04 December 2016

Matching Manicures - V Manicure

Ovonedeljna tema je već bila na tapetu za usklađene manikire i plašim se da mi mi ovog puta nije mnogo uspešnija od prethodnog.

This weeks theme has already been a theme for matching manicures and I am afraid that this time was not more successful than the previous one.

Dugo nisam nosila svoju omiljenu kombinaciju boja - crvenu i crnu, te mi je ovo bila savršena prilika da iskombinujem tako snažnu kombinaciju sa podjednako upadljivim dezenom. Za bazu sam upotrebila Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red, a za pečatiranje Born Pretty Black. Nažalost, prvi pokušaj mi je bio tragično neuspešan (dezen sa MoYou London Steampunk 06) te sam morala da promenim zamisao. Na kraju sam pečatirala motiv sa MoYou London Holy Shapes 03, ali nadlak mi ga je razmrljao na nekoliko noktiju. U tom momentu nisam bila ni raspoložena ni u mogućnosti da pravim treći manikir. Nadam se da su druge devojke imale više sreće u svojim izvedbama. Možete ih videti na linkovima ispod.

It has been awhile since I last wore my favourite colour combination - black and red, so this was the perfect opportunity to match such striking colour combination with equally edgy design. I used Layla Ceramic Effect 53 Killing Red for base and Born Pretty Black for stamping. Sadly, my first go was tragically unsuccessful (a design from MoYou London Steampunk 06) so I had to change my initial idea. In the end I stamped an image from MoYou London Holy Shapes 03, but top coat smudged it on several nails. At that point I was not in the mood and was out of time to remake it. I hope other gals had more luck in their takes. You can have a look at them at the links below.

1. Cajka  3. Mala Palčica  5. Marija  
2. Tina  4. MarryJ  

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  1. Oh wow, that is so gorgeous, love how the red glows!

  2. LOVE IT. The base is so pretty and I like the geometrical pattern on it a lot!

  3. Drugačije i zanimljivo. Baš mi se sviđa kako je ispalo. :)

  4. Jako mi se sviđa!!! Jedva čekam da mi dođe slična BP pločica!!!

    1. Razmišljala sam da upotrebim tu BP pločicu, ali ova mi se bolje uklapala u zamisao.


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Thank you for taking time to look at my photos, read the article and share your opinion on the subject. Plese, don't link to your websites, blogs, puppy and kitty pictures and other stuff in comments. I'll check out your profile on my own as long as you leave a sensible or interesting comment and I'll treat comments with links as spam.

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