30 April 2013

Golden Rose Rich Color 44

Prošle nedelje su u Kristabell stigle letnje kolekcije Golden Rose Selective i Rich Color lakova. Selective mi nisu previše interesantni jer su pakovanja za mene prevelika, ali sam sa vrata videla tri Rich Color koja sam i ponela kući. Ovo su moi prvi Rich Color lakovi pa ne mogu reći da li su bolji/gori od starih, ali boje su im svakako vesele i osvežavajuće. Imaju 10,5 ml i široku, pljosnatu, zaobljenu četkicu. Koštaju 120 dinara.


My favourite retailer got summer collections of Golden Rose Selective and Rich Color nail polishes. I'm not interested in Selective polishes because I find them too big, but from the moment I entered the store I noticed three Rich Color polishes that had to come home with me. These are my first Rich Color polishes and I can't compare them to the old ones, but all these new colours are very fresh and cheerful. These polishes come in 10.5 ml bottles and have wide, flat, rounded brush.

28 April 2013

China Glaze Strap On Your Moonboots

Divno vreme me je navelo da sada nosim holo lakove jer tek sada njihova lepota dolazi do izražaja. Ovaj sam nosila čak dva puta tokom proteklih nedelju dana. Prvi put preko vodene baze, ali bez nadlaka, drugi put bez ikakave baze i sa slojem Seche Vite. Velika je razlika između ta dva nošenja. U prvom slučaju mi se sa nokta prvog dana odvalio komad laka. Možda zbog baze, a možda nešto nisam uradila kako treba. S druge strane, bez baze i sa nadlakom mi je stajao puna četiri dana da mi se nije pojavila bela crta na vrhu nokta.

Lovely weather was the reason for my wearing holo polishes these last couple of weeks. They truly come alive in sunlight. I wore this one twice last week. First time over aqua base coat and with no top coat, other time with no base coat and with a layer of Seche Vite top coat. There was a great difference between the two cases. In the first instance a large chunk of polish fell off my nail the same day I painted my nails. Perhaps it was because of the base coat, perhaps I didn't do something right. On the other hand, when I painted bare nails two coats of polish and put a coat of Seche Vite it lasted for four days without so much as white line at the free edge.

26 April 2013

China Glaze Lubu Heels u Lubu manikiru

Lubu Heels i Lubu manikir su mi, za razliku od Louboutin cipela, bili veoma zanimljivi, ali pošto sam za Lubu Heels pročitala više negativnih komentara odustala sam od kupovine i smućkala svoj duplikat. No kako je Šmizla relativno nedavno nabavila ovaj lak i to dobre formule, okušala sam i ja sreću i dobila zaista dobar primerak. Lubu Heels (77064) je deo Lubu Manicure dvojca, a drugu polovinu čini Ruby Pumps. Ne znam da li se i dalje mogu kupiti kao set, ali oba su laka deo stalne postavke i svaki se može kupiti zasebno po ceni od 387 dinara u Alexandar cosmetics i kod njihovih distributera.

China Glaze Lubu Manicure

Unlike Louboutin shoes, I found both Lubu Heels and Lubu manicure very interesting, but after reading so many negative comments about Lubu Heels, I decided to give it a miss and made my own dupe for it. But since Šmizla found one with good formula, I tried my luck and bought myself one. Lubu Heels (77064) is one half of Lubu Manicure duo, the second part being Ruby Pumps. I'm not sure if the set can still be found, but both of these polishes are part of core collection now and can easily be found.

