01 April 2021

Chanel Mimosa

Postoje brendovi koji kod mene izazivaju averziju i na vrhu te liste je Chanel. Ne samo lakovi - odeća, asesoari, šminka, štagod. Dovoljno mi je da vidim ili čujem ime i da ne želim ništa da znam o proizvodu. Iracionalno je, ne tražite objašnjenje. No pre tri godine sam od drage mi Jelene dobila Mimozu na poklon, jer Jelena zna da volim žute lakove. Zašto je tri godine stajao neisproban? Pa, ta averzija nije nestala sa posedovanjem. No prošlog petka smo za tematski manikir mazale nasumično odabrane lakove iz kolekcije, a ja sam imala poseban uslov da taj lak bude do sada neisproban. Otud Chanel na mojim noktima i blogu.
There are brands that I have a very strong aversion to, and on the top of that list is Chanel. Not just polishes - clothes, accessories, makeup, whatever. As soson as I hear the brand name, I don't want to know anything about the product. It is irrational, don't look for an explanation. However, three years ago, my dear Jelena gave me Mimosa as a gift, because she knows I like yellow polishes. Well, the aversion didn't go with owning of a product. But last friday we had a theme of a randomly chosen polish from our collection, and I had an additional condition of choosing from my untrieds. That is how a Chanel polish ended up on my nails and on my blog.
Chanel Mimosa je skoro pastelno žuti lak sa mikrošimerom, ali na noktima deluje kao krema, sem na baš jakom suncu. Nažalost, koliko je boja lepa, toliko mu je formula loša. Žuti lakovi su generalno poznati po nezgodnoj konzistenciji, ali ovaj je posebno loš. Čak i preko popunjavajuće baze. Prvi sloj je bio vodnjikav, a gust. Drugi je dao punu boju, ali je ostavio nepokrivena mesta. Treći sloj je zakrpio rupe, ali je rezultirao mehurićima. Naravno da time nisam zadovoljna. S obzirom na cene HE lakova, mislim da ne treba da se upuštaju u pravljenje ovako nezgodnih lakova ako ne mogu da ih naprave kako valja.
Chanel Mimosa is almost pastel yellow polish with microshimmer, but on nails it looks almost like a creme polish, with the shimmer visible only in strong sun. Unfortunately, as beautiful this polish is, it has a rotten formula. Yellow polishes are tricky in general, but this one is particularly bad. First coat was watery, but thick. Second one gave full colour, but left me with bald spots. Third coat covered those patches, but resulted in bubbles. Naturally, I was not pleased by that. Considering the prices of HE polishes, I think those brands should not try to make such difficult shades unless they can make them well.
Slike su snimljene na direktnom suncu, osim poslednje koja je snimljena na indirektnom prirodnom svetlu. Imam tri sloja laka i nemam nadlak. Photos ere taken in direct sunlight, except the last one which was taken in indirect natural light. I have three coats of polish and no top coat.


  1. This is gorgeous. I have it and love it :-D

    1. I do hope yours has a better formula than mine.

  2. Oh, Mimosa. I remember this one. I don't remember if I kept it, though. As you say, yellows can be tricky.

    1. Indeed. And I am not sure I like this one on me. It is a bit too cool.


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