26 June 2016

Matching Manicures - Inspired by a Book

Posle prošlonedeljene pauze, danas se vraćam usklađenom manikiru. Danas za temu imamo nešto meni veoma blisko - knjige. Ukoliko me pratite na Instagramu (@cajkinekandze), znate da uživam u čitanju, posebno jezovitih priča. Stoga nisam imala ni trenutak dvojbe šta će mi biti inspiracija - Montegju Roudz Džejms i Džozef Šeridan Le Fanu, tj. stara Wordsworth Editions izdanja zbirki njihovih pripovedaka.

After last week's break from Matching Manicures, I am back again. Today we have something really close to my heart as a theme - books. If you follow me on Instagram (@cajkinekandze), you already know that I enjoy reading books, especially chilling stories. That is why I did not have a moment of struggle what will be my direct inspiration - Montague Rhodes James and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, i. e. old Wordsworth Editions collections of their stories.

Kao što sa ove slike možete videti, obe knjige imaju slične korice, a verujte mi da je i ton priča prilično sličan. Držala sam se korica, na kojima se u oba slučaja nalazi sablasni drvored, blago osvetljen mesečinom. Dominantne boje su siva i plava te sam stoga za bazu uzela Sephora 5th Avenue i preko njega mestimično sunđerom nanela malo Catrice You R On My Mint. Na pločici MoYou Nails 123 se nalazi slika drveta koje savršeno odgovara ovoj temi. Prvo sam je na svim noktima pečatirala crnim Born Pretty pečatnim lakom, a potom sam pečatirala preko tih transfera koristeći Essence Inkheart da dobijem dubinu. Nadam se da vam se krajnji rezultat sviđa. Ne zaboravite da na linkovima ispod pogledate šta su ostali spremili za ovu nedelju.

As you can see from the photo, both these books have similar covers, and you can trust me when I say that the contents are in a similar vein as well. However, I kept to the front covers, which are both in shades of blue and gray, with gloomy trees. I used Sephora 5th Avenue as my base and sponged without any order bits of Catrice You R On My Mint. Stamping plate MoYou Nails 123 has just the perfect image of a tree that I needed for this theme. I first transferred it on all nails using Born Pretty Black stamping polish, and then I stamped over it using Essence Inkheart, in order to gain depth. I hope you like how it turned out. Don't forget to check other gals' manis for this week.

1. Madame I  3. Mean Green Queen  5. Tina  
2. Cajka  4. Marija  6. Mala Palčica  

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  1. Fenomenalno je ispalo!Divim ti se kako možeš tako lepo da središ nokte,ja sam za sve to jako smotana...Super post i super sličice!

  2. ooooooodlična *.*
    ideja s duplim štambiljanjem izgleda savršeno, bravo ženo <3

    1. Nije moja ideja, moram priznati, ali efektom sam prezadovoljna i drago mi je što se i tebi sviđa. :*

  3. Oh that tree is simply perfect <3 - I love this mani so much!

  4. Que lindas unhas! 😍💛💚💙

  5. Odlično si ovo izvela, baš mi se sviđa. :)

  6. Replies
    1. Hvala. Baš sam se nadala da ću imati priliku da ih upotrebim pre Halloween-a i eto savršenog povoda. :D

  7. Pravo sablasna manikura, sviđa mi se. :D


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Thank you for taking time to look at my photos, read the article and share your opinion on the subject. Plese, don't link to your websites, blogs, puppy and kitty pictures and other stuff in comments. I'll check out your profile on my own as long as you leave a sensible or interesting comment and I'll treat comments with links as spam.

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