24 April 2013

Jessica u Beogradu


Prošle nedelje je Jessica Vartoughian u saradnji sa kompanijom Aluna, zastupnikom Jessica proizvoda za naše tržište, održala majstorski čas, trodnevni kurs tokom kojeg su 24 kozmetičara iz Srbije, Bosne i Crne Gore imala priliku da se upoznaju sa Jessica sistemom nege noktiju, sa transplantacijom prirodnog nokta, GELeration trajnim lakovima, kao i sa pedikirom na Jessica način. Imala sam zadovoljstvo da me predstavnici Alune pozovu na konferenciju za štampu, ali sam zapravo dobila mnogo više nego što sam očekivala - desetak minuta jedan na jedan sa gospođom Džesikom. Malo je reći da sam bila krajnje nepripremljena za takav obrt događaja te se nadam da mi nećete zameriti što sam propustila da je pitam toliko toga.

Last week Jessica Vartoughian and Aluna company held a three-day master class, where 24 beauticians from Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro had an opportunity to learn about Jessica nail care system, natural nail transplantation, GELeration soak off pollishes, as well as Jessica pedicure system. I had the pleasure to be invited to the press conference by Aluna's representative, but I actually got way more - five-ten minutes with Jessica one on one. I was extremely unprepared for this turn of events and I hope you will forgive me all the things I failed to ask her.

22 April 2013

Don Juan gradijent

Ovaj gradijent sam uradila navrat-nanos jer sam mislila da ću na barem dve nedelje ostati bez foto-aparata, a planirala sam makar nešto da uradim za novo Don Juan takmičenje. Ne očekujem da ću išta osvojiti, samo želim da se igram jer je u pitanju zaista dobra kozmetika na koju vredi skrenuti pažnju. Ukoliko vam se dopada moj manikir, možete mi dati svoj glas/like ovde.

I rather rushed this gradient because I thought I will be left without camera for at least two weeks, and I wanted to do at  least one mani for Don Juan cosmetics competition. I don't expect to win anything, I just want to play because this is really good cosmetics that should be heard of. If you like my mani, you can vote for/like my entry here.

20 April 2013

Essence Multi Dimension 62 Must Have

Must Have je lak koji sasvim opravdava svoje ime. Na žalost, pripada liniji koja se već neko vremene nalazi u prodaji. Vidim da je na mnogim blogovima cela linija hvaljena kako po kvalitetu, tako i po izboru boja. Ja sam uspela da dođem samo do ovog i veoma mi je žao što nemam još neki.

Must Have is a polish that justifies its name. Unfortunately, it comes from a long discontinued line of polishes. I've read on many blogs how great this line of polishes was, both range- and quality-wise. I only have this one and I'm sorry I didn't get any more.

18 April 2013

Keep calm and follow me 2

Sećate se da sam u jednom članku pokrila načine da budete u toku sa mojim pisanijem kada Google Reader bude bio ukinut? Sada sam dodala i Facebook stranu i svi postovi će biti linkovani tamo, možda ubacim i neke dodatne sličice.

You remember how I mentioned in one of my previous posts the ways to keep up to date with my posts once Google Reader is canceled? Now I have a Facebook page too. I shall post links to posts there and maybe I'll upload some extra pics.

16 April 2013

OPI Bond...James Bond

Bond...James Bond (HL D41) je drugi od tri OPI magnetna laka, iz Skyfall kolekcije. Kako nisam ljubitelj zlatne boje, a i nakit koji nosim je srebrn, nije mi bio na listi želja sam po sebi. Magnet je razlog što sam ga uzela. Kada sam ga prvi put videla kod Malog Praseta, zaljubila sam se u šaru. Zbog šare magneta sam željno iščekivala da nam stignu Essie Repstyle lakovi, ali sada više ne marim za njih jer je ovaj magnet savršen.

Bond...James Bond (HL D41)is the second of the three OPI magnetic polishes, from Skyfall collection. The polish itself wasn't on my wish list because I'm not a fan of gold colour and the jewellery I wear is silver. The reason for getting it was the magnet. I fell in love with the design when I saw Malog Prase's swatches. This magnet pattern was why I eagerly expected Eseeie Repstyle polishes to arrive, but I no longer care for them for this magnet is perfect.

