to clean the stamping plate.

Ukoliko budete naručivali sa BPS možete upotrebiti moj kod za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite LCFJ61 u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. Born Pretty Store šalje robu širom sveta i poštarina im je besplatna.

You can use my coupon code to get 10 % discount when you order from BPS. Just enter LCFJ61 at checkout. Born Pretty Store has free worldwide shipping.


  1. Oh, this time it's really difficult to choose, but I think it has to be #2 and 4 :)

    1. Thank you. :*
      I loved this image plate so much that it would be even more difficult for me to choose just one. Fortunately I don't have to. :D

  2. I ja imam ovu plocicu. Stvarno je genijalna. Svi motivi su super. Srca i deteline uvek uspevaju odlicno u razlicitim kombinacijama boja i lakova. Ali Cajkino majstorstvo se vidi u manikiru broj 2. Boje, kontrast, hirurski precizno prenet isti motiv na sve nokte.Svaka cast ovo izgleda fenomenalno.

  3. super mi je pločica, prva dva motiva odlična, ali i donja polovica se da iskoristiti :D

    1. Hvala obema. I ja se slažem - čak sam i srca uspela da iskoristim :D


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Thank you for taking time to look at my photos, read the article and share your opinion on the subject. Plese, don't link to your websites, blogs, puppy and kitty pictures and other stuff in comments. I'll check out your profile on my own as long as you leave a sensible or interesting comment and I'll treat comments with links as spam.

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