Za današnju temu za usklađeni manikir je odabram saran wrap manikir, tj. manikir napravljen uz pomoć zgužvanog celofana. Ovaj manikir se radi veoma jednostavno - na sloj suvog laka za nokte se nanosi sloj drugačijeg laka za nokte i potom se zgužvanim celofanom tapka po tom sloju kako bi se lak na pojedinim mestima skinuo. Na taj način se može dobiti zanimljiv mramoriani efekat ako se koriste prigodni lakovi. Moj izbor na žalost nije tako uspešan i krajnji rezultat, mada lep, nije jasno da je postignut ovom tehnikom. Za bazu imam
Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind, a za gornji sloj sam odabrala
Color Club Golden Girl. Da li zbog grbavosti NY State of Mind ili zbog stepena zgužvanosti celofana moj manikir izgleda kao da je rađen sunđerom, što nije bila ideja. Dopada mi se ovaj starinski, vremešeni izgled.

This week's Matching Manicures theme is saran wrap mani, ie. manicure done with cellophane. This is a simple mani to do - you apply a fresh coat of polish over dry coat of different polish and tap over it with bunched up cellophane in order to remove some of the upper layer, thus allowing the bottom colour to show. You can achieve very nice marble effect this way if you choose your polishes well. My choice, sadly, wasn't that great and the end result, while beautiful, isn't clearly saran wrap manicure look. I picked Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind for my base colour and Color Club Golden Girl for my upper layer. I don't know if it is due to bumpiness of NY State of Mind or because of how bunched up my cellophane was, but my mani looks as if it was sponged, which wasn't my intention. I do like this antiquated look though.