14 April 2013

Jessica Casablanca

Casablanca je jedini od tri Jessica laka sa moje liste želja koji sam uspela da nađem na Sajmu kozmetike, preostala dva su iz kolekcija koje nisu više dostipne, ali Casablanka je deo stalne ponude. Uvoznik Jessica lakova je Aluna iz Novog Sada, a sada imaju i predstavništvo u Beogradu, u Yu Biznis Centru (Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 v, lokali 14 i 24). Jessica lakovi ne sadrže formalin, toluen i dibutil ftalat.

Casablanca is the only of three Jessica polishes from my wish list I could find at the Cosmetics fair. The other two are from no longer available limited editions, but Casablanca is part of the core range. Jessica Custom Colours are Formaldehyde, Toluene and DBP-free.

12 April 2013

OPI Morning, Moneypenny

Napokon je na red za mazanje stigao OPI Morning, Moneypenny. Ovo je jedan od svega tri magnetna laka koja je OPI izbacio, a sva tri su deo praznične kolekcije za 2012. koja je bila u znaku filma Skyfall i pedesotogodišnjice filmova o Džejmsu Bondu. Celu kolekciju čini dvanaest lakova nazvanih po različitim 007 filmovima, toper sa ljuspicama osamnaestokaratnog zlata i tri magnetna laka koja nose imena inspirisana likovima iz filma Skyfall. Manipeni sam odmah znala da želim da uzmem jer mi se svideo i lak i šara magneta, a sada na sajmu sam uzela i Bonda (samo zbog magneta i povoljne cene). Silva je jedini koji nisam htela da uzmem (već imam dva slična magnetna laka i gomilu istih magneta), mada bih verovatno i njega kupila da su ga na sajmu imali. Poput drugih OPI lakova, ni ovi ne sadrže DBP, toluen ni formalin. Redovna cena u Prima apotekama je oko 2400 dinara. U Nail Lineu nemaju ove lakove.


It is finally Moneypenny's turn to be worn. This is one of the only three OPI magnetic polishes, and all three are part of 2012. holiday collection that was made in celebration of the 50th anniversary of James Bond films and the release of Skyfall. The whole collection consists of twelve polishes named after 007 films, 18 carat gold topper and three magnetic polishes named after characters from Skyfall. I immediately knew I had to get Moneypenny, because I loved both the shade and the magnet pattern. I got Bond only because of the magnet design (and very reduced price). Silva is the only one I didn't want to buy (I already have two similar polishes and I have many stripy magnets), but I'd probably get that one too if they had it at the cosmetics fair. As with all OPI nail lacquers, these magnetic shades inspired by Skyfall contain no DBP, Toluene, or Formaldehyde, and feature OPI’s exclusive ProWide Brush for the ultimate in application.

10 April 2013

Zoya Valerie

Dočekali smo da nam stignu Zoya lakovi. Uvoznik je Ultra Sun i lakovi su im stigli taman za sajam. Na sajmu su dali neočekivano veliki popust, a redovna cena im je 800 dinara. Nisu još uvek dobili posebne kolekcije, ali očekujemo da stignu u maju. Pošto nisu na sajmu imali Ornate i Pixie Dust lakove, uzela sam samo Valerie i njega vam i predstavljam. Sve informacije o Zoya lakovima i distribuciji u Srbiji možete dobiti na stranici Zoya Nail Polish Srbija. Zoya lakovi ne sadrže toluen, dibutil ftalat, formalin, formalinski rezin, kamfor, sastojke životinjskog porekla i ne testiraju se na životinjama. U ponudi se nalazi preko 300 lakova, a svake godine dodaju po četiri sezonske kolekcije. Nadamo se da će uvoznik redovno nabavljati te kolekcije.


Zoya polishes arrived in Serbia. The importer gave rather a generous discount at the cosmetics fair, and the regular price is almost the same as the price in America, which is great. Seasonal collections (I was mainly interested in Ornate and Pixie Dust) haven't arrived yet so I only got Valerie. Zoya polishes don't contain toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and animal products and are not tested on animals. Their range consists of over 300 polishes + four seasonal collections every year.

