Ovo je moj prvi susret sa folijama za transfer. Dobila sam dve sa sajta KKCenterHK i danas predstavljam prvu - srebrnu foliju sa holo zvezdama NNAIL-E21. Ove folije dolaze u rolni od 150 cm, a širine su 4 cm. Možete odabrati da kupite samo foliju ili foliju zajedno sa lepkom (JR1004-B). Videla sam da je u nekim recenzijama umesto lepka korišten običan nadlak, ali ja to nisam ni pokušala jer sa lepkom nisam imala (mnogo) problema.
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http://www.kkcenterhk.com/p10899/N.NAIL-Silver-Galaxy-Star-Hidden-Patten-Nail-Foil-Transfer/product_info.html |
This is my first experience with nail foils. I got two from KKCenterHK and today I present you the first one - silver one with holo stars NNAIL-E21. These transfer foils come in 150 cm long, 4 cm wide rolls. You can buy the foil and glue (JR1004-B) separately or together. I have seen some reviews where top coat was used instead of glue, but I haven't even tried that technique because I didn't have (much) trouble with the glue.
Pošto se uz samu foliju ne dobija uputstvo, ovaj video mi je bio veoma koristan. Prvo bih rekla nekoliko važnih stvari o lepku. Nigde ne piše sastav niti koja je količina u bočici - ni na bočici ni na sajtu ne postoje ovi podaci. Lepak je u bočici beo, ali kako se suši postaje bezbojan, kako je i prikazano u klipu. Lepak se nanosi četkicom poput one za lak. Moja četkica je bila veoma kruta i više je podsećala na čačkalicu. Isprala sam je pod mlazom mlake vode i time je omekšala (mislim da je bila stvrdnuta od skorelog lepka). Ukoliko je vaša četkica tvrda, možete pokušati da je operete. The foil itself doesn't come with instructions and the video above was very useful to me. First I'd like to say several things about the glue. Ingredients and the amount of product are nowhere to be found - neither on the bottle nor on the website. The glue is white in the bottle, but it dries clear, as shown in the video. It is applied with a brush similar to regular nail polish brushes. Mine was stiff and more like a toothpick. I washed it in lukewarm water and it softened (I think it was stiff because of dried glue). If your brush is too hard, you may try to wash it. Lepak se nanosi lako, mada sam morala nekoliko puta da pređem preko noktiju jer se ponegde lepak povukao. Moguće je da je to zbog vode koja je ostala na četkici. Prilično brzo je postao bezbojan i veoma lepljiv. Foliju sam unapred isekla na komadiće koji bi odgovarali širini mojih noktiju. Ne znam koliko se brzo lepak suši tako da sam brzo stavljala isečene komade folije i videla sam odmah po ivicama da se slika prenela sa folije na nokat. Pošto nokti nisu ravni nisam mogla da dobijem savršen transfer (folija se ponegde nagužvala), ali sam rezutatom veoma zadovoljna. The glues goes on nicely, but I had to go several times over some spots because there was some glue dragging, maybe due to the water that was left on my brush. The glue turned clear rather fast and quite sticky. I cut the foil to pieces that would match my nails in advance. I didn't know how fast the glue dries so I had worked quickly and placed the precut foil pieces on my nails and watched as the image separated from the foil around the edges of my nails. Since the nails aren't flat I couldn't get the perfect transfer (the foil wrinkled), but I am very pleased with the end result.<
Ovaj proizvod sam dobila za recenziju sa sajta http://kkcenterhk.com/. Dobila sam i kod koji možete upotrebiti za 10 % popusta pri naručivanju. Samo unesite cajka u prostor za kod za popust kada budete plaćali. KKCenterHk šalje robu širom sveta. Srbija ne postoji u meniju zemalja, ali postoji Jugoslavija.
The product above was sent to me for review by http://kkcenterhk.com/. I was also given a coupon code you can use to get 10 % discount. Just enter cajka at checkout. KKCenterHk ships worldwide.