Do kraja meseca su Essie lakovi na sniženju od 30% i ovo sniženje sam iskoristila da konačno uzmem jedan lak iz jesenje-zimske mešavine koju je naš uvoznik mislio da nam uvali kao jedinstvenu kolekciju. Ako zvučim ogorčeno zbog takve politike rada, to je zato što i jesam ogorčena. Essie se kao kompanija jesenas i zimus zeznuo i ponudio nekoliko drugačijih boja u odnosu na njihovu uobičajenu paletu (skoro belo, roze, crveno), a nama je zahvaljujući lošim idejama tima koji odlučuje šta će se gde uvesti stigla samo jedna od njih. Neću spominjati kako još uvek nema naznaka da će nam stići ovogodišnja prolećna ili letnja kolekcija, a plašim se da će, ako i kada budu stigle, biti "oslobođene" boja koje su meni zanimljive.

Essie has been on sale here in Serbia so I took this chance to get the only polish from the fall-winter mix our importer tried to pass of as a single collection. If I sound bitter, that is because I am embittered by such policies. As a company, Essie went out of their comfort zone and in autumn and winter last year they offered several shades different from their regular palette (nearly white, pink, red) and thanks to bad ideas of the team that decides what will be imported where, we got only one of them. There are no signs that this year's spring or summer collections will be hitting our stores any time soon and I am afraid that if and when they do, they'd be "free of" polishes that are of interest to me.