23 June 2021

Skittle Manis

Prošlog petka smo za temu imali skittle manikir. Ovo je nešto što volim da radim i imala sam odličnu ideju te sam odmah izvukla svoje China Glaze holo lakove i krenula da ih mažem. Onda sam se setila da sam istu sjajnu ideju imala i pre nekoliko godina te sam izvukla druge lakove i mogu reći da sam ovom drugom verzijom daleko zadovoljnija. Sigurna sam da i sami možete videti zašto.
Last week's thematic mani theme was skittle mani. This is something I like to do and I had a great idea so I took my China Glaze holo polishes out and started painting my nails. Then I remembered I had that same idea years ago so I picked other polishes and I had to say I am far happier with this other version. I am sure you can see why.
Za China Glaze manikir sam koristila lakove iz OMG i Hologlam kolekcija. Od palca ka maliću: Cosmic Dust, GR8, When Stars Collide, OMG A UFO i Strap On Your Moonboots. Pošto su ovo stari holo lakovi, mazala sam ih preko popunjavajuće baze. Holo efekat je umekšan, veoma nežan, a ipak vidljiv. Nažalost, lakovi su počeli da se suše i nisam sigurna kako će podneti razređivač.

I used polishes from OMG and Hologlam collections. From thumb to pinkie, they are: Cosmic Dust, GR8, When Stars Collide, OMG A UFO and Strap On Your Moonboots. Since these are old holo polishes, I applied them over a ridge filler. Holo effect is soft, very gentle, yet visible. Unfortunately, these polishes started to dry and I don't know how they will take the thinner.
Za drugi i definitivni manikir koji sam predstavila forumašicama sam odabrala da uradim holo dugu pa sam morala među svojim holo lakovima da nađem one koji bi se uklapali i po tonu i po efektu. Plavi lak se pokazao kao najnezgodniji jer imam samo tri plava holo laka i morala sam da se upravljam prema njima. Na kraju sam završila sa ovim izborom (isto od palca ka maliću): Jade Vermelho Surreal, Literary Lacquers More Like Fire Than Light, Dance Legend Olive Theory, Born Pretty Holo 12, Darling Diva Ashes Ashes. Ovi se lakovi mažu daleko lakše i deluju sočnije, veselije od China Glaze, što verujem da je priklando s obzirom na sunčano letnje vreme koje imamo ovih nedelja.

For the second and definitive mani, the one that I decided to show to my fellow forum members, I chose to do a holo rainbow, so I had to find a selection of polishes that match in tone and the effect. The blue one was the trickies because I only have three blue holo polishes and I had to take direction from those three. I ended up with this selection (also from thumb to pinkie): Jade Vermelho Surreal, Literary Lacquers More Like Fire Than Light, Dance Legend Olive Theory, Born Pretty Holo 12 and Darling Diva Ashes Ashes. These polishes go on much better and they look juicier, more cheerful than China Glaze, which I think is appropriate for the sunny summery weather we've been having these past weeks.


  1. Holo heaven! I have that Hologlam collection. Some of them have a stronger holo effect than others but not as holo as the OMG series. Not sure how the thinner will react with them? And wow Jade really do great holo and Dance Legend too <3


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