08 April 2013

Tamne nitne

Treći set nitni koje sam dobila sa sajta KKCenterHk su hematit-sive polulopte NNAIL-DRN666. Ovo su metalne nitne prečnika 2 mm. Veoma su jednostavne za upotrebu i lako se kombinuju i raspoređuju u različite oblike. Donja površina im je blago udubljena, što ih čini zgodnim za postavljanje na površinu nokta. U pakovanju je oko 50 komada. Mogu se koristiti više puta, što je odlično.

Third set of nail studs I got from KKCenterHk is gunmetal grey round NNAIL-DRN666. These metal studs are 2 mm in diametar. They are very easy to use and can easily be combined and arranged into different shapes. Their lower surface is slightly concave, which is very useful when it comes to placing them on the nail surface. There are about 50 pieces in a pack. They are reusable, which is an upside.

06 April 2013

21. sajam kozmetike Dodir Pariza

Poseta 21. sajmu kozmetike je bila uspešna i brza. Desetak minuta pre otvaranja je već bila gužva pred vratima sajma. Brzo sam obišla štandove koje sam planirala (potrošila sav novac koji sam ponela) i onda sam natenane razgledala čega ima od stvari za prirodne nokte. Orly lakovi su na rasprodaji i koštaju 500 dinara. Magnetic je imao nekoliko setova lakova u ponudi, a svaki lak košta 490 dinara. Akzent lakovi su 390 dinara. Alessandro je predstavio Striplac, Heavy Metal i Thermo Twist lakove. Nadala sam se da ću na štandu Nail System Prima moći da vidim nove lakove koje su uradili u saradnji sa Zoranom, ali čeljade koje sam uspela da upitam (drugi zaposleni na štandu su bili veoma nezainteresovani za mušterije) nije imalo pojma o čemu govorim. Bilo je dosta gelova, opreme za izlivanje i nadogradnju noktiju, kao i dosta ukrasa za nokte, ali to sam sve zaobišla.

04 April 2013

Essence Nail Art Magnetics 8 Love Potion

Spremna sam za sutrašnji tematski petak, a članak objavljujem danas kako bih u subotu čim se budem vratila sa Sajma kozmetike mogla da podnesem izveštaj. Tema za narednu nedelju je bakar/bronza i ovo je jedini takav lak koji imam. Ovo je jedan od tri laka koja je Essence ubacio u ponudu prošlog proleća, a ovog proleća je dva od njih (Love Potion i Wish List Secrets!) izbacio iz ponude. Sva tri sam uzela u DMu i ponegde se još mogu naći po ceni od 129 dinara (baš ovog je bilo više bočica pre neki dan u DMu kod Londona/Beograđanke).


I'm ready for tomorrow's themed Friday, and I publish the post today because on Saturday I want to give you report from Cosmetics Fair as soon as I return from it. This week's theme is copper/bronze and this is the only such polish I have. This is one of three polishes Essence placed on the market as part of their spring 2012. assortment change. I got all three magnetic polishes from this change, but they've withdrawn two of them (Love Potion and Wish List Secrets!) this spring.

02 April 2013

Essence Colour & go 118 Little Miss Sunrise

Little Miss Sunrise je jedan od Essence Colour & go lakova u stalnoj ponudi u DM i Lilly drogerijama. Pakovanje je od 8 ml i košta 219 dinara. Delovao mi je kao odlična kontra ovom zimskom tmurnom i snežnom vremenu. Slike su snimljene na dnevnoj svetlosti. Imam dva sloja laka i nemam nadlak.

Little Miss Sunrise is part of the Essence Colour & go core range. It comes in 8 ml bottle, with wide flat rounded brush. We've been having true murky snowy winter weather these past few days and I thought this polish could be the perfect choice to match it. Photos were taken in daylight. I have two coats of polish and no top coat.
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