Još jedan lak koji dugo čeka da ga isprobam je Dance Legend Big Bang. Uzela sam ga za rođendan 2015. godine sa Hypnotic Polish sajta, koji više nažalost ne dostavlja za Srbiju. Cela Galaxy kolekcija se još uvek proizvodi i može se nabaviti preko zvaničnog
Dance Legend sajta.
Another polish that has been waiting for a long time to be worn is Dance Legend Big Bang. I got it for birthday in 2015. from Hypnotic Polish. The entire Galaxy collection is still manufacuted and can be ordered from the official Dance Legend website.
Big Bang je multihromatski lak koji se preliva iz ružičasto-bakarne preko zlatne do patinirano zelene i ispunjen je prizmatičnim česticama. U hladu i na indirektnom svetlu dominira ružičasti ton, koji je za moj ukus suviše bled. Na direktnom svetlu dominira bakarna boja i preliv u zlatnu i zelenu, što je neuobičajeno za multihromatske lakove, koji obično svoj pun spektar ne pokazuju na suncu već u senci. Holo čestice samo doprinose lepoti ovog laka na suncu. Lak je prilično redak i bila su mi potrebna 3 sloja za punu boju, ali čak i tada sam imala neka svetlija, neobojena mesta. S druge strane, nije toliko redak da bi mogao da se nosi kao toper.

Big Bang is a pink-copper to gold to patina green multichromatic polish filled with holo particles. In shade and in indirect light the dominant tone is pink, which is too pale for my liking. In direct light, however, the main colour is copper that is shifting to gold and green, which is unusual for multichromatic polishes, which normally don't show their full spectrum in sunlight, but in shade. Holo particles only add to the beauty of this polish in sunlight. The polish is rather thin and it took me 3 coats to get full colour, but even then I had some lighter and bald patches. On the other had, it is not that thin that it can be used as a topper.
Iako deluje slično nekim drugim lakovima koje imam, ispostavilo se da nemam pravu zamenu za ovaj lak. Oni koji imaju ružičastu komponentu nedostaje zlatni deo spektra, a oni koji idu na zlatno nemaju ružičasti ton. Od svega što imam, najsličniji mu je Solar Flare, koji je toper i kome će preliv i intenzitet boje zavisiti od baze preko koje se maže.
Even though it looks similar to some other polishes I have, it turned out I don't have a true dupe for this polish. The ones I have that show pink side don't have the gold end of the spectrum, nad the golden ones are missing the pink. Out of everything I have, SolarFlare is the closest, and that one is a topper whose colour and intensity will depend on the base colour you apply it over.
Sve slike osim treće su snimljene na suncu. Treća slika je snimljena u senci. Imam tri sloja laka i nemam nadlak.
All photos except the third one have been taken in sunlight. The third photo is taken in shade. I have three coats of polish and no top coat.
It looks stunning :-D I have that whole collection :-D
ReplyDeleteI didn't get the blue ones, but it is a good collection.