Još jedna dobra pločica za pečatiranje koju imam da vam predstavim je MoYou Nails N22. Njome se vraćam svojim omiljenim motivima za pun nokat.
Another fine stamping plate I got to show you is MoYou Nails N22. With it I have returned to my favourite full nail images.
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MoYou Yellow preko Crisnail 421 Vert Nuit |
Pločica 22 ima četiri manja motiva za pun nokat i jedan samostalan cvetić. Dimenzije slika za pun nokat su 16x12 mm, što je ista veličina kao kod Konad motiva za ceo nokat. Motivi su raznoliki i nije ih lako kombinovati u istom manikiru, ali zato pojedinačno čine divne manikire.
Plate #22 has four smaller full nail images and a standalone flower motif. Full nail image size is 16x12 mm, which is the same size as Konad full nail motifs. Designs are varied and aren't easy to combine in a single manicure, but individually they make gorgeous manis.
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crni pečatni lak preko Essie Aruba Blue |
Dva velika cvetna motiva na ovoj pločici su malo zahtevnija za transfer nego što je to slučaj sa većinom MoYou Nails slika, jer treba preneti velike površine boje. Za njih treba malo istraživati pod kojim uglom i kojom jačinom treba grebati kako se ne bi skinulo previše boje. Preostale dve slike zato uopšte ne traže posebnu pažnju i prenose se kao san.
Two full nail floral designs are a bit more demanding than most of MoYou Nails images because large surfaces of colour need to be transferred. They take a bit more time to find good scraping angles and how much force one should use when scraping so as not to remove more polish than needed. However, the other two motifs don't need any special care and they transfer like a dream.
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MoYou Burgundy preko p2 Volume Gloss 180 Miss Velvet |
Ovu i mnoge druge pločice, kao i ukrase za nokte, možete poručiti sa sajta MoYou Nails. Sve pločice koštaju 5,82 € (4,99 £), ali ova pločica je trenutno na sniženju i košta 3,99 £. Poštarina za Srbiju je 10,27 €. Ukoliko vam se poštarina čini visokom, imajte na umu da je reč o preporučenoj pošiljci sa praćenjem i potvrdom o prijemu. Dakle možete biti sigurni da će vam pošiljka stići. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.
You can order this and many other stamping plates, along with nail decorations from MoYou Nails. They ship worldwide. All images plates are 4,99 £, but this plate is currently on sales and retails for 3,99 £. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.
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MoYou Gold preko Manhattan Bonnie Strange 006 The Wow Show |
The red is pretty - but the three others are super cool!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'm not really happy with the red one, but the other three are looking good.
DeleteCrveni su dobri izgleda kao kada matiras staklo :)
ReplyDeletePodseća malo na to :D
Deleteuopšte ne mogu da se odlučim koji mi je omiljeni!
ReplyDeleteZabrasti ti je omiljen, veruj mi. Možda zeleno-žuti. Ili bordo-zlatni :D
DeleteOooh I love these! The designs are really pretty, and I love the color combinations you used. :)
ReplyDelete~ Yun
Thank you.