12 June 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired By a Song

Jedva nekako uspeh da se snađem da objavim današnji manikir. Izgleda da je i mom računaru vruće pa je odlučio da počne da se pregreva i da topi adaptere i punjače i pošto sutra ide na servis, ne znam kada ću biti u prilici da objavim naredni članak. Zbog toga vam se unapred izvinjavam.

I have barely managed to publish today's mani. It seems that my computer is too hot so he decided to overheat and melt all the chargers and adapters and, since it will be leaving for repairs tomorrow, I have no idea when I will be able to publidh the next article. For this, I apologize in advance.

Današnja tema je jedna od zakučastijih. Treba da na noktima predstavimo pesmu - da li naslov, stih, poruku, možda spot, na nama je da izaberemo. Meni je kao inspiracija poslužila pesma Exquisite Corpse grupe Bauhaus, tačnije njen poslednji segment, po kome je i ceo album na kome se nalazi dobio ime - The Sky's Gone Out. Često kada se naoblači imam utisak kao da se nebo ugasilo te sam pokušala tu teskobu da prikažem na noktima, koristeći tehniku mramoriranja koju sam videla kod Swanette Nailstamp4fun. Na radnu podlogu treba naneti kapljice željenih boja (u mom slučaju su to Cement The Deal, Dark Side of the Mood i Embrace The Gray iz OPI 50 Shades of Grey kolekcije i OPI Lady in Black) i pečatom ih razmrljati. Preporučujem upotrebu veoma mekanog pečata. Potom se tako dobijena šara prenosi na nokat, a proces treba ponavljati sve dok ne budete zadovoljni rezultatom. Na kraju sam sve zamatirala slojem Morgan Taylor Matte's a Wrap. Nadam se da vam se sviđa. Ne zaboravite da na linkovima ispod pogledate šta su druge devojke spremile.

Today's theme is one of the trickier ones. We are supposed to depict a song - whether its title, a lyric, message, maybe video, it is up to us. My inspiration was Exquisite Corpse by Bauhaus, in particular the final par that the album this song is on was named after - The Sky's Gone Out. Often when it is cloudy I get a feeling as if the sky did go out and I tried to convey that pressure and heaviness using marbling technique I learned from Swanette Nailstamp4fun. You add drops of chosen colours (in my case Cement The Deal, Dark Side of the Mood and Embrace The Gray from OPI 50 Shades of Grey collection and OPI Lady in Black) to the work surface and mix them with stamper. I suggest you use very squishy stamper. You should use the stamper to transfer that design to your nails and you can repeat the process until you are pleased with the result. I finished it all off with a coat of Morgan Taylor Matte's a Wrap. I hope you'll like it. Don't forget to visit other blogs at the links below and see what other gals had come up with.

1. Cajka  4. Tina  7. Marija  
2. Marina's place  5. Mala Palčica  
3. Madame I  6. Mean Green Queen  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Sto je lepo ispalo. :) Nisam videla za tu tehniku do sad, deluje mi da je jako messy. :D

    1. Jeste, još sam ja uzela najveći pečat koji imam pa sam bila zamazana maltene do lakata. :)

    2. Dešava se i u boljim kućama. :D

  2. Neka tamnija verzija marbel dizajna, love it! :)

    1. Od mene uvek možeš očekivati mračne verzije. :)

  3. prva asocijacija: smoke on the water :) super je!

    1. I to mi je bila jedna od opcija, ali to bih jasnije predstavila i nekim plavičastim tonovima, da prikažu vodu.

  4. OMG - I'm so sad to hear about your computer :( - I hope it's back and fit for fight soon!!
    I love this mani, very much!

    1. Thanks. :*
      I hope I'll get it up and running soon as well. It is at the repair shop atm.

  5. I am sorry about your computer. The nail art looks amazing, it is like smoke on your nails, mysterious effect!

  6. Odlična zamisao i interpretacija, oduševljena sam. :)

    1. Hvala ti. Još kada bih uspela da i za sledeću temu budem podjednako uspešna... :)

  7. nadam se da ti se komp oporavio! a manikir je savršenstvo!

    1. Hvala ti.
      Komp je otišao na Jelisejska polja, ali se nadam da ću uskoro uzeti novi. :(

  8. My computer also have some problems so I perfectly understand *sighs*
    This nail art is awesome, it looks like a foggy veil or smoke!

    1. Thank you. I actually had to get a new computer. :(

  9. Super efekat si postigla tom tehnikom, dopada mi se. :)


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