29 July 2021

Masura Sapphire of Heaven

Magnetni lakovi su lakovi na koje sam se primila čim su se pojavili i kupovala sam ih kad god sam mogla da ih nađem na našem tržištu. Ovaj efekat je zamro kod mejnstrim proizvođača, ali indie i boutique brendovi ih i dalje prave, a verovatno najveći doprinos je dao ruski brend Masura.
Magnetic polishes are the one bandwagon I jumped on as soon as it showed up and I used to buy them whenever I could get them on Serbian market. While mainstream manufacturers have soon abandoned this trend, indie and boutique brands still keep it alive. Russian brand Masura is probably one of the most important contributors.
Masura 904-119 Небесный Сапфир je bio deo kolekcije magnetnih lakova inspirisanih plemenitim mineralima, a ovaj je, kako mu ime kaže, konkretno inspirisan safirom. Kada se primeni magnet zaista donekle podseća na safir sa efektom mačijeg oka. Nažalost, ovo je lak sa kojim imam probleme otkad sam ga dobila (ahem, pre samo nekih 5 godina) - zbog visoke koncentracije pigmenta i feromagnetnih čestica, teško se maže pa mi je bilo potrebno da nađem bazu koja bi pružila najbolju podlogu. U ovom slučaju je to bio Trend It Up Ridge Filler. Potom sam se mučila sa samim efektom. Koristila sam Masurin neodijumski magnet za linearni efekat i magnet je odličan. Pratila sam Masura uputstvo za upotrebu - jedan sloj laka na sve nokte, čekala da se osuši i onda sam mazala jedan po jedan nokat i na svakom pravila šaru. Držala sam magnet po 30-ak sekundi, dobijala efekat i čim bih prešla na naredni nokat taj efekat bi se razlio i dao više plišan izgled nego efekat mačijeg oka. Potom bih namazala brzosušeći nadlak i ponavljala proces magnetizovanja (opet nokat po nokat) i efekat bi se opet razlio do slikanja i nastavio da se širi do narednog dana. :( Ne znam da li je do gustine samog laka ili bi bilo bolje da umesto dva sloja mažem samo jedan preko crne ili plave baze. Ako imate sugestije kako da produžim trajanje mačijeg oka, volela bih da ih čujem.
Masura Sapphire of Heaven was part of their precious stones-inspired collection and this particular polish, as the name suggests was directly inspired by sapphire. Once the magnet is applied, it does resemble a cat's eye sapphire. Unfortunately, I have been having issues with this polish ever since I've got it (oh some 5 years ago) - it does not apply smoothly because of such a high content of pigment and ferromagnetic particles so it took me time to find the base that would give the best surface for this polish to go over. In this case it was Trend It Up Ridge Filler. Then I had trouble with the effect itself. I used Masura neodium magnet for linear effect, and the magnet is excellent. I followed the instructions to a T - one layer of polish over all nails, waited for it to dry and then applied the second coat nail by nail, magnetizing the polish as soon as I applied it. I held magnet for about 30 seconds, had the strongest possible result and it would start to spread as soon as I would move on to the next nail, ending in more of a velvet than cat's eye effect. Then I would go nail by nail again, apply quick-dry top coat and magnet again and the design would spread by the time I would take the photos, and it would continue to spread until the next day. :( I don't know if the polish is too thick, or it would be better to use a single coat over black or blue base instead of going for two coats. If you have any tips and tricks on how to keep the cat's eye last longer, please leave them in the comments.
Slike su snimljene na dnevnom svetlu osim pretposlednje, koja je snimljena na suncu.
Photos were taken in day light, except the penultimate one, which was taken in direct sunlight.


  1. It looks good. I haven't had a magentic on in like forever and got a few sitting in the Helmers!

    1. I have dozens I haven't worn in ages. I find them to be a bit too much work considering my available time.

  2. saltedalmondbutternailsJuly 30, 2021 at 5:39 PM

    Ne znam znači li to išta, ali ja magnetne lakove koristim bez ikakvog top coata. Efekt se razlije, ali vrlo malo. Možda je i do laka.

    1. Jao, ne mogu ih bez nadlaka, kao što ne mogu ni većinu metalik lakova. Ne volim završnicu magnetnih lakova pod prstima. Baš mi bude neugodna i onda moram da stavim nadlak da im da gladak finiš.


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