Ovog leta je MoYou Nails izbacio 27 sasvim novih pločica, kao i šest novih boja lakova za pečatiranje. Meni će biti zadovoljstvo da vam predstavim neke od novih pločica, počevši od današnje.
This summer MoYou Nails has placed 27 new image plates on the market, as well as six new stamping polish shades. It will be my pleasure to show you several of these new plates, starting from today.
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Jessica Overture preko Aura Metropolis |
Od osam novih pločica sa motivima za ceo nokat (122-129), sedam pločica, uključujući i ovu, ima motive veće nego obično. Novi motivi su 16x18 mm umesto uobičajenih 12x16 mm. Na pločici 123 ti veliki motivi su niz kineskih simbola za sreću ili blagoslov, uvrnuta šahovska tabla, triskelion (okružen svicima i ljiljanima) i lepeza kontrastnih trouglova. Peti, samostalni motiv na ovoj pločici je razgranato drvo.
Out of eight new plates that have full nail images (122-129), seven, including this one, have images larger than usual ones. New motifs are 16x18 mm. Motifs on plate 123 are rows of Chinese good fortune or blessings symbols, twisted checkerboard, triskelion (surrounded by scrolls and fleur-de-lis symbols) and fanned contrasting triangles. The fifth, individual motif on this plate is a branching tree.
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MoYou Nails Gold preko Aura Hot & Chili |
Po pitanju kvaliteta izrade, ova pločica je na nivou drugih MoYou Nails pločica koje imam, ali motivi na ovoj pločici su malo zahtevniji od nekih drugih. Zbog veličine motiva treba dobro obratiti pažnju na centriranje. Moji pečati su suviše mali da pokupe cele slike pa sam birala da prenosim centar svakog motiva i koliko okolne šare mogu da smestim na pečat i na nokte. Šahovnica i trouglovi zahtevaju dodatnu pažnju i prilikom prenošenja jer se sastoje od mnoštva sitnih motiva i ako ne pritisnete dovoljno jako (a opet ne prejako) može se desiti da vam se deo šare ne prenese sa pečata na nokat. Trouglovi su jedini koje treba čistiti posle dva transfera. Ostali trpe po pet transfera bez potrebe za čišćenjem pločice.
In terms of quality, this plate is up to par with other MoYou Nails image plates I have, but these motifs are a bit more demanding than some others. Because of the size of designs you should well pay attention to positioning the image. My stampers are too small to pick up entire images so I chose to transfer middle portions and however much of the surrounding image fits my stamper and nail. Checkerboard and triangles require additional care in the course of transferring because they consist of many tiny motifs and if you don't apply the right amount of pressure the entire image might not transfer to your nail. fanned triangles is the only image that needed cleaning after two transfers. Others needed cleaning only after the fifth transfer.
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MoYou Nails Gold preko Seventeen 493 |
Za ovo pečatiranje sam koristila i nov pečat i grebač, takođe MoYou Nails. Imam utisak da je grebač malo čvršći, a pečat neznatno mekši od belog MoYou Nails seta, koji su mi inače savršeni. I jednom i drugom pečatu je inicijalno bilo potrebno blago turpijanje kako bi se jastuče pripremilo za pečatiranje. Pošto je razlika među dva seta zanemarljiva, mislim da ću crni set koristiti za pečatiranje tamnim bojama, a beli za pečatiranje svetlim bojama. Na belom jastučetu (crni set) bolje se vidi kvalitet preuzete tamne slike, a na crvenom jastučetu (crveni set) bolje se vidi kvalitet preuzete svetle slike.
I have used my new stamper and scraper for this stamping, both by MoYou Nails. I have a feeling the scraper is somewhat firmer and stamper insignificantly softer than my white stamping set, which to me are just perfect. Both stampers did need light filing in order to prep the cushion for picking up image. Since the difference between the two sets is inconsiderable, I think I shall use the black set for stamping with darker colours and the white set for stamping with lighter colours. White cushion (black set) shows the quality of image better if it is stamped in darker colour and the red cushion (white set) shows the quality of image better if it is stamped in lighter colour.
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crni pečatni lak preko Maybelline Berry Sweet |
Ovu i mnoge druge pločice, kao i ukrase za nokte, možete poručiti sa sajta MoYou Nails. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.
You can order this and many other stamping plates, along with nail decorations from MoYou Nails. They ship worldwide. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.
YAY - another MoYou Friday, this thime I cannot choose my favorite, but it will probably be either the first or the third...
ReplyDeleteThe first one would be my favourite and it is the one I thought I would have most difficulties with.
DeleteOčem i ja dobiti pločice na recenziju, šmmmmrc :) :D
ReplyDeleteOd kad sam otkrila MoYou (ne nails) pečat i ja uživam u pečatiranju :D
Sviđam tvoje manikure, ofkors :)
Pusti im e-mail. Sigurno bi ti rado poslali pločice jer tvoje pečatiranje je daleko bolje od onog koje vidim kod većine koja radi recenzije za njih.
DeleteI really like MoYou Nails stamping plates. Lots of pretty patterns.
ReplyDeleteGreat designs. I hope you are enjoying your plates.