MoYou Nails s vremena na vreme organizuje takmičenje/izazov za blogere i ovog puta sam se i ja priključila i mogu reći da zaista jeste bio izazov. Dobila sam dve pločice po izboru MoYou Nails i trebalo je sa njima da napravim dovoljno reprezentativne manikire da mogu da ih podelim sa svetom. Jedna pločica mi je bila prilično neinspirativna, a ova sa motivima za francuski manikir mi se svidela, samo sam se plašila da neću moći ništa da izvedem zbog trenutne dužine noktiju. No snašla sam se i zapravo sam zadovoljna rezultatom, a nadam se da će se i vama svideti ovo što sam spremila.
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From time to time, MoYou Nails holds a contest/challenge for bloggers and this time I took part in it and I can honestly say that it was challenging. I received two image plates chosen by MoYou Nails and was supposed to make manis that would look good enough to share. One stamping plate didn't really speak to me, but this one with French tips designs I liked, I was just worried that wouldn't be able to showcase it with my current nail length. However, I did manage to come up with something I like and I hope you'll like it as well.
MoYou Nails Blue preko Essie Parka Perfect |
MoYou Nails 432 je jedna od novijih kvadratnih pločica veličine 63 x 63 mm, sa zaštitnom plastičnom pozadinom. Na njoj se nalazi petnaest motiva za francuski manikir. Sve ove slike se već nalaze na drugim njihovim pločicama (konkretno na MYN 116, 117, 118, 226 i 232), ali im se dimenzije blago razlikuju - nove su 15 x 5 mm. Izbor slika je prilično eklektičan i ide od floralnih preko geometrijskih do tekstualnih.
MoYou Nails Gold preko ILNP Masquerade |
MoYou Nails 432 is one of the newer square stamping plates with 63 x 63 mm sides and protective plastic backing. It has fifteeen French tips designs. All of these images already exist on their other image plates (these are from MYN 116, 117, 118, 226 and 232), but their dimensions are slightly different - new ones are 15 x 5 mm. Choice of patterns is rather eclectic and ranges from floral designs to geometric images to textual ones.
Born Pretty Silver preko Essence Over the Rainbow |
Sa pojavom prozirnih pečata, i pozicioniranje motiva za frenč je postalo znatno lakše. Ukoliko imate kratke nokte, poput mene, savetujem da ne pokušavate da prenesete celu sliku, jer će vam to vizuelno samo skratiti nokat. Prenesite samo onoliko koliko će izgledati dobro na vašim noktima. Sve su se slike lepo prenele bez potrebe za nekim posebnim pristupom pečatiranju. Pločica se ne mora čistiti posle svakog transfera, ali ja svakako savetujem da je barem posle svaka dva transfera očistite čistim acetonom kako bi vam i najfinije linije bile jasne.
Essence Deep Sea Baby preko Essence That's What I Mint |
With emergence of clear stampers, positioning of French tips images became much easier. If you have short nails, like I do, I advise you not to try to transfer the entire design because it will only make you nail beds look shorter. Transfer only as much as will look good on your nails. All images transferred without any issues and without need for some special approach to stamping or scraping. There is no need to clean the plate after each transfer, but I do recommend that you clean it with pure acetone at least after every second transfer, in order to keep even the most delicate lines crisp and clear.
All manicures are lovely, but you won my heart with the last one!
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you. :)
DeleteI think they all are pretty, and the last one is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteThank you, that is my favourite too. :)
DeleteAdorei a plaquinha ❤️❤️❤️
Muito obrigada. :D
Deletemnogo mi se sviđa ovakav stil!
ReplyDeleteHvala ti. :*