Od svih holo lakova koje imam, najređe nosim srebrne/sive. Zašto sam onda uzela dva siva Golden Rose holo laka koji deluju kao djupovi za neke koje već imam u kolekciji? Zato što sam veverica, a ponekada i zmaj. Veverica kupuje da bi imala, ne nužno da bi koristila, a zmaja privlače svetlucave stvari. Dodajmo na to činjenicu da su GR lakovi veoma pristupačni i eto savršenog recepta za impulsivnu kupovinu. Na svu sreću (ili nesreću), nijedan od ova dva laka ne može više da se nađe, ali druge boje su još uvek dostupne.

Out of all holo polishes I have, I wear silver/grey ones the least. Why then did I buy two such Golden Rose polishes that look like dupes for some of the ones I alrady have in my collection? Acquisition disorder. I am a squirrel and sometimes a dragon. Squirrel buys things to own them, not necesarrily to use them, and dragon is drawn to shiny things. Add to that the fact that Golden Rose polishes are quite inexpensive and you have a perfect recipe for an impulsive purchase. Fortunately (or not), neither of the two polishes is available anymore, but in Serbia you can still find some of the other colours.

Golden Rose Holographic 07 je tamnije sivi linearni holo lak. Iako je sive holose najlakše napraviti, moram reći da sam samim efektom prilično impresionirana. Duga je snažna i veoma upečatljiva. Ono što mi se ne sviđa je sama nijansa jer nije ni tu ni tamo i zbog holo vatre deluje prilično plavo. Takođe mi je suviše plastičan na noktima (više volim one koji deluju metalik). Imaju'i to na umu, lak uopšte nije loš. Deluje prozračno, ali dva sloja su dovoljna za punu boju i ravnomerno prekrivanje. Ja sam dodala i treći za slikanje samo na levu ruku i nema razlike između dva i tri sloja.

Golden Rose Holographic 07 is a darker grey linear holo polish. Even though grey holos are the easiest ones to make, I have to say I am quite impressed with this one. It has a strong and striking rainbow. What I don't like is the shade of this polish because it is neither here not there, and due to holo fire it leans quite blue. It also looks too plastic on my nails (I prefer the metallic-looking ones). With that in mind, this is not a bad polish at all. It looks sheer, but two coats are enough for full colour and even coverage. I did add the third one to my left hand for photos, but there is no difference between two and three coats.
Slike su snimljene na suncu. Imam tri sloja laka i nemam nadlak.
Photos were taken in sunlight. I have three coats of polish and no top coat.
That is a lovely holo. I have some Golden Rose polishes that I bought on holidays but no holos from their range.
ReplyDeleteDO you have any of their Holidays polishes (no pun intended)? They are wonderful textured polishes.
DeleteHaha no. Just a few glittery ones. I do love a good texture!
DeleteTheir glitters are nice as well.
DeleteMa, neka si ti veverica, ovakav divan srebrni holic ne sme da se propusti! :-)
ReplyDeleteVeruj mi da sam ga već prosledila. Radoznalost je zadovoljena, a lakić je kod nekoga ko će ga rado koristiti.
DeleteDa li je potrebna neka posebna baza za njega?
ReplyDeleteNije potrebna posebna baza. Maže se odlično preko bilo čega.